Same, really. I liked Wolf a lot, enough to beat mecha-Hitler and laugh at it as a pre-pubescent kid. When Descent came around after, it almost felt...
That's what the mission info file says anyway. Other than that, there are a few custom door handles that now move when the lock is picked (e.g., the...
I actually had a similar idea. Garrett would infiltrate a large dam in order to reach an aristocratic sanctuary that got flooded. He was supposed to...
I've got a friend who's getting his doctorate in computer science. According to him, large language models are useful for creating templates that he...
The idea of the thread was to get non-authors to just share ideas for fun. Offering up ideas for actual fan mission authors to steal was a joke on my...
Well, the jury did reject the rape charge but agreed with the lesser charge of sexual assault so the columnist could be awarded $5 million. She had a...