yep, not bad. the lantern mod got forgotten in the general subforum though.
This is a great idea that is long overdue and the forum now exists: Thief Mods and Utilities. Note that I have only included mods where threads already exist on this site - those where discussions are elsewhere (e.g. moddb) are not included. If they are useful then please start a thread but please take a quick look at the notes in this post so we don't end up with a forum that will be confusing to navigate.
yep, not bad. the lantern mod got forgotten in the general subforum though.
Now moved
Thief Gold 60 FPS Video Pack
Thief 2 30 & 60 FPS Video Pack
I have completed a Thief 3 version at 60 FPS & upscaled to 4K, but I haven't implemented or tested in game yet. Will post in the new subforum once it's done.
Sounds good - the two existing threads have been moved.
just realized people actually can create new random topics in the mods subforum - that will, after some time, defeat the purpose of having all the mods available/listed neatly at one place.
Only if the moderators slack off. Terminate non-conforming topics with extreme prejudice!
Like for example, threads requesting mods as opposed to threads hosting a specific mod.
A bit of pruning doesn't do any harm (that and a couple of other topics have been moved). It was deliberately left open to allow new mod authors to post there but it's understandable that it could be interpreted as a place for requests for modifications. If it looks like that's going to be a major issue then it'll be made more restrictive but for now I'll ask the mod team to keep a bit more of an eye on it.
ok, both T2Fix and TFix now include a proper mod manager, so I think it's time to roll up the sleeves and make Thief mod loading a process tolerable by human beings. meaning, having the mod manger is cool and it certainly makes everything easier, but this will not fly;
lets maybe start with:to install the Sound effects enhancement pack properly, create a SoundUpdate folder in your MODS folder, open the pack with 7zip, open NewT1SFX.7z, extract the SFX folder into a SND folder, and move SND to the MODS/SoundUpdate folder. use the mod manager to enable/disable.
- a sticky in the mods subforum that would list all the (working) mods (again, the main issue here is not that Thief mods don't exist, it's that nobody really knows they exist)
- converting all available mods into a proper format the mod manager can autoload (lets call it the EP format - zip/crf, resources right in the archive with no extra folders, if hybrid T1/T2 mod then T1 specific resources in the Thief1 subfolder)
other ideas? let them flow.
Last edited by voodoo47; 23rd Mar 2024 at 04:31.
almost forgot about this. bump?
Here are a couple of other small mods that have been floating around the mods subforum and lack dedicated threads that could be added to any master list or sticky.
Cancel Goal Types Mod (post)
Remove Objects Mod (post)
Eventually, it may also be helpful to include the filenames of the mod archives themselves in a future mod index or their dedicated threads. The mod manager's search functionality relies on the installed mod's directory name to perform a search, so having search engines be able to index pages matching this would facilitate searches from the manager working more reliably.
and lets maybe try to make it happen before the original suggestion turns 7 years old.
I'm sorry voodoo, I've completely lost touch with this. What are you asking for?
that, pretty much. to clarify, yes, mods are now mostly in the mods and utilities subforum, but it's still not a place where they would be listed neatly, with no other threads interfering. to make it simple, if someone asks for (all) Thief mods, I would like to be able to do what I can do on - one link, there's all your mods, done.
eeh, guess that (mods and utilities subforum) sticky would also do.
Last edited by voodoo47; 6th Nov 2024 at 06:37.
Sounds like a good idea. I've moved and stickied your other post on this (now here: You should be able to update the first post in that thread based on any suggestions made here or in that thread.
thanks - and I think it's kind of done for now? wasn't all that hard, could have done it a few months ago, but oh well, time management, not my strongest suit..
I'm certainly not the first to cast stones for that one![]()
..a few additional suggestions - now that the proper Thief mods sticky exists, maybe the Forum guide should just link that instead of EP2/NecroAge/hdmod. Dark Mod forum post link also very much out of date.
and perhaps it's also time to kill the link to the FAQ, or even the entire FAQ itself - pretty much the only info that is not out of date there is "get the community patchers" and "buy the games on GOG". the rest is almost guaranteed to cause issues if attempted by a regular user, so it's actually an opposite of a fix guide now.
Last edited by voodoo47; 3rd Dec 2024 at 08:18.