More brilliant stuff!
So what's your favourite mission, then?
Maybe we could have competitions for fastest times (or other criteria) and such forth... Entries would be recorded, naturally
Hi Folks,
I created a complete set of savegames for all of the missions in Terra Nova. Also included is a small utility that will allow you to play any mission that you wish "on the fly" - Download the savegame pack and mission selector utility at and read the included text file for installation instructions.
Rich Nagel
More brilliant stuff!
So what's your favourite mission, then?
Maybe we could have competitions for fastest times (or other criteria) and such forth... Entries would be recorded, naturally
Glad ya liked the pack - Call me weird, but my favorite missions are the reconnaissance ones. I love sneaking around [G]. The competition idea is excellent! -
Ah yes... precautionary EM grenades flying out every which way, working your way around the enemy scouts, getting close, zooming your view in for a better look... all good stuff!
I'm going skiing this weekend I'm not sure I'm as hardy as a SFC PBA, and I'm definitely missing the jet pack, so I think I'll keep away from cliff faces and the like.
Blast some pirates for me
Updated URLs for the Mission Selector Utility (the batch file has also been modified to work properly with DOSBox):
P.S. I think that DOSBox has an internal command version of CHOICE.COM that is used by the batch file... not a hundred percent sure though (I have the old CHOICE.COM in a "DOS" directory that's in the "PATH" set statement every time that DOSBox is ran).
If anyone tries to run the batch file and has a problem with CHOICE.COM missing, simply shoot me an email and I'll emial it to ya
Thanks, I couldn't get through mission 30, where you have to deploy your squad to
guard the shuttle then run north and save the trucks. The shuttle always got killed, or
the trucks got killed.
Yer welcome! Glad you found the savegame pack useful
Hehe, I remember when I created the pack; having to replay ALL of the missions again... the first time that I played through the complete game is when I first discovered that you couldn't replay any of the previousl missions at random (unless they were in one of the few savegame slots) LOL!
Thanx for the mission selector !!
Its a pity there aren't more people still messing and fixing/improving this old classic