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Thread: DromEd Basic Toolkit 1.13

  1. #126
    Registered: Sep 2004
    digging through some old stuff, is this still of interest?

  2. #127
    New Member
    Registered: Apr 2020
    I discovered an issue with EditModeAtPlr.cmd.

    It is working by coincidence, because if the last line of a ".cmd" file does not end in a newline, it does not get executed.

    Released version (1.14 Beta4) works:

    set editorcam_from_game\r\nedit_mode\r\nunset editorcam_from_game
    In the released version, editorcam_from_game stays set because the unset line is never called. This can be checked with ifdef editorcam_from_game mprint is_set and ifndef editorcam_from_game mprint not_set.

    Edited version is broken because of the added \r\n at end of file:

    set editorcam_from_game\r\nedit_mode\r\nunset editorcam_from_game\r\n
    When folks edit the file, its functionality will break if a newline is added at the end of file, acting just like EditMode.cmd instead.

    Therefore, EditModeAtPlr.cmd should really just be:

    set editorcam_from_game
    Last edited by Daft Mugi; 16th Jul 2024 at 21:43.

  3. #128
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Location
    So what happens if I open an old mission in the latest tool kit version of DromEd? Does the mission blow up?

    Also, I have the latest took kit installed but when I try to open Dromed a prompt appears and says AngelLoader is running, but it isn't. Then it says to change a line in the Cam_Mod file but I have no idea what to change. Any ideas?
    Last edited by mxleader; 8th Sep 2024 at 23:46.

  4. #129
    In cam_mod.ini you find the line:

    fm_selector C:\AngelLoader\AngelLoader_Stub.dll

    (or similar)

    and you change it to

    fm_selector fmsel.dll

    or most probably the line ";fm_selector fmsel.dll" already exists and you can just put a ; in front of the AngelLoader one and remove the ; from the fmsel one

    Also you could find the line "fm" and change it to ";fm" (that will prevent fmsel from launching when you open DromEd)

    Or, you could make a separate clean Thief install and put DromEd in there, to avoid this whole thing.

    Long-winded explanation:
    AngelLoader has to temporarily modify cam_mod.ini in order to run the game from in-app, and it will remove the modifications when it exits. The message you're seeing is a fallback in case somehow AngelLoader was shut down incorrectly or something and cam_mod.ini did not get changed back. If you copied your Thief folder to a new one while AngelLoader was running, it would cause cam_mod.ini to not be changed back in the new copy because AngelLoader doesn't know about it. Same thing if you made a clean Thief install but just copied cam_mod.ini from your old one while AngelLoader was running. Other than that I don't know any normal situation where this would happen, but I don't know your setup exactly.

  5. #130
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Location
    Thanks for the explanation. Does it make any difference if you open DromEd through AngelLoader or on it's own?

  6. #131
    Opening DromEd through AngelLoader will work, yes. The difference is AngelLoader passes the FM as an argument directly to DromEd.exe, which bypasses any instructions in cam_mod.ini entirely. It can do that because DromEd only needs an FM folder name, whereas the game itself needs information that can only be passed through a dll that the game must load, and it has to look at cam_mod.ini to know the dll to load.
    Last edited by FenPhoenix; 9th Sep 2024 at 17:03.

  7. #132
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Location
    So in the long run setting up DromEd to open without AngelLoader is just fewer steps.

  8. #133

  9. #134
    Registered: Sep 2000
    Location: ZylonBane
    I'd like to propose an addition to the keybinds. When using F8 to teleport to an object, most of the time I have to immediately follow this with tapping F, 2 to level the camera. So why not automate it?
    Voila. I have this command script mapped to Shift-F8. Though I might swap that with F8 for my install since it's quite rare to want to end up with the object's facing. Like for an emitter or something like that.
    Last edited by ZylonBane; 2nd Dec 2024 at 13:55.

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