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Thread: FU95 and Vista

  1. #1
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2006

    FU95 and Vista

    Hallo again,
    Well not surprisingly I can't get FU95 to run on my Vista computer. I can't belive MS finally decided to drop compatibility with Dx 2.0 :-)

    I upgraded my rig with a Dual Core 2 and a XFX 8800GT graphics card. I am runnning dual boot with XP on one partition. FU95 run great on the new hardware with XP but it fails in Vista. I get a messagebox saying "ERROR: Can't open cokres" ???!? No such thing in the installation directory.....

    Any hints is highly appreciated - even though I fail to keep up my optisimism on this one...


  2. #2
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Moscow
    Did you try the compatibility mode?

  3. #3
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by d'Spair View Post
    Did you try the compatibility mode?
    Yes I did, actually all of them....

    The errormessage above was actually not due to Vista. I forgot to edit the cfg file to point to the CDRom location. When I did that, it ran a little longer. I saw the splachscreen and heard the intromusic/theme and then it returned to the windows desktop right before showing the FBO.

    I had a simmilar issue in XP. But with compatibility mode I was able to make it work. In Vista it seems more fail-persistant.

    I did'nt actually expect it to work - but I really wish I could :-)


  4. #4
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Moscow
    Well, I'm afraid I'm of no help here since I never played FU1 (though I have it somewhere on my shelf), but you might also try DOSbox.

    Though I'm afraid it's not a DOS game.

  5. #5
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2006
    Well I got it working with excellent framerates. Not in native Vista though but by use of VMware 6.0.

    I used this VMware link to enable DirectX in the VM and then I was able to make FU95 playable with PPJoyJoy, Saitech Rudder, Saitech Aviator stick, TrackIR and TrackMapper. Now it is even easier to move if I get a new PC since everything is setup in a VM image

    The only "problem" I had was when I created a new VM from scratch in VMware 6.0. Wheter it was 6.0 or the fact that the VM was an XP SP3 I don't know. But when I used a XP SP 2 VM created from my work with VM 5.5 everything worked flawless.

    Well.... information passed on...


  6. #6
    is Best Pony
    Registered: Nov 2002
    Location: The magical land of Equestria
    Excellent work AeroSign! Thanks for sharing this with the community, it is always appreciated.

  7. #7
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Moscow
    Great news, AeroSign!

    Good to hear about this small success in a total war of old gamers versus microsoft.

  8. #8
    Registered: Aug 2008
    Location: behind your second eyelids
    Quote Originally Posted by AeroSign View Post
    Hallo again,
    Well not surprisingly I can't get FU95 to run on my Vista computer. I can't belive MS finally decided to drop compatibility with Dx 2.0 :-)

    I upgraded my rig with a Dual Core 2 and a XFX 8800GT graphics card. I am runnning dual boot with XP on one partition. FU95 run great on the new hardware with XP but it fails in Vista. I get a messagebox saying "ERROR: Can't open cokres" ???!? No such thing in the installation directory.....

    Any hints is highly appreciated - even though I fail to keep up my optisimism on this one...

    Although i'm seriously late for this, i'm gonna say it anyway:
    For what i know, Vysta was a mega fail in microsoft corporation and since Vysta, many users have gone to snow leopards (macs) and so on.
    Vysta has a nice style, but that's really it. Let's hope they won't make the same mistake with Windows 7...

    The bottom like is: Stay with Windows XP SP2 or maybe SP3 or get Linux or Macintosh and everything's going to be like old times, but hey - Old times > New times

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