Did you try the compatibility mode?
Hallo again,
Well not surprisingly I can't get FU95 to run on my Vista computer. I can't belive MS finally decided to drop compatibility with Dx 2.0 :-)
I upgraded my rig with a Dual Core 2 and a XFX 8800GT graphics card. I am runnning dual boot with XP on one partition. FU95 run great on the new hardware with XP but it fails in Vista. I get a messagebox saying "ERROR: Can't open cokres" ???!? No such thing in the installation directory.....
Any hints is highly appreciated - even though I fail to keep up my optisimism on this one...
Did you try the compatibility mode?
Yes I did, actually all of them....
The errormessage above was actually not due to Vista. I forgot to edit the cfg file to point to the CDRom location. When I did that, it ran a little longer. I saw the splachscreen and heard the intromusic/theme and then it returned to the windows desktop right before showing the FBO.
I had a simmilar issue in XP. But with compatibility mode I was able to make it work. In Vista it seems more fail-persistant.
I did'nt actually expect it to work - but I really wish I could :-)
Well, I'm afraid I'm of no help here since I never played FU1 (though I have it somewhere on my shelf), but you might also try DOSbox.
Though I'm afraid it's not a DOS game.
Well I got it working with excellent framerates. Not in native Vista though but by use of VMware 6.0.
I used this VMware link to enable DirectX in the VM and then I was able to make FU95 playable with PPJoyJoy, Saitech Rudder, Saitech Aviator stick, TrackIR and TrackMapper. Now it is even easier to move if I get a new PC since everything is setup in a VM image
The only "problem" I had was when I created a new VM from scratch in VMware 6.0. Wheter it was 6.0 or the fact that the VM was an XP SP3 I don't know. But when I used a XP SP 2 VM created from my work with VM 5.5 everything worked flawless.
Well.... information passed on...
Excellent work AeroSign! Thanks for sharing this with the community, it is always appreciated.
Great news, AeroSign!
Good to hear about this small success in a total war of old gamers versus microsoft.
Although i'm seriously late for this, i'm gonna say it anyway:
For what i know, Vysta was a mega fail in microsoft corporation and since Vysta, many users have gone to snow leopards (macs) and so on.
Vysta has a nice style, but that's really it. Let's hope they won't make the same mistake with Windows 7...
The bottom like is: Stay with Windows XP SP2 or maybe SP3 or get Linux or Macintosh and everything's going to be like old times, but hey - Old times > New times