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Thread: T2X In the Press

  1. #76
    New Member
    Registered: Dec 2006

    If you're fluent in Spanish and got a few minutes to kill...

    ... Here's a review I just wrote for my blog:

    For those who can't speak Spanish, the gist of it is something like "Shadows of the Metal Age kicks ass, some gaming companies could learn a few things from its creators, blah blah blah"

  2. #77
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Siberia, Russia

    If you're fluent in Russian

    Quote Originally Posted by Radcliffe View Post
    ... Here's a review I just wrote for my blog:
    The gist of it is something like "excellent, and qualitative executed expansion pack".

  3. #78
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Siberia, Russia

  4. #79

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