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Thread: OH PUH-LEEEASE !!!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    New Member
    Registered: Dec 2004

    OH PUH-LEEEASE !!!!!!!!!!!

    Dear, Dear, Dear Brem_x,

    I just read something in PDX/Forums- PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE !!!
    Say it IS so!
    There IS to be some more Cassandra content !?!
    IF so, then that validates my hopes! ( I didnt uninstall the Cass. content on my hard drive!)

  2. #2
    Registered: Aug 1999
    Location: Bath, England.
    This thread?

    Sadly, haven't spoken to Jonas for a while. He chatted to us last when we were a bit more optimistic about something being done, but we've since shrugged and moved on.

    There's maps existent, but not enough to be considered near enough to release for a single push to solve it.


  3. #3
    New Member
    Registered: Dec 2004

    ohh, the humanity

    Quote Originally Posted by Brem_X_Jones
    This thread?

    Sadly, haven't spoken to Jonas for a while. He chatted to us last when we were a bit more optimistic about something being done, but we've since shrugged and moved on.

    There's maps existent, but not enough to be considered near enough to release for a single push to solve it.

    Yah, #20

    BOO, HISS, BOO! You ought to have another little talk w/ him! He did'nt say maybe- he said "next episode is very close to done"!!!
    Last edited by MAD DRAGON; 22nd Dec 2004 at 00:20.

  4. #4
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: The North, UK
    Well if he says its nearly done, crumbs he must be right. Maybe we can get him to send us the files?

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