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Thread: News: Dark Messiah levels up with new DLC

  1. #1
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    Registered: Aug 2006

    News: Dark Messiah levels up with new DLC

    New weapons, maps and character classes available for the action-RPG on 360.
    £3.40 will unsheathe new content for Ubisoft's action-RPG Dark Messiah of Might and Magic - Elements from the Xbox Live scabbard.

    Click here to read the full article


  2. #2
    is Best Pony
    Registered: Nov 2002
    Location: The magical land of Equestria
    Paladin and Warlock, eh? Do you think we'll see these in the PC version in due course?

  3. #3
    she/her ⚧
    Registered: Dec 1998
    Location: Lyon
    I've never heard any rumblings about the elements additions being ported back to the PC version.

    I know very little about the xbox additions, other than that Arkane had almost nothing to do with them (consultation on source code issues was the limit I think) which naturally limits my interest in them. As much as I genuinely liked DM, I know that my feelings for the game were colored by who made it.

  4. #4
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: The Plateaux Of Mirror
    The new character classes, Warlock and Paladin, are only accessible for single-player.
    Dark Messiah has character classes?

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