Are you familiar with The Dark Mod?
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic is like a mix between Thief 3, Diablo and Oblivion.
The entire game feels like an homage to Half-Life 2 and Thief.
You can upgrade your skills to become stealthy and such.
First part of my mod is extremely simple: thieverizing the controls (waxds, instead of wasd)
Second part would be adding the blackjack (when Lvl 3 stealth acquiered)
and adding the lightgem
and with the extensive moddability of the source engine, many user-created missions will be possible
I am quite novice with modding and modeling, so it's more of an idea, if someone
else wants to do it first, please do, or join me (aim: kohan69) on the project.
Are you familiar with The Dark Mod?
Are you also familiar with the Dark Messiah of Might and Magic forum here at TTLG?
yes Pyrian, im familiar with it
nope, thanks Strontium Dog!
admin/mod, please move this thread
Update on mod:
To reverse the stealth indicator (all white circle = most visible, no white on crosshair = most stealthy)
do the following
create a textfile in your ...\Dark Messiah of Might and Magic\mm\cfg folder called myset.cfg
add the following line to it:
mm_hud_stealth_reversed 1
save it as myset.cfg (NOT myset.cfg.txt!!)
edit/add a desktop shortcut of your game, edit it (right click, properties)
change the target to:
"....wherever it's installed.......\Dark Messiah of Might and Magic\mm.exe" +exec myset.cfg
The WAXDS scheme is impractical since strafing (A, D) makes noise. So while S may be sneak, A and D will be making regualr noise unless sneak shift is on.
If you still would like, change your config.cfg file to:
First make sure these keys are unbound!
bind "s" "+forward;+speed"
bind "a" "+moveleft;-speed"
bind "d" "+moveright;-speed"
bind "x" "+back;-speed"
bind "w" "+forward;-speed"
+speed means sneak, so if you always wan to sneak on strafing change them to
bind "a" "+moveleft;+speed"
bind "d" "+moveright;+speed"
The -speed is required because if the settings are just
bind "s" "+forward;+speed"
bind "a" "+moveleft"
bind "d" "+moveright"
bind "x" "+back"
bind "w" "+forward"
Then after pressing s, the player will always sneak, and sprint won't work.
Last edited by KoHaN69; 17th Nov 2006 at 01:41.
Have you found any way to change the location of the "light gem"
Not yet, but these commands are diffinetly involved:
mm_stealth_almost_invisible : 0 : , "sv" :
mm_stealth_alost_visible : 0 : , "sv" :
mm_stealth_average_visibility : 0 : , "sv" :
mm_stealth_drawrays : 0 : :
mm_stealth_interpolation_speed : 25 : , "cl" :
mm_stealth_invisible : 0 : , "sv" :
mm_stealth_map_specific_hdr_level_to_enable : 1 : , "cl" :
mm_stealth_maxlightmapvalueforlighting : 0 : :
mm_sealth_mode : 0 : , "cl" :
mm_stealth_overridevalue : -1 : , "cl" :
mm_stealth_raylength : 80 : :
mm_stealth_recurse : 0 : :
mm_stealth_rgbmode : 0 : , "cl" :
mm_stealth_uselightmapvalueforlighting : 1 : :
I need to add the gem to the hud and not render the crosshair indicator.
Should I use the Thief1/2 or Thief3 gem?
Where can I find hires lightgem textures?
Have you perhaps found a way how to alter the Dark vision on your travel through the configs? I find this one the most disgusting nightvision ever used in a game. I'd prefer a version without color tint... (I tweaked mine in thief 3 the same way, but I am not too familiar with source. )
EDIT: I just checked the whole mm_*-settings and couldn't find anything referring to the darkvision? Could it be that the colortint of the darkvision is realized texture-wise?
Last edited by STiFU; 18th Nov 2006 at 11:56.
Didn't experience any problems with Dark Messiah so far. Everything is running as it should here. The only "bugs" I discovered, were some places that you should not climb on normally. And there were objects that were only textured from one side and stuff like that. For example the balcony before you enter the warehouse where you get the crystal.
Hmn but that brightness thing is actually a good idea. Though i could imagine that it would be veeeery bright that way...
Slight spoiler warning (item, weapons, nothing about plot though)
NPC slip on Oil jars (like ice-arrow)
NPC should NOT know location of player if hit by projectile or charmed, add a "searching" algorithm to ai script.
NPCs should NOT see a corpse if the player's light meter in the corpse's location = 0
Flies should not arrvie 5 seconds after NPC is killed
If health=full no use food/potion
Disable the message "Congrrts discovered secret area", or at least kill that chime. I get it every 5-10 minutes
Add blackjack, blackjacking and sleeping behavior to NPC
Change the hud system!
add lightgem,
weapon/items/spells assigned to ANY key, not just 1-9
Add mission statistics
Add currency system for weapons and items.
Add "shops" in strategic parts of game or beginning of level/map (good use of loading screen) give player ability to buy/sell/trade weapons and items (except quest-specific items or spells)
That's my list so far. Don't count on me to do it though
there are some good things here. I am playing the non-multiplayer install, I heard that stutters less. Also I went to to assist in my occasional stutter. So far I don't really have any now. Tweakguides also helped me with some other settings that are in the video category.
I have these in my custom cfg for stuttering:
mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware 1
cl_forcepreload 1
sv_forcepreload 1
r_fastzreject 1
cl_smooth 0
I added this to my shortcut '-novid +map_background none +exec autoexec.cfg' to speed up the intro.
I've also tried:
alias sneakon "+speed; bind ALT sneakoff"
alias sneakoff "-speed; bind ALT sneakon"
bind ALT sneakon
... for a toggle-type of sneak. Maybe I'll toggle the running as well.
Also I added turning left and right, cause I like to drink my beer while i walk around. (also the mouse is inherently evil, and I don't like to always use it)
bind "a" "+left"
bind "d" "+right"
(my strafe is z and c).
All I need now is to get rid of the body being displayed ingame. I think that would assist with some things also.
Now if I could just get the look up and look down bound to a page up and down key, I'd be all set. (i tried bind "PGDN" "+lookdown" bind "PGUP" "+lookup" but it doesn't seem to work).
EDIT: and of course
alias crouchon "+duck; bind v crouchoff"
alias crouchoff "-duck; bind v crouchon"
bind v crouchon
for the toggle crouch (another thread... thanks guys)
Last edited by z-vap; 16th Jun 2007 at 13:11.
Sweet,I always love Stealthy games and have played All 3 parts of Thief and love it.
Is this mod still in progress?
Dark Messiah was great for a Thief player but it didn't have much locked doors or treasure cheats once you get the skills to do it,and sadly the game was a bit to fast and needed more City levels.
Look i am confused...
is SD Strotinum Dog?
He's the poster formerly known as Strontium Dog. Obviously upset at Rebellion's take-over of 2000AD, he moved away from the more overt reference to his current minimalist style.
Or he got bored of the name.
thanks for clarifying the typo (oh - and for the info too)
are you still working on this?
I think it sounds very interesting
No, I'm not.
I was expecting some kind of SDK release or cross-compatability with SourceSDK, but that did not happen.
Pity, I've always thought that Dark Messiah had excellent potential as a thief game. Either that or Assassin's Creed, possibly.