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Thread: What would you like to see on the website

  1. #1

    What would you like to see on the website


    Just an open question - what sort of information would you like to see on a mod website. And, more specifically, our website.



  2. #2

    The Top Secret organisation is, of course, the staple of any conspiracy based story.

    But I guess I'd like to know more about the surrounding world - are we talking the end of Deus Ex, or a totally different future setting? Who funds the organisation? How much of Deus Ex will be kept (ie the storyline, the models, the 'world')? etc etc.

    If it doesn't give away too much that is.

  3. #3

    I suppose we have been slightly vague about that. The 'world overview one' on the recon page does give some idea.

    I dont think i'm giving anything away to say that our world is not explicitly related to the Deus Ex world in any way, although there are many similar themes. It is also set much closer to the present day than Deus Ex.

    The Narcissus Entity

  4. #4

    Unfortunately that description could be any of the last 50 years, or perhaps a viable description of the world in the next 100.

    Are we allowed to know what the Cassandra Project is set up to do? Or is that integral to plot development?

    Not wanting to spoil the surprise, but interested in how it'll turn out.


  5. #5

    Well I think its already in the public domain that The Cassandra Project is dedicated to 'peeling back the wallpaper of history and examing the mould', and the game will be set in 'the day after tommorow' and 'a world which could be our own'.

    Those soundbites courtesy of the man Gillen. I'm not sure of our precise informational hygiene procedure at the moment so I cant really elaborate. When he gets back from jaunting I'll try and establish from kieron what people are supposed to know and what they arent.

    The Narcissus Entity

  6. #6

    I agree with owen.

    There's two ways you can go with a mod_site:

    The "beta x.xx will contain re-worked textures and R0d_h0T has cleaned up the polygon counts on cp_dildoexplosion...", type site.


    The Mythos type site where the content is entirely geared towards supporting the narrative (which is clearly where you're going), but atm the surrounding world bit (not necessarily just as it relates to the in-game events) is a bit thin on the ground (though obviously it's very early days).

    Arse, I could have saved a bunch of time by just saying "it's going the right way, just expand the current content apace"

  7. #7


    Erk! I answered half the questions here in the "Welcome" thread.

    However, to reiterate quickly, the World of Cassandra, on the surface, looks identical to ours. Scratch, and it's all different.

    They'll be more stuff on the site soon. Our concept artist is beginning to have stuff that's showable - in fact one of them may turn out to be a desktop if anyone's interested. Equally, some more weapons may make a showing. Diary entries should pop up - I found a couple I wrote on my hard-drive today, and will tart them up to proper status.

    Oh - and thanks for your feedback.


  8. #8

    Hi, my first post here in Cassandra forum.

    Mostly I would like to see the usual media stuff such as screens, music, videos, wallpapers.

    Also daily updated news section and inteviews(!) are welcome.

    I'm really looking forward this mod.

    -Designer, The Circle of Stone and Shadow

  9. #9

    Hey btw, do you have any kind of schedule yet?

    You see, after getting CoSaS ready I probably would like to continue making mods. We are trying to pull CoSaS ready asap and the next summer is possible as a release date. Just if you still need any designers...

    I have very little experience of UnrealED, but I'm fast to learn.

    -Designer, The Circle of Stone and Shadow

  10. #10


    Is that the coming summer? Well, hopefully (Crosses fingers and sacrifices cow to evil Gods) we'll have already had our first part out by then.


    However due to it's episodic structure, we'll be looking for more level designers then in all probability - the next one will probably be a little more ambitious in terms of architecture. And if you've mastered DromEd, you'll be fine with Unreal Ed. I've tried both, and DromEd is really much trickier.

    Looking forward to the Circle, btw. I need my Thief itch scratched /bad/.

    Re: Content. More stuff along those lines soon. Interviews... well, I've had a few ideas based around doing interviews in the voice of the characters, which could be fun...


  11. #11
    I'd like to see less douchebags on the website.

  12. #12
    Registered: Oct 2000
    Location: Massachusetts
    10 year necro post for that? Really?

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