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Thread: My Official Preview's Been Posted

  1. #51
    Registered: Jan 2000
    Location: Austin, Texas

    I think the preview was well done. It gives me a better idea what to expect and what not too. On some of these controversial things like loot glint and the arrow tracers etc, etc I don't really think they will be a problem for me in the grand scheme but will know when I play the game. And play it a couple of times too so things can sink in. I am hoping and expect that if the gameplay/stealth is terriffic and the story fine as well that this stuff will go right on by. No doubt it will. I sure would like to have my cake and eat it too but...I am a realist on that.

    Like the arrow tracer I have seen in the vids, it would not be my personal choice to have it. But don't think I will hate the whole game by any means because of it. But if the game sucks....well...all bets are off. But lets face it, this game is not going to stink, it just isn't. Oh it might stink for the fervent nit picker, and it might stink for the complete complainer. Heck if the game was perfect in all respects some would still complain because they have nothing to complain about. Itsa fact.

    Anyone remember the complaints way back about some things in Thief DP? I sure do and we all love the game now. Anyone remember the gripes when T2 came out? Anyone who hated or still hates mechs, anyone have cons on the orb or any of the rest? I remember tons of things brought up. Seems most still love the games bacause as a whole they are great.

    Personally I am going to let the Thief Deadly Shadows speak for itself. And I already know it is going to be...a really fine game............cuz two guys told me over dinner. And I believe them both, except for the guy with the beard that he was stroking while smirking and selling me lying Thief 3 propaganda and knowing that we are all so wrapped up in the info about this game that we are completely missing his sinister plans for World Domination carried out through TTLG itself. And I also trust the guy who at this very moment has his hand on the power cord to the server that this fantasy world exists in. And if the game really stinks he only has to pull slightly so the plug will come out of the wall and the entire TTLG universe as we know it will simply cease to exist as if it never was. Nary a complaint or gripe or nit pick to be ever posted again. Left to stew in our own minds with no outlet for our thoughts except complete insanity. Deal with it!

    Yes, I trust them both completely. Just not the scoundrels within! Who were those guys really? Stay tuned for more late breaking BS.

    And quit yur belly akin!

    Enjoyed the conversation and dinner guys, my thanks!
    Last edited by Sneak; 18th May 2004 at 18:23.
    Just Sneakin Through!

  2. #52
    Moderator and Priest
    Registered: Mar 2002
    Location: Dinosaur Ladies of the Night
    Originally posted by Sneak
    Heck if the game was perfect in all respects some would still complain because they have nothing to complain about. Itsa fact.
    There's a definate basis in truth to that. If you head over to the ISA forums you'll find that since they've exausted their options with all the constant bitching about the game they've now turned to bitching about the syntax and grammar of all the various previews and reviews that have been popping up recently to fill the void.

    It's funny and tragic all at the same time...I swear that some of these people wouldn't be able to breathe unless a gripe accompanied each breath.
    Last edited by Renzatic; 18th May 2004 at 12:18.

  3. #53
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: LM's Dungeon
    I don't know about some of you, I have stopped reading. Stopped reading about the bitching, the complaining, the good and the bad, yeah I still do, just not as much. The game is set for release soon, I just want to play the game. I have had my share, I have had my fill, now I just wanna play.

    When it is released, and we are all playing, *then* let the discussion's commence.

    Don't get me wrong, good job by Dan, now I just wanna play.
    Last edited by BrokenArts; 18th May 2004 at 12:28.

  4. #54
    Registered: May 2004
    Am I the only one who thinks the arrow trails really aren't that bad? When I first heard about them, I imagined a bright blue polygonal arch lighting up the entire path of the arrows, kind of like Quake II's railgun but more obtrusive and less appropriate. I'd rather not have them at all, of course, but I really don't think they're that bad.

  5. #55
    Registered: Jan 2000
    Location: Austin, Texas
    Originally posted by Mentalepsy
    Am I the only one who thinks the arrow trails really aren't that bad?
    No, you aren't the only one. The truth of the matter is that it doesn't really bother me either. I guess if I single out any of the many items that are and have been griped about and look at that ONE item, I could say, "I don't particularly like that!" But as part of a whole package and a whole game, this stuff probably is going to mean little to me.
    Just Sneakin Through!

  6. #56
    Registered: Dec 2002
    Location: Dayport
    on expert, you are not allowed to kill non-combatants.
    Surely this is a mistake in writing? It means "humanoids", not just "non-combatants", right? I find it hard to believe that one can suddenly start killing dozens upon dozens of guards at will suddenly, at the hardest setting. Making the blackjack pointless, and a lot of sneaking, too.

    Otherwise, I spotted some places where you confused the words "then" and "than"

    I am really really digging this new camera attached to the head. So sick of seeing no legs when looking down. Hitman 2-3 did it right there too, installing a first person perspective with a body to go. And operation flashpoint. Yum.

    The new Blackjack
    I agree with the shortened range, somewhat. Rather, I would like us to have to aim a bit better. I disagree with the automatic raising of the hand. That is just plain unecessary and might cause lag if you look away from a target whilst moving the mouse around quickly, making Garrett lower the arm then raising it again.

    The reason is to let us know when in range, but that is something we should learn from experience, I think (making it more challenging). On/off feature in future patch, please.

    They do not update as you play, nor do they show your location, or mark where you’ve been, or allow you to post notes. Another sad loss,
    I don't think this is a loss at all. Makes it more real. More fun and challenging to read the maps (like in Thief Gold). Could be an on-off feature, but I*d always leave mine off. I want to read my map, not have Garrett do it for me. The lack of being able to write notes is, however, a real loss.

    Infinite range loot-glint I cannot agree with. I hope it can be adjusted to active at certain ranges. Or be toned down so it glints a tiny bit once every 10 seconds or so, if you look hard around a room.

    Arrow streaks
    I don't agree with the streaks from the arrows - in fact, I liked Thief 1-2 so much because most things were so extremely realistic, including the combat and how arrows stuck into wood panels, etc.
    Last edited by Mikko; 18th May 2004 at 13:22.
    My artwork can be seen at:

    I have plans to soon include some Thief Fan-art. Yum.

  7. #57
    Sorry if this has been answered, but is the mechanical eye gone, and/or is it aluded to in the plot?

  8. #58
    Registered: Sep 2000
    Location: ZylonBane
    Zooming mechanical eye is still in.
    "Look at you, hacker, a pathetic creature who smells of elderberries. Now leave, insect, or I shall taunt you a second time."

  9. #59
    Registered: Jul 2002
    Location: Helsinki, Finland
    just check the screenshots for the xbox-green eye

  10. #60
    Registered: Jan 2000
    Location: Austin, Texas
    Originally posted by Renzatic
    There's a definate basis in truth to that. If you head over to the ISA forums you'll find that since they've exausted their options with all the constant bitching about the game they've now turned to bitching about the syntax and grammar of all the various previews and reviews that have been popping up recently to fill the void.

    It's funny and tragic all at the same time...I swear that some of these people wouldn't be able to breathe unless a gripe accompanied each breath.
    That is funny and tragic. Mostly Tragic. I think some of them just need to turn off the comp for a bit and go outside and play!
    Just Sneakin Through!

  11. #61
    Registered: Jun 1999
    Location: Procrastination, Australia
    Originally posted by Renzatic
    If you head over to the ISA forums you'll find that since they've exausted their options with all the constant bitching about the game they've now turned to bitching about the syntax and grammar of all the various previews and reviews that have been popping up recently to fill the void.

    It's funny and tragic all at the same time...I swear that some of these people wouldn't be able to breathe unless a gripe accompanied each breath.
    Heh. That wasn't the naysayers you usually scorn. That was some new, stranger beast grown to oppose the opponents of "dumbing down", thus demanding it everywhere.
    A terrifying sight to behold.

  12. #62
    Originally posted by Muzman
    See now, <a href="" target=_blank>that's</a> a fucking screenshot right there.
    As is <a href="" target=_blank>this</a>.

  13. #63
    Registered: Apr 1999
    Location: Portland, OR USA
    Originally posted by deadman
    At least we'll be able to take out two of the other immersion-breakers if we choose: loot glint and arrow streaks (read the post Faceless started at ISA forums for instructions).
    Hi! Would you mind duplicating the information here or at least sharing a link to the instructions? I don't want to go to the ISA forums any more than necessary :P

    Your mileage may vary

  14. #64
    Registered: May 2003
    Location: The Nation's Bowels
    Wonderfully crafted report! I can't wait for my pre-order to ship

  15. #65
    Registered: Jun 2002
    I have a question -- is it possible to ghost with the new AI? It seems that since guards notice as much as missing loot, ghosting would be rather difficult, if not altogether impossible... especially on expert, where you usually have to get a lot of loot.

  16. #66
    Moderator and Priest
    Registered: Mar 2002
    Location: Dinosaur Ladies of the Night
    I think that the defintion of ghosting will have to be changed a bit, but it's still possible for Garrett himself to slip by undetected. He'll just leave a few little clues behind in his wake.

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