thanks logan, ive got more t3 mission than i i know what to do with , fab!
Russian FM final release
Name: the Walk
Author: Serge;
Game: Thief3 Deadly Shadows;
Version: 1.0
Language: Russian; English;
Size: 26MB
Downlad: here
GL1.2 compatible.
Screenshots available
Last edited by Logan; 30th Sep 2005 at 15:23.
Omikron Game - all about Quantic Dream projects
thanks logan, ive got more t3 mission than i i know what to do with , fab!
Good stuff taffer .![]()
I do like this FM, its got the right kind of atmosphere in it, the fog, the small area of city and excellent attention to detail.
I haven't played the final release version just yet (just the previous beta) as I am beta testing another T3 FM...but I will do very soon.
Also I like the GarrettLoader title imageI couldn't have done better myself
Well thank you Serge for a very pleasant walk round the block. Lots to collect and great fun to do.![]()
Is there some reason the mission file contains the entire T3 executable? I wanted to add this to but I don't think it's proper to include the game executable in a mission.
I think its added for those people that want to try and install manually. I don't think it should be though as its excess baggage. You could remove the T3MAIN.EXE and the T3.EXE with no problems (T3.EXE isn't required as the original one works fine...just takes a few seconds longer to load up though). T3MAIN.EXE is available from my site and will be available in the all in 1 GarrettLoader release out soon.
I'm not sure... but it was problems without it during testing. Thought I think there problem with people who were too lazy to patch Game by t3.exe editor version. I checked executable for possible viruses by AVAST TECHNOLOGY antivirus, and this version uses for downloading from our filearchive. No problem noticed.Is there some reason the mission file contains the entire T3 executable?
Until GL support automatic checking and downloading correct version I think t3.exe must be included.
By my mind it's not problem after GL next release to repack one archive as thiefmissions hosted on your machine. Or repacked version can be founded here.
YOu forget that's it's first multilingual version for Thief3. Our version may be different for correct translation. Thought it's from standart t3 editor. Serge says it must be.
Omikron Game - all about Quantic Dream projects
Very nice mission! It's so great to see T3 missions coming out. I'm still searching for about 7% of the total loot but hopefully, I'll find it. Thanks!![]()
Nice and good, but short.
Nice mission.. was able to find all the loot in the mission. I just hope that missions become much bigger in time. It left me wanting alot more.![]()
Ravenus1, it did for me as well, I have been thinking of working out some way for GL to add multiple missions into 1. For example starting with a mini city area (very small no AI and a series of passageways and doors only, no loot) that is a base mission. Then any FM in a series will be able to simply have an updated starting city and the next FM ibt file and a flag file for GL and it would simply install the original misison in the series, then patch it with the next missions ibt. This would mean you could play the first mission and straight onto the second through the mini city.
However this could get deadly complicated and even more confusion than there already is though...but would mean smaller downloads and an ever expanding level (kind of like an episodic game where by you downlaod the next chapter and its added to what you already have).
So I downloaded it again and the zip file still has the T3 executable. If someone tells me exactly which files I can remove, I will repack the archive on my end. But I'd prefer to download a tested archive from someone else, as I can't test it right now.
epithumia, just remove the exe's, it will knock about 2-3 mb off.
t3.exe need for those people who not use GL. cause using without this version of t3.exe there no objectives shows in russian version. It simply unzip mission it's okey.
epithumia I think you can remove t3.exe, cause I believe most of downloaders will be non russian speaking.And I host a version with t3.exe at russian fileserver until AllInOne GL release.
Thing is from what I can tell, T3.exe is more just a launcher for T3MAIN.EXE, T3.EXE does the disc checking and security stuff, where as T3MAIN.EXE does the actuall loading of the FMs. Although T3.EXE may have some language settings in it that are passed to T3MAIN.EXE. Have you tried with just the editor version of T3MAIN.EXE and the shipped version of T3.EXE (its what my setup is currently which works for a UK setup).
I can't answer at now, cause I haven't fresh install of Thief3. May be you right. We have a NoCD (razor911) patch version of t3.exe. Our miltilingual lancher works right with this version.
Ah I think that the T3.exe in the editor is actually a no cd one, although I have not tired it myself.
Help please - I can´t download this FM. Whenever I try it, the download stops after about 25 % percent donloading volume. I never experienced such an error and it seems as if I´m the only one with this problem.
Can anyone help?
I'm not sure if this is mission specific, but I just tried to run this particular mission and recieved a run time error: permisson denied:72. Then, when I tried again I had a "Run-time error '_2147417848(80010108)':
Automation error
The object invoked has disconnected from its clients."
Any suggestions?
Are you using the latest version of GarrettLoader? (1.12 I think) I used to get this all the time with the older version, but the new one works fine.
Yes version 1.02 had that issue when it was installing FMs.
Version 1.12 is the latest and only one that currently works with T3 FMs correctly.
03/Sept/06 GarrettLoader 1.41 GL is an alternative for Darkloader and also plays SS2,Doom 3 & T3 FMs + support for HL 1 & 2,NWN,etc
GL Tutorials Posted by Florian
Two links... on different sites. if it stops may be some sort of other problem?
Yes it continues to stop - but only on the russian site...
The other link I made to (it's a zip file). Just wait for a 45 seconds. It's international free file archive. May be you use strange proxy? or under administrator permission on downloadable size?
Hm is it seems to me epithumia want to host this mission? Or may be I need a request, or i forgot to answer in annoticed question... Hm strange...
Thought I think this FM will be available at thiefmissions in.. several days. Just wait. If the problem wont's go on.
For a wile. Serge become works on the second mission. (First was the Walk).
At the end it's a FM mission PACK consists of 4-5 missions. Part of history and books taken from our not published yet book about Garrett Master Thief.