Yup, i have version 1.0
Downloading now version 1.1, will tell you if the problem solves, thanks Potterr.
Actually, i think it has been happening only lately with lord raven mission, i'll look at the version, thanks.
The game kept crashing with all FM, but i'm fairly sure it was graphic driver issue.
I can't really tell.
Yup, i have version 1.0
Downloading now version 1.1, will tell you if the problem solves, thanks Potterr.
With version 1.1 of Lord Ravcen Mansion the problem has disappeared.
So am I not going to be able to play FMs anymore?
Has no one any ideas about my problem apart form reinstalling (which I don't want to do)?![]()
I have no idea about the reason for the issue unless there is a missing file or an extra file in your T3 install. I am currently working on a scanner tool (to be built into GL but as a separate test to begin with) that will list your T3 install files (dates, sizes, locations, etc) and compare them to a predefined list (i.e. my install). The first release of this will not fix anything and will simply say what's there and possibly whats not there, but will give me something to work with.Originally Posted by Subjective Effect
It will be a few days.
Would it be possible to integrate Thief3Launcher functionality into GL? I entered path to editor executable in GL's configuration window, but I still can't seem to start T3ed via GL (the "T3Ed" button is inactive). Every time I use Thief3Launcher to start the editor, I need to use it at least once to start the game. Otherwise I get crashes just like the ones Subjective Effect described. It's not a big problem, but it's a little inconvenient in a scary way. When it happened first time I thought I had damaged something somehow and would need to reinstall everything.
Zillameth, yes the T3Ed is not supported in GL yet (one thing I didn't do as Thief3 Launcher was around). However I can integrate the functionality into GL quite easily and will aim to get it done for teh next release (same with the Dark Mod editor).
One thing is that with version 2 of T3 Launcher you can add it into GL's plugin toolset to start up when you start T3. Add it as a tool with a CMD line of /reset and for GL not to wait for it to finish before loading the game. This will cause T3 Launcher to startup reset the registry to the game install and close itself (works perfectly). This means that you can use the T3 Launcher to launch the editor for the time being but not need to start the game with it to reset the registry asn GL will ask it to do that for it.
Thanks so much potterr. I'll wait patiently thenOriginally Posted by potterr
Any news?![]()
Sorry SE, I have had no time over the past week to do anything, I will package up what I have done though and PM you a link to it, that way I can at least have a look at your files and compare them to mine via my PC. It will also give me something to work with.
EDIT: PM'd you the link to a test exe, give it a go and send me the result.![]()
Last edited by potterr; 7th Nov 2005 at 15:51.
can you please PM me the test exe? I have the same problem here.
AMN, check your PM's
if i want to start a mission, in the briefing when i click on start mission i get this: no strings found in special vintage
i've updated t3 and then downloaded garretloader
did i forgot something to download or to change??
I'm just posting here, rather than just PMing you potterr, so that people know in future what issue I had.
I had more than one FM installed at once (discovered with potterr's GL diagnostic tool which isn't on public release atm I don't think). I think it was due to switching GL versions between installs but I don't really know.
Anyway, I uninstalled and reinstalled Thief 3 and it's all fine with GL 1.23 now.
Thanks potterr.
Now I have to alter my ini settings for lightgem and object size and setting walk to default.![]()
I would like to let you know that I have encountered this error, runtime 70, permission denied, ever since I started using GarrettLoader (last two or three versions).
I have tried on both WinXP SP1 and SP2.
The error occurs while GL is trying to unzip T3 FMs into the T3 folder. It manages to backup original saved games and thats all. I *am* able to play the FMs by manually unzipping them into the T3 folder but this is, needless to say, inconvenient.
I have noted at least one other taffer with the same problem (can't remember where I saw this).
I'm logged in as admin, I've tried to change the folder's attributes to not read only, but this option remains greyed in the properties of the T3 folder. This is apparently a WinXP design thing, there are some fixes posted here and there on the net involving registry editing and using the attrib command from the cmd prompt. I wasn't succesful. I am running T3 off a FAT32 partition, I'm not sure if that affects permissions etc.
Anyway, just bringing it up, in hopes of a fix at a later stage (unless someone knows what I can do to sort it).
Cheers and thanks for all the good work
not having XP I am unable to determine where this would occur. However I have a distinct feeling that it is when it is deleting the saved games (after it has backed them up so that they do not appear in the FM). I am presuming that these are kept in you documents and settings folder still?
Could you send me the debug.log file that is created as this would be a good indication of where the issue occurs.
You've just put your finger on it. I have my saves inside my thief3 folder, in a folder called SaveGames.
This is exactly where the problem arises. The problem does not occur if the saves folder is in the original My Documents location. This happened even if I let GarrettLoader move the save folder when it prompts me. I tried putting the saves folder elsewhere outside the thief3 folder, but I had some crashes. I'm not sure if this relates to this issue or not - it could relate to the editor's t3main.exe which seems to me a tid bit unstable.
One more thing I noted when playing around, is that on a couple of occasions GarrettLoader, *or maybe* the editor version of t3main.exe, managed to wipe my *entire* thief3 folder. Then again maybe I'm just plain unlucky.
At the moment I think I'll play with my saves in the my documents folder until a fix maybe available.
I haven't caught a debug.log that happened when the error 70 was given, now that you've fixed that for me. If you still need it let me know, I am a bit weary of going back and messing with things.
A couple of people have had similar problems on XP, I'm wondering if it has anything to do with service pack 2.
I think I will do a bit of an adjustment to the option to move the saves, this should resolve the problem on XP PCs.
XP SP2 here, but I don't move the saves. Is there any reason to? I can't say I'm too fond of having a bunch of save game directories in my docs folder (one for each game I have installed, I mean), but it does make sense in terms of the permissions and for shared PCs.
The main reason I try not to keep personal files on my C drive, which I try to reserve for a windows installation and not much else, is that in the event of a system meltdown, I have my saves, documents, photos, mp3s, etc etc in other places; the paths of which make sense to me... and I can reformat the C drive easily without losing important information. I can also pick up my physical HDD and plug into nearly any other system to use because other than my winXP partition which is NTFS, I use FAT32.
I also like the tidiness of having each games saves in its own folder, I often backup whole directories and registry settings for games onto DVD, which means I can migrate my game to another machine easily. It works for the most part although some games are a bit finicky.
To each their own![]()
I'm with you on that one S Bodi, I try and keep my C drive for installs, although big things like Visual Studio .net (3GB) are on my D drive and so are my games. I keep data files on F,G and FMs on J (200GB split across 5 drives). Bit excessive some may say but I have had loads of trouble with various things in the past (faulty memory causing random PC crashes which then knackered up windows on more than 1 occasion, etc), that I found it best to not only backup to DVD but split stuff across multiple drives.
Anyway back to the problem in hand. Just so that I am right in this, it fails when the save games are in the T3 game folder? Was that a manual move or via GL.
Did you also adjust the registry to match the change ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ion Storm\Thief - Deadly Shadows\SaveGamePath ) (access by doing START - RUN type REGEDIT and press enter....CAUTION don't fiddle about with much in it as it is soooooo easy to muck up your PC.
When I've successfully installed T3 and Garrettloader and have set the fan mission locations. However, when I try to select any fan mission (for either T2 or T3) the following error message shows up: "Run-time error '429' Active X Component can't create object" and Garrettloader crashes. I believe I've followed the install instructions, but it's possible I missed something. Any help would be appreciated.
Have a look at the wiki here:
This seems to be an error due to ADO (activeX Database Object), in that some of the files used in it are corrupt (GL merely uses the object rather than puts it on the PC).
Thanks for the response potterr. I tried that utility, however it appears there is some sort of code which checks whether or not the tax software is on the computer before it finishes, so it didn't work. I checked Microsoft's site and they had a utility to check the MDAC and it appeared fine. I also downloaded another utility which "re-registered" the MDAC files. Lastly I tried reinstalling the MDAC files from windows. All of this was after uninstalling and reinstalling thief 3 and GL. Still, after all of these steps, no success. One thing I noticed after reinstalling GL, however, was that after setting up the thief and fan mission directories, the error message popped up, "Runtime error 91, Object Variable or with block variable not set". This only occurs once and crashes GL. Then when trying to highlight any mission, the 429 GL crash still occurs. If you, or anyone, can think of anything else to try, I would appreciate it. I have no talent for this and don't even know where to begin to look. Thanks in advance.
Runtime error 91 is a known one and was an oversite on my part (basically it is caused when you move your mouse over the FM lists while saving the settings for the first time (just after clicking save). GL does a form check when the mouse moves to see which form is the active window, however during the save process there is no active window and so the error occurs. This is fixed in the next version, but is nothing to worry about in the current version as everything should have been saved and completely processed.
However the 429 error fix worked on several peoples PCs that I am aware of, but I don't really know what the actuall error is.
Can you send me the debug.log file that is created in the garrettloader program folder. Also I will have a look around for some more info about error 429.