I downloaded this and restarted the computer; GL now works wonderfully. Great program.
Thanks! For now, it's no need; it just works now! Really strange . . .
I downloaded this and restarted the computer; GL now works wonderfully. Great program.
Cheers for that, I have added it to the wiki information as well.
I got an error when I tried installing Krellek's Labyrinth (using GL v 1.23):
Also gettingAdodc1
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'zip_name = 'T3 Krellek's Labyrinth".
Help? I've used GL before my recent OS reinstall, so I'm wondering what's up. I chose Lite when I first opened GL, let it replace my exe so I could play FMs, let it move my save folder (after which it crashed the first time with some VB permission denied error). After it crashed the first time, it suggested to try going back to the default Thief 3 missions, then installing the FM again (it crashed).Run-time error '-2147217900 (80040e14)':
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'zip_name = 'T3 Krellek's Labyrinth".
Take the quote out of the zip file name, next version of GL handles this though.
The problem is that the query being done to the GL database is saying
Where zip_name = 'T3 Krellek's Labyrinth', the quotes are used to encase the string T3 Krellek's Labyrinth, however as there is a quote in the string itself, the database driver is seeing:
'T3 Krellek' as the string and then s Labyrinth' as a load of garbage it doesn't understand.
I renamed the file. Problem is, GL is still finding the string somewhere, and crashing whenever I try to run anything. I tried reinstalling GL, same. Uninstalling and deleting all extra files in the GL directory, then deleting any leftover registry entries, restarting computer, reinstalling GL, same. I even renamed the zip to remove the "" in case that caused any problems, but it's still stuck on the "Krellek's" thing. Is there a database somewhere I need to get at? Nagging the hell out of me, especially since I don't know how to manually install Thief 3 FMs.Originally Posted by potterr
Bah, I thought the cause might've been Krellek still being installed (Thief actually ran after GL giving me the error one time, but then crashed to desktop once the loading was done), so I overwrote all files using the "", deleting the "Fan Mission Extras" folder as well. Same error *grr*
ok best thing to do is to start GL up with this command line string
this will reset GLs database clearing anything in its FMs table, hopefully clearing the issue.
To do this click START then RUN then type CMD. then use CD ../ a couple of time to get to the root of C and then type CD prog* and press return, and then CD Garrett* and press return and then type GarrettLoader.exe /resetdb and press enter. once its started up, if you have GL set to open a specific games FM list on startup it will do so and re-populate the database for you. It should be ok from there.
Same problemOriginally Posted by potterr
I remember hitting "reset" while in GL and thinking it was getting rid of the db, but each time I try to install anything (even original Thief 3; it's labeled as being ready to play, yet when I click it, only Install is available, so I think some Krellek files are still floating around), same damn error. I think I'll just have to reinstall Thief 3, and stay away from GL for a while if I have problems again. I understand you don't have any of these issues and can't build for every machine and OS (I'm running Windows Server 2003), but I haven't had any problems whatsoever with DarkLoader, so I'm wondering if there are some OS issues.
GL isn't supported on Windows 2003 server, but should work. The problems you may be having are down to a failed install. I would suggest re-installing T3 and try again. It would be down to extra files floating about.
Nextr version of GL (in beta testing now) has a Game Diagnostic tool that will allow you to create a reference file of your T3 install before you start and then again after you have any problems. That way you can use the tool to compare and look for missing or extra file or changed files.
Darkloader doesn't support T3, and due to T3 being quite a complex beast it is likely that some things may error occasionaly.
GL 1.31 should be out in a week or so, there is still some bugs to fix with things in it but I am hopeful to do them next week and have 1 final beta test.
Explains all the problems, thenOriginally Posted by potterr
Yeah, all I really wanted was for GL to make some backup of changed files or otherwise reference whatever files changed, so I could go back to the original install without uninstalling both GL and Thief 3. Then again, it's supposed to be able to go back to original missions, it just crashed every single time on my computer when I tried (giving the old Krellek problem, though I wiped out the database multiple times). It should definitely revert back to vanilla T3 if/when FM installation fails; gave me no end of headaches having a corrupt installation where I couldn't play FMs or go back to the original. Good thing I didn't do any heavy modding of the installation before screwing it up (ini tweaks, John P.'s models, etc.).Nextr version of GL (in beta testing now) has a Game Diagnostic tool that will allow you to create a reference file of your T3 install before you start and then again after you have any problems. That way you can use the tool to compare and look for missing or extra file or changed files.
Be that as it may (I know it isn't "fair" to say this), DarkLoader hardly gave me any problems, so I have a much higher opinion of that piece of software. Years of fun and stable FM installations.. Granted, you're still developing and improving GL, so I'm not saying "I'll never like/use GL," I'm just hoping the next version is a lot more stable on my OS. It actually crashes each time I initially install and open GL, after picking my Thief 3 installation and FM directory, giving me a run-time error 91 or 97, I believe. I'm almost cringing in anticipation of it crashingDarkloader doesn't support T3, and due to T3 being quite a complex beast it is likely that some things may error occasionaly.
GL 1.31 should be out in a week or so, there is still some bugs to fix with things in it but I am hopeful to do them next week and have 1 final beta test.![]()
It does, it puts them all in a ORIGINAL_BACKUP.ZIP file in teh T3 root folder before starting, and creates a current_install.txt file in teh t3\system folder. Deleting all files found in the current_install.txt file, delete the user.ini file and remove the GLBU extention from the user.ini.glbu file and finally unzipping all the files from the will restore to a clean install.Originally Posted by deadman
Something I have on my list of things to do, however I needed more info on where the crashes are occuring first.Originally Posted by deadman
It should be, masses of bugs are fixed, the flow has improved a lot and there is a lot more error trapping.Originally Posted by deadman
Its run time error 9, not really a massive fault there, it is due to a missing error check.Originally Posted by deadman
Basically when you close the configuration window by saving, the window hides while it processes. The main interface window then runs a bit of code to do a windows API call as you move your mouse over it to determine if it is the active window...However as the config window is still active but not visible for that brief millisecond, the windows API call causes an error as there is no active and visible window...This is fixed in the next version.
Hmm, a suggestion just occurred to me - instead of creating user.ini.glbu, why not put the original user.ini into That gets rid of two of the above steps in one stroke. Obviously you have to make sure that you've chosen to overwrite existing files when unzipping before this will work. But then all you need to do to restore the original game is to delete files listed in current_install.txt, and unzip Easy.Originally Posted by potterr
Ah but the problem with that is that you would lose any custom settings you may have done (locale settings, tweaks, etc (think it may affect the minimalist project as well). This is why the patch process was done, so that an overwrite wasn't actually done but an upgrade was.Originally Posted by Crispy
By backing up in the it would mean that the current user.ini file gets replaced with the authors one, set up for the authors PC, with the authors language settings, which would in turn cause conflict with some T3 installs.
By backing up as a GLBU (GarrettLoader BackUp) file, and using a known different named user.ini file, GL can scan it and pick out the bits that are different and then add to the user.ini file. Then when the original missions are installed or another FM is installed the user.ini file is deleted and the .GLBU is dropped from the backup file ready for if it needs changing again for the next mission.
The patch process works on all the T3 ini files so if a default.ini file is in an FM zip then it would definately wipe tweaks added by the user.
The other thing is that it shouldn't really bomb out in the first place unless it has had serious problems getting to files. I am hoping that the next version is much more stable for people.
I don't see why that has to be the case. All you need to do is:Originally Posted by potterr
- Back up user.ini in, but keep the original copy of user.ini in its current location
- Scan through the user_patch.ini (or whatever it's called) and add all the data from it to user.ini
That way anything that the FM author doesn't include in user_patch.ini will simply stay the same. No locale settings, Minimalist changes, and so on are lost.
That's good. Whatever works! I was just vaguely wondering why you hadn't done it this way in the first place.The other thing is that it shouldn't really bomb out in the first place unless it has had serious problems getting to files. I am hoping that the next version is much more stable for people.![]()
Thats effectively whats already happening, however rather than put it in the zip file it creates a backup by creating a copy and giving it an extra GLBU extention. The reason being is that it is more readily accessible should issues occur.Originally Posted by Crispy
It seemed the more logical way to do it due to the flow.Originally Posted by Crispy
GL backs up matching files from the hard drive that are in the zip via a standard sub. It seemed more logical not to backup the user.ini in the backup zip itself if it was not already in the FM zip. Effectively it results in a smaller amount of code and a more generic process (seeing as with regards to previous comments about custom user settings, the most suitable way of dealing with ini file updates is to patch anyway).
I've just tried packaging up my FM for GarretLoader. Objectives etc all show up fine, and the map loads ok, then the game freezes after a couple of secondsAmbient sounds carry on playing and I can exit out to the menu, etc.
Anyone else experience anything like this? I'm guessing I'm missing some resource or other but I have inlcuded pretty much everything I can think of. My map has custom textures, smeshes, emitters, but not sounds.
Needless to say, don't have this problem when playing the same ibts through the editor install. Also, I'm using the T3Main from the GL site. Tried a couple of other FMs, and they work fine. Installed on a test machine - same problems.
Any ideas?
Edit: Just did another test by manually unzipping the FM package on a clean install of the editor folder (on a different machine), so that it would have to rely on the resources in the zip, but would hopefully leave some clues as to what was missing, but guess what? It ran no problem! I'm not sure what this means however ...
Edit: Actually, although it ran, the custom emitter's textures were missing - hopefully this is the problem (just have to figure out what I need to include) ...
Last edited by str8g8; 7th Mar 2006 at 08:57.
str8g8, have you included all the correct info in your user_patch.ini file (not just the user.ini file as you are likely to change peoples personal settings by using your user.ini file as is.
yeah, I did the ini patch right (I think) ...
I think it's the custom textures for my emitters not getting packaged up in the ibts or something ... if you look at a vanilla install, there are unreal texture packages in the UTX folder, and the particles use these textures, not the ones in the matlib (I think). Have to wait till I get home to check ...
I don't know the full internal workings of T3main.exe however have you tried it with the debug version of t3main.exe and seen what the log files say? They should point out where the error is occuring.
cheers porterrthe log file gave me the clue I needed - it was giving errors looking for a shader file in system\shaders (whatever they are, I'm still guessing something to do with emitters??). Anyway, including the shaders folder in the zip solved my problem.
Nearly there ...![]()
Good stuff, looking forward to playing it.
When I open the loot lists tool, I get an error
'Run-time error '35601' Element not found'
and GL crashes to desktop. (version 1.31). This just started happening recently, with the old version, and upgrading didn't fix it. Any idea what's wrong?
This has been reported before but I am not too sure what has caused it. I am in the process of updating the Loot List tool though so its a bit easier and more stable. I will however knock up a bit of extra debugging in the tool and send you a link as I can't re-create it here.
I know what the error is but I don't know whats causing it....unless...I have an idea.....
Its fixed now... I had accidentally added a loot list as a Thief 4 mission which GL couldn't find a reference for. I will add a bit more error checking in GL's code for the next version for that.
Last edited by potterr; 23rd Mar 2006 at 15:13.
Whenever any of the GarrettLoader windows (main/configuration/help/...) are overlapping, the active window is rendered behind the inactive ones. Am I the only one who is experiencing this bug?
Windows ME (Finnish, fully patched)
GarrettLoader 1.32 (27-March 2006), standard install
This isn't a bug as such, more a feature. The main interface window does an active window check when you mouse over the mission list to determine if it needs to re-highlight the selected row. However if you mouse over this (and potentially the toolbar as well) when you are opening up a new window the active window check comes into play, determins it is currently teh active window and highlights itself. I have added this into my list of things to resolve.