Originally Posted by Bardic
I have found an interesting bug. I recently repackaged Forgotten Stash after shrinking it with Shadowspawn's tool and named the new zip folder TDS_c6ForgottenStash_SS.zip.
When I open GL the first time and load the T3 FM list it works ok, if I close and reopen GL I get:
Run-Time Error '340':
Control array element '1' doesn't exist
So I have been using GarrettLoader.exe /resetdb to start it after that error. Well, I have done some fiddling, and it is the second "_" in my mission name that is doing it. stash_SS causes the error, but stas_hSS, stashS_S, and stash-SS don't.
So I finally had it so that opening the Thief 1 and Thief 3 FM lists no longer caused a problem, but Thief 2 misions still were. I went through those, and by opening them up and renaming the .rtf and .txt files to .doc in the 6 missions that were having problems, they then were fixed also.
If I copy those .txt and .rtf files back in it breaks the zip again. Any thoughts as to what would cause this problem? I'm all good now, but others may have this problem.
Oh, and it took a while before I found out about the /reset option, you should let others know about it to save them from re-installing the program a lot. By the way, it is a very good program, just hoping this helps some people.