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Thread: GarrettLoader Help and Bug reports

  1. #176
    Registered: Sep 2008
    Location: Slovakia - Zemplín region
    Quote Originally Posted by Judith View Post
    If all else fails, you may want to try installing the game to a game path with no spaces (e.g. "C:\games\Thief3" rather than "C:\Program Files\Thief Deadly Shadows". It's required for T3editing, not sure about T3FMs but I do it anyway).
    All right, I'll try that soon. Thank you, Judith.

  2. #177

    A quick question

    I'm not having any problems with GL, and I find it really easy to use. I do, however, have a (stupid) question - is there a way to display the FM titles in Secret Room, The rather than The Secret Room format i.e. The 'The' at the end?

    I'm sure I've seen the option for it before, but I cannot for the life of me find where I can change it now.

  3. #178
    Registered: May 2009
    Location: Germany
    Quote Originally Posted by firedance99 View Post
    I'm not having any problems with GL, and I find it really easy to use. I do, however, have a (stupid) question - is there a way to display the FM titles in Secret Room, The rather than The Secret Room format i.e. The 'The' at the end?

    I'm sure I've seen the option for it before, but I cannot for the life of me find where I can change it now.
    Check 'Tools'/'Tweaks Tool'/'Missions starting with The ...'

    Is there any more recent Bug/Discussion-Thread around somewhere on GarrettLoader ?
    I am using 1.4198 and see hardly any of the issues mentioned I have with this version.
    Last edited by gnartsch; 4th Jun 2010 at 17:02.

  4. #179
    Registered: May 2009
    Location: Germany
    Hi !

    I had some terrible problems when installing several missions from Ziemanskye lately.
    (For download lookup author 'Ziemansky' on ShadowDarkKeep)

    On missions 'Two Steps' and 'Impurities In The Mix' the problem was that they include T3.exe/T3Main.exe in the System-folder.
    No idea why the author decided to include these.
    Anyway, GarrettLoader would to to install these missions and crash - leaving my T3 Install unsuable.
    Restoring the OM did not help to recover from that
    So I had to restore it from a backup.

    With 'Hearts and Minds' the problem is that it contains > 2000 files that are identical with the ones I have in my T3 install anyway.
    Because of that GarrettLoader needs to backup those and gives 'subscript out of range : 9'
    Once again there is no way to recover from that other than restoring T3 from my own backup.

    I wonder if there is anything that could be done about it ?
    Maybe preventing any *.exe to be extracted or give a warning at least BEFORE trying to replace it.
    And maybe checking how many files would need to be backuped and abort if the number exceeds the # of files GarrettLoader can handle?

    I am using GL 1.4198-beta

    Since I figured out the problems, I modfied these ZIPs for myself so that they do work for me now.
    Anyway, GL should not leave behind a corrupted T3 install, so I hope these issues can be addressed in the next version.

    Btw., GL is in beta for more than 1 year now.
    Any outlook on a release upcoming ?

    Thanks !
    Last edited by gnartsch; 2nd Jul 2010 at 06:09.

  5. #180
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2010
    I've been looking for help for 2 days and now im here so I'll spit out my problem ( again ) and see what happens, I think I've found the right place.

    Anyways I have recently removed TDS and garrettloader from my programs...the way i figure it it's best, when experiencing issues, to start over with fresh installs while trouble shooting. I watched the garrettloader help video and I will follow it again I guess when i reinstall it. Anyway my problem is after I get a FM downloaded and get garrettloader to find it and I install it into garrettloader when I click 'play' it loads TDS and I can only start the training mission.

    I know I didn't really give you alot of info there. Lemme see...I have Vista and I downloaded GL yesterday I think its the new one...1.4.2 or something like that....I changed that file ( I forget what its called ) where in the vista version you have to change the ending to .old for something or other to work.....ugh being a noob is gard work......thats all i got i guess...any help?

  6. #181
    Registered: Sep 2004
    Location: Dunno. What week is it?
    If you're getting the training mission, it seems that the Entry.gmp file wasn't replaced. Can you check to see if it's date matches the one in the zip file? Also check to see if the other map files appear in your TDS folder. (Look in your TDS folder under \CONTENT\T3\Maps.) It may be a permissions problem with Vista not letting you replace the files. (Just a guess, but a good place to start.)

    Another question; which mission did you try to load? It might help us to ask better questions.

  7. #182
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2010
    "If you're getting the training mission, it seems that the Entry.gmp file wasn't replaced. Can you check to see if it's date matches the one in the zip file? Also check to see if the other map files appear in your TDS folder. (Look in your TDS folder under \CONTENT\T3\Maps.) It may be a permissions problem with Vista not letting you replace the files. (Just a guess, but a good place to start.)

    Another question; which mission did you try to load? It might help us to ask better questions. "

    Here's where I let my noobness shine! I looked in the zip I can't find the Entry.gmp file I dont know where to look for the thief one either, where I installed thief at? (rhetorical) I tried multiple FMs, mainly Krellyks Labyrinth. Anyway, I reinstalled everything without watching any fancy ( and confusing ) how-to videos, I didnt change any files or anything at all like that. Downloaded krellyks again, installed it, clicked play and....*DRUMROLL* works! Haven't played through it yet but it starts just fine. Weird. I pu the FM right where it wanted to be which is the first time I didn't move it ( like suggested in said videos ) maybe that's it I dont know. I appreciate the attempt!

  8. #183
    Registered: May 2005
    Location: Shenzhen, China.
    Are there going to be any updates to Garretloader ? Hasn't it been 4 years with no updates ?

    I mean, the GUI needs a SERIOUS overhaul, and the program needs optimizing to stop it re-reading every FM ZIP each time it loads up (quite annoying when you have hundreds of FM's).
    And it doesn't remember the sort order for the FMs.

    I'd like to use it, Mr Potter is a great guy, and really helpful, but until it's deficiencies are fixed, Darkloader is a better option.

  9. #184
    Registered: Jul 2002
    Location: USA

    runtime error

    Quote Originally Posted by deadman View Post
    I got an error when I tried installing Krellek's Labyrinth (using GL v 1.23):

    Also getting

    Help? I've used GL before my recent OS reinstall, so I'm wondering what's up. I chose Lite when I first opened GL, let it replace my exe so I could play FMs, let it move my save folder (after which it crashed the first time with some VB permission denied error). After it crashed the first time, it suggested to try going back to the default Thief 3 missions, then installing the FM again (it crashed).

    Had same issue, and renamed zip file to similar name but without the ' apostrophe.

    Renamed Horns of Canzo 2 zip file to, no more errors with GL reading the zip file.
    "To live in the light is to see everything, to live in the dark is to see everthing you missed in the light."

  10. #185
    You may be just confirming the solution, and showing that it applies to filenames containing a quote mark, but it looks like you are responding directly to deadman's 2006 post, which has the solution in the very next post below his.

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