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Thread: Minimalist 1.4.1 and T3EnhancED Thread

  1. #51
    Registered: Mar 2005
    Location: Corvallis, Oregon
    Quote Originally Posted by New Horizon
    Sweet! I think I'll eventually replace the so called 'demo' that I put in there, with a proper demo. I'm thinking a remake of T3's tutorial level with multiple paths and lots of fun stuff. Make a real mission out of it.
    I was going to say the demo you have needs some zoning, proper texture alignment, and the scroll in the painting needs to be hidden. Also I was expecting some custom graphics (ala Minimalist) especially for the loading screen. Otherwise it works fairly well to show off the classic gameplay elements. Good work, NH

  2. #52
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by ascottk
    I was going to say the demo you have needs some zoning, proper texture alignment, and the scroll in the painting needs to be hidden. Also I was expecting some custom graphics (ala Minimalist) especially for the loading screen. Otherwise it works fairly well to show off the classic gameplay elements. Good work, NH
    Ha ha, yeah. There wasn't a whole lot of planning in that little room. I just threw things in to let people try some stuff out, it was my testing room. If I can find the time, I'll definately remake the T3 tutorial level though. I'll probably distribute within the patch to bring T3 up to T3EnhancEd. Nice way of demonstrating what it can do.

    Aside from putting in some classic touches, the important thing in this project was just making the editor more accessible and user friendly. The installer was a must in my mind...there was just too much tidying up in the manual setup process.
    Last edited by New Horizon; 21st Jan 2006 at 16:25.

  3. #53
    Registered: May 2005
    Will the main download be available soon again? The server doesn't have it right now.

  4. #54
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by The Blob
    Will the main download be available soon again? The server doesn't have it right now.
    Just sent you a PM. I'll post it again in two hours.

  5. #55
    Registered: Apr 2005
    Location: He's behiiiind yoooou!
    Quote Originally Posted by New Horizon
    The very first step at the command prompt should be to type CD\ and enter to get back to the root of the drive. Then get to the root of the drive you installed T3EnhancED. In your case, type CD\ and hit enter. Then type d: enter.
    It shouldn't be necessary to do cd \ before switching to the correct drive. The sequence should go something like:

    cd D:\Program Files\blah\blah\misc_perl
    perl blah blah

  6. #56
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Yeah, I just threw that in there to be extra sure.

    At any rate. I've put the original file back online since it seems it was just a glitch that ascottk experienced.

  7. #57
    Registered: Mar 2005
    Location: Scotland
    In the demo mission I get no footstep sounds at all, and the zombie is completely silent - is this a problem at my end or with the installer? I haven't tried another map yet, so it could just be a corrupted file.

    Apart from that, everything works perfectly. Well done, New Horizon

    Edit: Tried another map, and still no footsteps. Maybe something went wrong when I compiled the schemas...
    Last edited by Rantako; 22nd Jan 2006 at 10:22.

  8. #58
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Rantako
    In the demo mission I get no footstep sounds at all, and the zombie is completely silent - is this a problem at my end or with the installer? I haven't tried another map yet, so it could just be a corrupted file.

    Apart from that, everything works perfectly. Well done, New Horizon

    Edit: Tried another map, and still no footsteps. Maybe something went wrong when I compiled the schemas...
    Hmmm, yeah, you should definately get the footsteps after compiling the schemas. Anyone else have this issue?

    You moved the compiled schemas into the sounds folder?

  9. #59
    Registered: Mar 2005
    Location: Scotland
    You moved the compiled schemas into the sounds folder?

    Edit: everything works now
    Last edited by Rantako; 22nd Jan 2006 at 12:02.

  10. #60
    Registered: Nov 2005
    Location: Stoke, UK
    Yay! Just got back from a week away to find this on the server Downloading now.

    NH don't worry if you want to post more than one version or if you want to patch and have anyone who desires DL again, even more than once. You've only used 15GB (3%) of the free bandwidfth so far

  11. #61
    Congratulations on finishing this, Tim!
    I'm going to try it next time I decide to play the game.

    Oh - and welcome to the hell of fixing bugs you were sure you had already covered, and general customer support/requests! Muahahaha...ha... hem....

    OK, just kidding. Good work (I know you've worked hard and long to make this).

  12. #62
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by John P.
    Congratulations on finishing this, Tim!
    I'm going to try it next time I decide to play the game.

    Oh - and welcome to the hell of fixing bugs you were sure you had already covered, and general customer support/requests! Muahahaha...ha... hem....

    Everything seems to be working out nicely now, after a few minor bumps. I'm hoping everyone will be able to enjoy it now.

    Once I release the game directory patch, people will be able to play the enhanced fan missions. I'm hoping to have it out by late next week.

  13. #63
    Registered: May 2005
    Thank you once more for releasing this!

  14. #64
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by The Blob
    Thank you once more for releasing this!
    My pleasure.

  15. #65
    More questions - what will this mean for my current level? At the moment what I'm doing is backing up the .unr and .gmp files of my missions for transfer to the new HD and new WinXP and Thief3 installation.

    Also - I had a problem running my mission from withint he edior because of some missing files from the T3Ed installation. Does T3Ed Enhanced correct this error?

  16. #66
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Subjective Effect
    More questions - what will this mean for my current level? At the moment what I'm doing is backing up the .unr and .gmp files of my missions for transfer to the new HD and new WinXP and Thief3 installation.
    With your current level, you may have to go in and replace a few things. I found while working on the T3 Tutorial Mission, I had to remove the doors and place them again, otherwise the new lockpicking system won't work. You will also need to remove the old "lootglimmer" emitters from loot objects in your map.

    I haven't attempted to port many things in yet, so I can't say for sure. AI would need to be readded I think, as they would likely retain some of the original T3Ed settings.

    Also - I had a problem running my mission from withint he edior because of some missing files from the T3Ed installation. Does T3Ed Enhanced correct this error?
    Hmmm, I don't know. I never ran into this problem with T3Ed. What files were missing?

  17. #67
    Registered: Sep 2004
    Location: Dunno. What week is it?
    Your custom scripts and textures will also be gone, of course.

  18. #68
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by nomad of the pacific
    Your custom scripts and textures will also be gone, of course.
    True, but they would just have to be readded of course.

  19. #69
    Registered: May 2005
    Download complete... finally.

    Can't wait to test this out.

  20. #70
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by The Blob
    Download complete... finally.

    Can't wait to test this out.
    That's great. Let me know how it goes.

  21. #71
    Registered: Nov 2005
    Location: Stoke, UK


    Hi NH. I downloaded T3EnhancEd but I confess I haven't tried it yet cos I'm unsure if there's anything I need to know before installing it alongside the original T3Ed.

    I'm too far into a C7 entry to change editors right now so I wouldn't use it extensively until afterwards, but I'd love to give it a go. I'm sure I saw you post re this topic pre this thread but I can't find it now. Is there anything I need to know/do or do I just run the .exe and follow prompts?

  22. #72
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by veledan
    Hi NH. I downloaded T3EnhancEd but I confess I haven't tried it yet cos I'm unsure if there's anything I need to know before installing it alongside the original T3Ed.

    I'm too far into a C7 entry to change editors right now so I wouldn't use it extensively until afterwards, but I'd love to give it a go. I'm sure I saw you post re this topic pre this thread but I can't find it now. Is there anything I need to know/do or do I just run the .exe and follow prompts?
    Yup, just follow the prompts. That's about it. There are instructions on how to compile the sound schemas when you are finished installing. I have had three or four versions of the installer running side by side without issue.

  23. #73
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Had some PM's from people who were puzzled as to why the installer was 747 megs. I have updated the original post to explain this increase in size in greater detail.

  24. #74
    Registered: Mar 2005
    Location: Corvallis, Oregon

    T3EnhancED on FileFront

    Here's an alternate download on filefront:

  25. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by New Horizon
    Hmmm, I don't know. I never ran into this problem with T3Ed. What files were missing?
    Quote Originally Posted by Caseus
    Initially when I installed T3Ed I had a similar problem. I don't use a software firewall so I KNEW that was not the problem.

    Paying particular attention to the above mentioned "Step 6" make sure when you prepare your Thief3Edit Directory you do not delete the Maps folder, just the .ibt files within that folder. You can safely delete the Video Textures folder as they are not needed. After all that deleting copy the contents of the Editorrelease to your thief3edit folder, it should prompt you to overwwirte at least once. Somtimes and extra folder gets added depending on how you extract which will bunk up the whole process. Don't forget to rename the t3main executables. It should work, but it didn't for me as well.. So I tried moving thief3edit to a different HD alltogether, still no dice.
    Then I found a dream of a little program that I think is a MUST for using two Installs of Thief3, Its dracflamloc thief 3 launcher. Since I have been using this I have had zero trouble with T3 editing, and my original game dir stays clean with all my original tweaks in place.

    I could be wrong but this error...

    Warning: Failed to load 'Level None.MyLevel': Failed to find object 'Level None.MyLevel'

    seems to denote it cannot find "" which is compiled when you build your first level. For whatever reason you may need to make sure Entry.gmp and autoplay.unr are in fact in your Thief3edit/content/t3/maps directory.

    thats all i can think of....
    That was my problem NH. I made sure all the .gmps and the autoplay.unr were in the correct folders.

    I suppose this depends on how T3EnhancED installs itself. Plus this is fresh WinXP install so I might not have the same problems.

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