Thought I'd give the new enhanced editor a go. You could say it was originally quite daunting, but when I came back in several months and found Komag did a tutorial, well...
Anyway, I seem to be having problems with the two chests I've placed according to Komag's directions.
(Note: everything here on was done in the "Play Level Fullscreen + Sound" option)
When I frob them, I simply hear the locked sound; no "Lockpicking mode, activate!" or anything. I've properly added LockPickLeft to Garrett's inventory as per instructions, and have verified that he does in fact have them in-game. I thought it might try using the use key instead (with the lockpick selected) but that did nothing. After going to the game menu and looking at the inputs section, I was presented with an empty screen (don't know if that's normal or not, so I thought I'd also mention it).
EDIT: I got out my game manual and read that, by default, the left mouse button is for using selected items. Had no effect on chests (in fact, when I clicked the left mouse button, Garrett pulled out his dagger, thinking I wanted him to knife someone)
Also, like bukary, I'm petitioning you to tell us how to change some of the hud options. I actually like the new lightgem better than the old 2d one, and I enjoy the revolving gears too (I believe there was a tweak I had that made them disappear faster or some such.. foggy memory). It's fine to have your personal views on what is "better", but to deeply integrate that into an editor aimed at a wide audience is, in my opinion, poor taste. It's just more of a headache for those of us who enjoy some of the new HUD elements and have to bug you or someone else to help us patch/change it back. It would've made more sense to provide a separate smaller patch for that. [/2 cents]
Anywhere I should be looking for this problem? Just thought I'd post in this thread and later delete if someone tells me "Hey, go here, and use search next time!"