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Thread: Minimalist 1.4.1 and T3EnhancED Thread

  1. #151
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Tatry Mountains, Poland
    Quote Originally Posted by jtbalogh
    Overly dramatic for people throw T3Enh in the trash. Imagine Dromed being thrown away because of the hud in T1/2. It is unfortunate the hud is important when making FM's, because I might not see the great art work.
    Not so dramatic, because there is also vanilla T3Ed. These persons (T3Ed users) uninstalled T3Enhanced and returned to T3Ed. They will try to reconstruct some NH's tweaks in the original editor. I think I'll do the same.

    I said it's a pity, because if NH decided to leave his HUD for Minimalist Project (there are really so many people who would like to ged rid of lockpick visual representation?), his work would be much more appreciated and many more people would use T3EnhancEd... T3EnhancEd could become a standard, our main editor used by almost everyone. It could... but it probably won't. It's sad that NH does not remember how he did some tricks and can not write some instructions.

    Of course, I don't blame NH. He can do whatever he wants. It's his work. And he said that he did T3EnhancEd not for all T3Ed users. It's only for "hardcore fans". I guess I am not one of them...
    Last edited by bukary; 17th Feb 2006 at 14:10.

  2. #152
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Something minor I would like to address. The lock pick hud. The reason for removing the lock pick hud, is because it is completely redundant. There is no need for it.

    IF body awareness had not been used, then would absolutely NEED a hud, but body awareness eliminates the need for a lockpick hud. At least that's what I see when I look at how well they designed it.

    Somebody thought that a redundant visual feedback system would be a great idea...well, I strongly disagree.

    Watch the player models hands and then watch the lockpicks in the hud. They're in sync. Not only that, but you get visual feedback from the latch on the lock...and...from the sound the lock makes.

    The lock pick hud is pointless visual flair on an otherwise 'outstanding' lock picking system. They did such an amazing job detailing the hand movements, that you really can pick locks on visual clues alone. When I'm picking, I can imagine that I'm really doing it now. THAT is what Thief is about, it immerses you in the task at hand.

    That is why I removed it from T3EnhancED. It drawas attention to one of the strongest systems in T3.

  3. #153
    Registered: Mar 2002
    Location: House of Sand and Fog
    Quote Originally Posted by bukary
    I see you started using T3Enh, deadman. No more retro-HUD problems? I recently talked to two Polish T3edites. They also uninstalled T3Enh, because they could not stand the old HUD. It's a pity so much work ends in wastebasket...
    I'd still like to go back to non-enhanced T3Ed with some tweaks, but for now, I'm going through Komag's tut, so it's no big deal *shrug*.

    For the record, I find removing the lockpick visuals is perfectly fine. It is redundant; now it is just harder because you must guess how many levels are in the lock.

  4. #154
    Registered: Apr 2005
    Location: Scotland
    I thought the number of levels was set by the shape?
    And the location of the "sweetspots" by the material.

  5. #155
    Registered: Oct 2005
    Location: Dortmund, Germany
    Arent the sweetspots randomized? I mean I don't know anything about that, but I would guess that they are. But anyway I totally agree with removing the lockpick hud. I removed it in my install too. But you only hid it via the t3ui.ini didn't you? So it can be reactivated easily for those who want to.

    I didn't read the whole thread, so sorry if someone already asked the following question: Is it possible to bind a key to the lockpicks? I think this would be absolutely needed, because it would take far too much time to cycle through the whole inventory until you can start lockpicking. If that isn't possible until now, I have an idea how to realize it. Perhaps some minor important archetype like the oilflask could be swapped with the lockpicks so that binding a key (F6 would probably be the best choice )to the oilflask ingame, means actually binding it to the inventory lockpicks.

    If that is doable I'd kiss you if I was gay and if you lived in Dortmund, Germany, which both isn't true...

  6. #156
    Registered: Mar 2005
    Location: Scotland
    The sweetspots are set by the lock info actors in the gamesys somewhere (if you look at the actual locks, you will see they have links to lock infos). I don't know if there is any coherent system of different shapes = different difficulties, but it would be easy to find out. You can actually change the number of levels and location of sweet spots by editing the lock info actors.
    [/rant on locks]

    Try looking through the options.ini in your savegame folder - that seems to be what controls key bindings.

  7. #157
    Registered: Feb 2003
    Location: On my bicycle \o/
    Playing without the Lock Pick HUD is pretty cool. It can be switched off by tweaking the System/T3UI.ini file. I did it thusly:

    Open T3UI.ini in notepad (make a backup first). Look for the section that starts:

    And change the draw scale...
    Save and enjoy.
    Last edited by jay pettitt; 19th Feb 2006 at 10:54.

  8. #158
    Registered: Oct 2005
    Location: Dortmund, Germany
    Yepp that's it. But i think you will have to remove the lockpickstages as well... But I am not quiet sure about that.

  9. #159
    Registered: Feb 2003
    Location: On my bicycle \o/
    No need. The stages are relative to their parent window. 0 x 0.5 = 0

  10. #160
    Registered: Mar 2005
    Location: Corvallis, Oregon
    Here's a possible solution for EnhancED compatibility (I also posted in the thieves highway forum):

    I think we could use a separate gamesys for enhanced specified in user.ini. Separate directories could be specified as well.

    The vanilla install would say:


    The EnhancED would say:


    From that stand point the end user would not have to un/install the patch every single time.

  11. #161
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by ascottk
    Here's a possible solution for EnhancED compatibility (I also posted in the thieves highway forum):

    I think we could use a separate gamesys for enhanced specified in user.ini. Separate directories could be specified as well.

    The vanilla install would say:


    The EnhancED would say:


    From that stand point the end user would not have to un/install the patch every single time.
    Ahhh, but the patch does more than just patch the gamesys. It physically patches the schema meta files too.

  12. #162
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Tatry Mountains, Poland
    Quote Originally Posted by New Horizon
    Ahhh, but the patch does more than just patch the gamesys. It physically patches the schema meta files too.
    Hmm... While working on such patch, can you easily ("by the way" ) prepare a patch that would update (fix) schema files in vanilla T3Ed? Does it work that way? Would it take much extra work?

    BTW, you convinced me (to some degree) that lockpicking HUD is not obligatory. I did not noticed that everything can be figured out from the way Garrett moves his hands. (I am not at home for two weeks and I can not check this. Is it really real? ) And if HUD can be brought back with just one INI setting... well, that's great!

    One more thing: what is default resolution of game window in T3EnhancEd? I remember that when I tried my demo in T3EnhancEd, the window was "bigger" than my screen (1024x768).

    Oopss... I've just read NH first (edited) post in this thread... I hope he will "come back" soon. His knowledge and ideas are priceless...
    Last edited by bukary; 19th Feb 2006 at 18:17.

  13. #163
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Updated Main Post -

    I'll return to answer some of the above questions a bit later.

  14. #164
    Registered: Oct 2005
    Location: Dortmund, Germany
    Have you integrated the new lightgem to minimalist yet? I'd love to play with it...

  15. #165
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by STiFU
    Have you integrated the new lightgem to minimalist yet? I'd love to play with it...
    Which new light gem do you mean, the classic lightgem? It has always been part of Minimalist.

  16. #166
    Registered: Oct 2005
    Location: Dortmund, Germany
    I mean that one of t3ehancED which you still tweaked a bit more than the minimalist one i think...

  17. #167
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by STiFU
    I mean that one of t3ehancED which you still tweaked a bit more than the minimalist one i think...
    Ahhh, the main change in enhanced was that compass model had been properly editied in Max so it didn't look like it was just hacked into place. Nothing exceptionally different about it really. Just a bit more neat looking. I'll see about popping it into Minimalist though, probably wouldn't take a lot of work.

  18. #168
    Registered: Oct 2005
    Location: Dortmund, Germany
    That's why i posted it. I know by now what you are capable of... (I am no sure whether capable is the right word here, but i didn't want to look the right one up...)

  19. #169
    I've copied an FM from my FM backups to T3EnED.

    It was really bare-bones - just bsps, texutures and some lights so I could play test for scale checks and such.

    In T3EnED the lights are gone. They show up when I turn on Flesh Rendering but they are not there in any of the views so I cannot move them, delete them or alter them at all.

  20. #170
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Subjective Effect
    I've copied an FM from my FM backups to T3EnED.

    It was really bare-bones - just bsps, texutures and some lights so I could play test for scale checks and such.

    In T3EnED the lights are gone. They show up when I turn on Flesh Rendering but they are not there in any of the views so I cannot move them, delete them or alter them at all.
    That's whacked man! I don't know what would cause that. I've opened up all the original missions in T3EnhancEd and nothing has been missing. I can remove/ edit lights...ect. I didn't change anything related to the light setup, so I don't know what could be happening.

  21. #171
    Registered: Jan 2005
    Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA
    Bug report: the minimalist project 1.4.1 has a mispelled item in the 'T3playeranims.ini'. Movement in the game still works, so not critical.

    In T3playeranims.ini,

  22. #172
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by jtbalogh
    Bug report: the minimalist project 1.4.1 has a mispelled item in the 'T3playeranims.ini'. Movement in the game still works, so not critical.

    In T3playeranims.ini,
    I'll get that fixed.

  23. #173
    Registered: Jan 2005
    Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA
    With the minimalistic hud,

    1. The weapon amount is cut off at the left edge of the screen when it slides to the resting position and the amount is greater than 9. Not crucial since 9 is plenty for a thief anyway

    2. Is there a key-bind in minimalist to help show the weapon/item in use quickly? If not, then maybe keep the image and amount. As usual, leave name hidden since redundant and too big anyway.
    Pos_X=-5 ; position under image
    NormalPos_X=175 ; rest both image and amount near edge
    Pos_X=-285 ; position under image
    NormalPos_X=20 ; rest both image and amount near edge

  24. #174
    Registered: Jan 2005
    Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA
    In 2004, NH mentioned in the tweak guide that ragdoll effects can be corrected. The minimalist project does not seem to use it though. Is it worth using?

    Quote Originally Posted by shadowthief
    Find and open your “T3PhysicsSound.ini” file
    Quote Originally Posted by New Horizon
    The rag dolls don't bounce around as much. They're a bit more rigid.
    Quote Originally Posted by _gotcha_
    you are right, my mistake. setting to zero doesn't work but this does:

  25. #175
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by jtbalogh
    In 2004, NH mentioned in the tweak guide that ragdoll effects can be corrected. The minimalist project does not seem to use it though. Is it worth using?

    It turned out that it actually didn't do anything to the rag dolls, it was for sound. I and a few others were gravely mistaken.

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