Something minor I would like to address. The lock pick hud. The reason for removing the lock pick hud, is because it is completely redundant. There is no need for it.
IF body awareness had not been used, then would absolutely NEED a hud, but body awareness eliminates the need for a lockpick hud. At least that's what I see when I look at how well they designed it.
Somebody thought that a redundant visual feedback system would be a great idea...well, I strongly disagree.
Watch the player models hands and then watch the lockpicks in the hud. They're in sync. Not only that, but you get visual feedback from the latch on the lock...and...from the sound the lock makes.
The lock pick hud is pointless visual flair on an otherwise 'outstanding' lock picking system. They did such an amazing job detailing the hand movements, that you really can pick locks on visual clues alone. When I'm picking, I can imagine that I'm really doing it now. THAT is what Thief is about, it immerses you in the task at hand.
That is why I removed it from T3EnhancED. It drawas attention to one of the strongest systems in T3.