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Thread: Minimalist 1.4.1 and T3EnhancED Thread

  1. #201
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by hykao View Post
    Hi again!

    A question. How can i eat? I tried everyhow, but i can't...
    When you pick up a loaf of bread, or something else edible, select it from your inventory and hit the 'use' button. That's the 'I' button by default, but I have it set to the middle mouse button on my system.

  2. #202
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2006
    Location: Budapest, Hungary
    Hmm... That's strange! When i pick up any food or something, that is show up above compass - same as any other unusable things... And i can't find that food in 'GEAR' -> 'Item' menu... And when i use the 'use' button, all what happen that food is dropping out... Or how do you mean 'inventory'?

  3. #203
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by hykao View Post
    Hmm... That's strange! When i pick up any food or something, that is show up above compass - same as any other unusable things... And i can't find that food in 'GEAR' -> 'Item' menu... And when i use the 'use' button, all what happen that food is dropping out... Or how do you mean 'inventory'?
    Hmmm, that shouldn't be happening. With Minimalist, the food should go into your inventory...with all the other items...(health potions, flashbombs, etc). What version of the game are you using, is it the CD/ DVD...or the downloadable direct2drive version of the game?

    If it's the CD/DVD version of the game, did you have any mods installed before you installed Minimalist? Did you install any mods after?

    The Minimalist installer assumes that your game is unaltered as it makes changes to the gamesys files.

  4. #204
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2006
    Location: Budapest, Hungary
    Hmm, well i think i've found out what was the problem.
    Finally i reinstalled the Minimalist, and after reinstall the "eating" thing worked properly with the original game. The edible things showed up in right lower corner of HUD, and i could eat those 'items', and i received a little life-shield symbol per four eat... So the things are worked properly - until i installed an FM. ("Starting from Scratch" named)
    After new FM has been installed, no more "eating"... The edible items are unusable again... and the little shield symbols are gone - the little gems came back...

    Otherwise i have 1.1 versioned game, and i using John P.'s high res textures and your Minimalist and the newest GarrettLoader (1.41.)

  5. #205
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by hykao View Post
    Hmm, well i think i've found out what was the problem.
    Finally i reinstalled the Minimalist, and after reinstall the "eating" thing worked properly with the original game. The edible things showed up in right lower corner of HUD, and i could eat those 'items', and i received a little life-shield symbol per four eat... So the things are worked properly - until i installed an FM. ("Starting from Scratch" named)
    After new FM has been installed, no more "eating"... The edible items are unusable again... and the little shield symbols are gone - the little gems came back...

    Otherwise i have 1.1 versioned game, and i using John P.'s high res textures and your Minimalist and the newest GarrettLoader (1.41.)
    Yeah, looks like the custom gamesys for the fan mission is over writing Minimalist. No real way around that sadly. I had hoped to help with the problem by releasing T3EnhancED to the public, but that's on hold for the time being.

  6. #206
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2006
    Location: Budapest, Hungary
    Yup. I tried with some FM, and had same thing... and i tried to reinstall Minimalist after any FM has been installed, but sadly the game has crashed all time...
    Ok, we hope the bests, and THX for the answers.

  7. #207
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by hykao View Post
    Yup. I tried with some FM, and had same thing... and i tried to reinstall Minimalist after any FM has been installed, but sadly the game has crashed all time...
    Ok, we hope the bests, and THX for the answers.
    Maybe someday I'll be able to create some kind of intelligent installer, but for now it's a dud. All the best.

  8. #208
    Registered: Nov 2006
    Location: Moscow
    Where Is download link? Or official page? Why can’t you just update 1 post of this thread so people don’t need to read the whole thread?

  9. #209
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by vorob View Post
    Where Is download link?
    Uhm, vorob...pal, look a little harder. It's in the very first post.

  10. #210
    Registered: Nov 2006
    Location: Moscow
    Ups, sorry, me stupid

    So 1.4.1 is the last version...

  11. #211
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by vorob View Post
    Ups, sorry, me stupid
    No problem.

    So 1.4.1 is the last version...
    Sadly, it's the last version for now. I would really like to go back and fix the fonts, as they don't work properly with all the supported languages, but so far I just haven't been able to motivate myself to do it.

  12. #212
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Siberia, Russia
    Any news about the next version T3enhancED? New Horizon, you still working on it?

  13. #213
    Registered: Jun 2006
    Doesnt look to hopeful, its been a while since anyone has spoken of it.

  14. #214
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Sometime soon...I really don't know when. It's sitting on my hard drive...I might just release what I have and let someone else finish it. I was pretty burned out after working on The Minimalist Project, and real life issues as well. We'll see though, it would be neat to see what people did with it. It has quite a few classic Thief touches.

  15. #215
    Registered: Sep 2004
    Location: Dunno. What week is it?
    I, for one, am looking forward to it. Time is not an issue for me since I can't use it in my current project, but I hope to use it in my next (in the unforeseeable future. )

  16. #216
    New Member
    Registered: Jul 2007
    Location: Germany
    Hello to the community! My first post here.

    So, is there any news about Minimalist or do you still work on it at all? If so, I had some tips:

    Erase the limits for all items because in Thief 1 and 2 there were no limits, too.

    The keys in the game should become an item if possible so that you can lock the doors again. Well, there would be some issues with the AI then, but who cares...

    If possible, try to integrate the features of the TweakerTool and the new leaning animations into Minimalist so that we don't have to install so much programs and to prevent problems between all this little tools.


  17. #217
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Still can't really find the motivation to finish this thing, but I hope to someday. The new leaning is definitely on the list though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hangman2 View Post
    Hello to the community! My first post here.

    So, is there any news about Minimalist or do you still work on it at all? If so, I had some tips:

    Erase the limits for all items because in Thief 1 and 2 there were no limits, too.

    The keys in the game should become an item if possible so that you can lock the doors again. Well, there would be some issues with the AI then, but who cares...

    If possible, try to integrate the features of the TweakerTool and the new leaning animations into Minimalist so that we don't have to install so much programs and to prevent problems between all this little tools.


  18. #218
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Deutschland
    I don't know if I already mentioned this (or someone else did), but the last time I played TDS with the MP the "belt objects" vanished after a while only leaving their quantity behind. So aftersome minutes I was not be able to remember what "4" I had picked. So...since it doesn't disappear completely like in T1/2 it would be nice to see a name or at least the little image all the time (because I furthermore didn't like the vanishing in T1/2 because you start to panic if you need it in a hurry).

  19. #219
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Beleg Cúthalion View Post
    I don't know if I already mentioned this (or someone else did), but the last time I played TDS with the MP the "belt objects" vanished after a while only leaving their quantity behind. So aftersome minutes I was not be able to remember what "4" I had picked. So...since it doesn't disappear completely like in T1/2 it would be nice to see a name or at least the little image all the time (because I furthermore didn't like the vanishing in T1/2 because you start to panic if you need it in a hurry).
    Sounds like you picked the non-classic hud when you installed. The non-classic hud is supposed to disappear like that and only re-appear when you cycle through the items/weapons again. Yup, intentional.

    Classic hud works like in T1/2.

  20. #220
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Deutschland
    Thanky, I'll try this out. I've uninstalled the MP after finishig the game (on "ghost") because I was fearing trouble with the FMs, but it felt a lot different.

  21. #221
    New Member
    Registered: Aug 2007


    I just downloaded/installed this Minimalist. Nice nice...
    But I ran to one problem already: All these Expert-difficulties with different goals, "Cut-purse", "Assassin", "Thief" and "Ghost" seem to use the one same setting from Default.ini

    For example (this is how well enemies see you with different difficulty settings, for those who don't know):

    Difficulty "Easy" would take it's information from
    Normal from "Normal" etc.

    But with Minimalist, every "difficulty" (Cut-purse etc.) uses the same "Difficulty_AIVisual_Mult_Expert"

    And the problem? I'd like to keep my own "reality" setting for Assassin and Thief, (with like 400/75 hear/see) 10/10 for Cut-purse and your own 2/2 (was it) or something else for Ghost. But, I can't, becouse they all use Expert alone, instead of Easy, Normal, Hard and Expert like the game normally would.
    I mean, Ghost with MY setting... could be guite hard.
    I don't really need to change the other settings, they're fine.

    So..? I'd really appreciate information where to change this if possible, as I honestly don't know.

    P.S. I really like "Thief", Expert without killing restrictions...

    Edit: I apologize if this is answered elsewhere, I couldn't find...
    Last edited by Saar; 5th Aug 2007 at 09:55. Reason: Apologize

  22. #222
    New Member
    Registered: Aug 2007
    Sorry 2x post.
    I know this Hex Workshop part here

    But I'd like to know what you did to change it and how to work it back (maybe you would like to make a new patch aswell...)

  23. #223
    New Member
    Registered: Oct 2007
    Is it possible to turn off the time limit for cutpurse style?

  24. #224
    Registered: Nov 2002
    Location: ColoRADo
    Decided to give this a try and see how T3 was with it installed.

    Somethings buggy, sorry, don't wanna read 9 pages of thread.

    The menu blinks in and out the only way to keep it up is to hold the escape key, but still clicking the start buttons, exit, ect... nothing happens.

    Let go of esc and the intro movie just keeps cycling with a blinking menu in between.

    Anyone else have this problem? I dl'ed 1.4 from the link in NH's first post.

  25. #225
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Deutschland
    The repeating intro movie was some Dual-Dore/Hyperthreading problem I think. TDS worked without MP, did it not?

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