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Thread: I need help downloading

  1. #1
    New Member
    Registered: Jan 2006

    I need help downloading

    I recently got back into Deus Ex, and i'm looking around at the mods. The Cassandra Project sounds very cool, very much like something I'd want to play, but I have a problem downloading Episode 1. On the Project's website, there are four download mirrors. The first one is to Gamespy Fileplanet, of which I am a member but not a subscriber. I have tried for the entire evening to get the download on the Public Server, but it is always busy and I eventually just left the queue. The other 3 mirrors give me a "Page Not Found" error. Does anyone else know where I could download it?

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Registered: Jan 2006

    Next adress

    Or try,00.htm
    Why donīt you ask Google or Yahoo???

  4. #4
    New Member
    Registered: Jan 2006
    Thank both of you. I managed to get it.

    Oh, I didn't use Google or Yahoo because well, I posted this at about 3 am... I wasn't really thinking well, you know how it goes.

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