I keep getting this error for some reason when I try to download the file...![]()
The proxy server has encountered an error (ftp support is not provided at this time (HTTP 501) ).
A Wedding at the Bar
Thankyou Telliamed
Last edited by Lightningline; 24th Feb 2006 at 15:25.
I keep getting this error for some reason when I try to download the file...![]()
The proxy server has encountered an error (ftp support is not provided at this time (HTTP 501) ).
No prob with me, I just downloaded it...
You are using some sort of proxy that does not support FTP. That will prevent you from downloading anything from thiefmissions.com. I suggest you figure out how to turn it off or bypass it.
Generally when you can't get something from thiefmissions.com there is something wrong with your end of the connection; usually it's something like a misconfigured firewall, router, or proxy. Not much I can do about it from here.
How do I install that script? The demo is working fine but the game wont.
In my best Homer Simpson voice......DOH!!!![]()
Had the "use proxy server" checked in Internet Explorer....
therefore, please disregard my previous post........![]()
Download the zipfile containing the script: http://thiefmissions.com/telliamed/tnhscript154.zip
Unzip it into your Thief2 directory.
So .. how long do I wait til all the guests pass out?
EDIT:I think the light switches were out of sync, sospoiler:Weird. But neat mission!the sequence with the musician turning them off in the audience area and everyone leaving to get drinks didn't start until I switched them to on.
Last edited by Genie; 2nd Feb 2006 at 00:25.
I wanted to know the same thing. Nothing's happening at the moment. (Scripts have been installed)
First objective has checked ok. Now what?
Ahh, something's happening now, after reloading.
Done already!I think this was more of a demo mission than an FM.
Last edited by sluggs; 2nd Feb 2006 at 04:20.
OK whenever I go near the back room the servant girl goes apeshit. What am I missing?
I'll answer my own question:
One of the guests is stuck in a bench and I can't steal his money.
I'm not quite sure what to make of this?
It's very clever but....
yeah, the bride never left the stage (she looks so sad, now that everyone has left her... alone.. in the dark...) so I can't steal from her. Does it make me a bad person for wanting to?
is there anything else that happens once everyone passes out? obviously I can't finish the objectives without starting over
What' s wrong?
Got all the loot from the guests but nothing happens?
Is there a single coin on the floor someone lost or am I blind?
With me it's worst : absolutely nothing happens. All the guests came in the pub, while they were coming I went in the cellar and completed the first objective, then they started the ceremony and all, the servant went out to the bar... and nothing more ! I waited for minutes and minutes and minutes, I tried reloading quicksaves, I switched on and off every lights several times...
Of course, Telliamed scripts are installed, but why is nothing happening ? Damn I want to see what's happening once they drank the strong wine.![]()
Well, DrK, yesterday I finished your 2 R-bourg missions, great! And now this´mission! Nice if all would work just fine... Bon soir
That should be impossible with the girl standing there.Originally Posted by DrK
-- tom
The Dromesday Book
And still, I've been able to do it. Tried four times, but going in the corner in the shadow, leaning forward and going as fast as possible, I've been able to go in and out of the cellar. of course, the girl said "is someone here ?" or something like that, but I didn't get caught
Okay I'll restart the mission and go in the cellar when she's out, I'll see what will happen.
And glad to know you enjoyed my fms, Mike F
Edit : Nah I give up, still doesn't work...![]()
Last edited by DrK; 7th Feb 2006 at 20:45.
First time I tried I managed to get in the cellar with the girl in it, too!
By the way, how much loot di I have to get?
I robbed all the drunk people, controlled over and over again ang got 3858.
But the mission does not end!
Loot total is over 4000 43 something I think.
All the loot is on the guests.
You must be missing a purse or two.
AAAH, you are right!
I missed a lady! Im am blind and stupid!
Found it in 5 seconds now!
Well, Taff if I know. Sorry.Originally Posted by DrK
-- tom
The Dromesday Book
So I was able to rob most of the guests according to plan but the bride and groom stayed on the stage and one front row guest was stranded standing on a bench. She began dancing when the others did but never passed out. I was able to steal her purse from behind but whenever I mantled onto the stage (in darkness) she freaked out and the mission failed. The solution was to nudge her off the bench and all the way into the barroom and out of eyeshot of the stage. Absurd but effective.
When I start the mission, I'm in a box. Nothing to frob that I could find. No exit hole above, below, or beside me. When I say box, I mean an enclosed square that is very dark. One step in any direction is all I can do. I don't know what the walls are made of (not wood), and I have no flares issued to lighten things up. In fact, my inventory is squat. What have I done to deserve this !!
All Ok with my game.
Maybe an idea to re-install your T2 game, things like this can occassionally happen and re-installing is often the quickest & easiest solution.
I can't repeat this problem on any other FM, so I'm just going to leave the mission alone and try a different one.