i don't remember for sure, but if it is t2...i would be happy to give it another spin!
Since I've just recently gotten back into dromeding, I finally ( four years later) fixed some of the most blatant problems with the FM. Texture alignment, overly alert sleeping guards, and various other things have been repaired in the hopes to make it a bit more playable.
I know it wasn't a mission that sent the world on fire ( or even generated much smoke) but it was my first attempt and I thought it was a fun little jaunt. I was just wondering if anyone cared to try out the improved version...
i don't remember for sure, but if it is t2...i would be happy to give it another spin!
I'll give it a rip after I finish GORT's mission . That might take a while though .
Well the old version is still up on thief the circle, I'm waiting for the permission to submit the new one. If anyone want's to try it out now, I can gladly email it , the file is only about 1.6 Megs.
Heck, I'm game...I wouldn't mind playing it again.
I'm in, glad to try it for you.![]()
I'm glad to hear you're back and dromeding again! I'd love to play the new version of the mission.![]()
If you'd like for me to update thiefmissions.com with a new version of your mission, just send it to me. There are many methods you can use: http://thiefmissions.com/hosting.html
I am constantly amazed that people just don't understand this as being automatic. Jason's site = Thief FMs. Do people actually still download FMs from The Circle?Originally Posted by epithumia
Sure they do. There's nothing wrong with The Circle; they even give you multiple download links for each mission. The more archives, the merrier as far as I'm concerned, although it is a bit of a pain to keep all of them updated.
I would like to try too![]()
Gloria Creep![]()
There're angels who playThief and angels who don't ........ both go to heaven ............
Dare to join .............
I guess I'm still playing catch up for the past four years and just remembered the circle from then. But as we speak I've sent it to Cheap thief also ....Originally Posted by Brother Renault
Epithumia: You're só right !!!
What's about this rivalry???!
Join together you Taffers! .......
and we ALL can play all of these greatly made FM's!![]()
Gloria Creep![]()
There're angels who playThief and angels who don't ........ both go to heaven ............
Dare to join .............
Updated at thiefmissions: http://thiefmissions.com/info.cgi?m=GheldorfsTowneHouse
Just spotted this one Jason, and prompty fetched it.
I am really enjoying this one.........but.......I am stuck!!![]()
I thought I'd been everywhere, but I'm short some loot.........and
I have 3 rope arrows which I have not used !!:and I'm
missing a secret .![]()
I'm sure it is obvious, because these are the ones I miss.!!!
Any help.....greatly appreciated.............![]()
I don't think you really need the rope arrows.
Climb up on the counter in the kitchen and look behind the chimney for a switch.
Push button on the side of a bookcase in the office off of the Library.
Push button at the top of the ladder in the room you get into from the last secret to get into Gheldorf's bedroom.
I've found all the loot so if you need any help with that, let me know. It was nice to play this mission again. Thanks, Devilock.![]()
I thought they were for the plates on the wall in the dining room ?Originally Posted by Nightwalker
[edit:] Though, maybe jumping from the table...
Last edited by Calibrator; 2nd Apr 2006 at 01:49.
I just jumped to get those. Same with the statue on top of the library shelves
Thank you both.![]()
I missed the kitchen one --- not good in the kitchen in real
life, either.And I jumped too, for the plates and the statue.
Nice to play " Thief " that is not impossibly difficult..![]()
Thanks again............![]()
Thanks for the update Devilock . When I came upon the Benny scene , I clearly remembered playing the first time around . Man , are those old AI's ever easy to take out .![]()
Devilock, I'll be glad to give it a try.
Nice one DevilockEnjoyed it a lot.
Enjoyed it again. Forgot to look behind the chimney...
Poor Benny. I almost gaggedWouldn't you know, I had to look in the sink...
I think now would be the time for you to start on your 2nd FM for us.
Good luck!
Aw thanks everyone for the compliments. Just got in off the road after a very busy weekend, it's 9:30 in the morning and I need to crash out. Funny how all these responses come during the weekend when I'm out working, but it sure is nice to come home to.
Thanks again for trying out my lil FM, and currently I am trying to flesh out my next one....... and I'm sure Benny will be in it .......