It's not the "Photoshop reversed palette" issue, since they look the same in other programs too, and i.e. object textures are extracted properly using palette 0. I guess an appropriate palette(s) needs to be created but I have no idea how. Anyway, an easy way to preview images, sounds and text in res files is with eXtendable Wad Editor.
Here is a full listing I did a while ago:
Plain text found in the generic .res files in \data:
Use ResViewer to extract/import and hex editor to edit subfiles.
subfile# contents
3 main menu, medal names
13 miss1 debriefing
15 10
17 11
19 12
21 13
23 14
25 15
27 16
29 17
31 no debriefing
33 19
35 2
37 20
39 21
41 22
43 23
45 24
47 25
49 26
51 27
53 no debriefing
55 29
57 3
59 30
63 31
65 32
67 33
69 34
71 35
73 37
75 38
77 39
79 4
81 46
83 47
85 5
87 6
89 7
91 8
93 9
21 Random mission generator
6 freefall12 // Free Fall was Terra Nova's working title
15 SFC callsigns and names
16 saving/loading
17 weapon names, PBA HUD
18 squad ordering and replies, squad reactions, ASF names, commands on frobbable objects in certain missions, exit mission confirmations
19 simulator missions // interesting...
20 damage status
21 various stuff, map text, objectives, mission status
22 options screen
23 SFC ranks
24 mission objectives
25 promotions
26 specific object names
27 tutorial help
28 scripted comments in some missions, dropship comments
29 tutorial instructor
30 (weapon, suit, ASF) status
31 abbrevations
32 generic object names
33 enemy names
34 enemy vehicles
35 drones, enemy vehicles
36 enemy buildings
100 booting up PBA
102 statistics after winning the game
80 demolition
81 scripted comments, possibly demolition related
7 mission names
12 texture types
2 description of (enemies, weapons, ASFs, PBAs, SFC members), statistics
3 e-mails
4 news
5 history
6 briefings
7 credits
8 killboard