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Thread: Real life... association with Thief

  1. #1326
    The Necromancer
    Registered: Aug 2009
    A guide to Tudor interior decoration (one of the main styles Thief 1 architecture was based on)

  2. #1327
    Registered: Jun 2004
    Location: Heidelberg

    Found these older pics while I was cleaning my phone's DCIM folder...

    Beware of the Metal Age

    Iron trees? Not in my part of town...

    (upon seeing this, I kind of expected the omnious loudspeaker to start questioning me:
    "What hast thou... built, Garrett?")

  3. #1328
    Registered: Apr 2008
    I have the strangest urge to replay Lord Alan's Factory.

  4. #1329
    Registered: Dec 2011
    Location: Ferrol - Spain

  5. #1330
    Registered: Jun 2019
    Location: Deepest Sussex, England
    Quote Originally Posted by bassoferrol View Post
    Oh! Difficult to know what to say. He definitely looks similar to someone we know in Thief. I'm not an expert but his voice suggests castrato (?) in which case wouldn’t his anatomy look different? But climbing in and out of that door cannot help.

  6. #1331
    Registered: Jun 2011
    Location: Trapped in Constantine's couch
    That moment when the hidden door lights up in the hedges...

  7. #1332
    Registered: Sep 1999
    Location: Texas
    was not expecting frank n beans lol

  8. #1333
    Registered: Dec 2011
    Location: Ferrol - Spain

  9. #1334
    Registered: Sep 1999
    Location: Texas
    LOOOOL @ bassoferrol

  10. #1335
    Registered: May 2004
    That's some dedicated... brushwork.

  11. #1336
    Registered: Mar 2014
    Location: Torres Vedras
    In late 2019 I went to Coimbra, in my home country of Portugal, and took some very "Thief-ish" pictures.

  12. #1337
    Registered: May 2008
    Location: Southern,California
    ^that stained glass is amazing ,thank you for the pictures

  13. #1338
    The Necromancer
    Registered: Aug 2009
    Wonder if I have time to stop for a snack?

  14. #1339
    Registered: Sep 1999
    Location: Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitokiri-san View Post
    In late 2019 I went to Coimbra, in my home country of Portugal, and took some very "Thief-ish" pictures.
    Can you send the original window photo? is small, but I can make a texture out of it, but if you have the larger can you upload it or PM me? I will PM back my gmail.

  15. #1340
    Registered: Mar 2014
    Location: Torres Vedras
    Quote Originally Posted by gamophyte View Post
    Can you send the original window photo? is small, but I can make a texture out of it, but if you have the larger can you upload it or PM me? I will PM back my gmail.
    No problem! I'll send you a link as soon as I can!

  16. #1341
    The Necromancer
    Registered: Aug 2009
    The Cabinet of Dr Caligari

  17. #1342
    The Necromancer
    Registered: Aug 2009

  18. #1343
    Registered: Dec 2004
    Location: Germany
    So, Basso has turned female, is a virgin, and produces some oil now?

  19. #1344
    Registered: Jan 2011
    Location: Wild and Wooly West of Ireland
    Extra Virgin, just in case you lose one!
    Found out how the Rumford's made their fortune!

  20. #1345
    Registered: May 2008
    Location: Southern,California
    this is why viktoria hair was so black

    wasent able to get pic to load on board

  21. #1346
    Registered: Jan 2011
    Location: Wild and Wooly West of Ireland
    Thief on Google Maps: An occasional series.
    Just a bit of fun. I've been researching Thief texture sources for a number of years now, and thought it might be cool for us to view these sources in their actual locations via Google Maps.

    First up are these from Lord Bafford's Manor.

    Google Maps:Merton College, Oxford, U.K.

    Google Maps: Brasenose College, Oxford, U.K.

    Google Maps: Saint Lazare Cathedral, Autun, France.
    Last edited by Purgator; 6th Apr 2021 at 13:06.

  22. #1347
    Registered: May 2008
    Location: Southern,California
    purgator would be cool to see a side by side of in game version next to real version

  23. #1348
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: 28245 Cells
    Interesting links.

    While following the roads from the Oxford one, I found this nice looking bit of disorganized architecture:!8i6656

  24. #1349

  25. #1350
    Registered: Jan 2011
    Location: Wild and Wooly West of Ireland
    That is an impressive homestead! Beautiful, in an ostentatious way.
    Here's a Google Map link:
    What's The Connection?
    Obvious to many, but maybe not so to all! Hmmmmm......
    Edit: Another?

    First Link: This building housed Looking Glass Studios, 3rd Floor/right of main entrance.
    Second Link: This used to be the AKU AKU Restaurant, a LGS staff favourite on Fridays.
    Last edited by Purgator; 17th Apr 2021 at 21:22.

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