Rocking - loved the first one and I'm sure this is great too
dling now...
I make it short and sweet!
Here it is! The sequel to Ponterbee Station!
UNN Nightwalker
Get it here:
or here:
For further informations read the readme.txt in the zip-file.
Thank you Jason and Kolya for hosting...
Last edited by Dinksmallwood; 22nd Sep 2006 at 02:50.
Rocking - loved the first one and I'm sure this is great too
dling now...
Oh no! I can't find it!
It's not there, no file listed.
whaa!! me wants to download it
Well, she did say "in a short time". And she posted her message about an hour ago, so . . .
Still, I wanna download it too!
Oh, no download link? That's cruel...very cruel D:
Awww, crap. I figured Christine's hard drive crash would give me more time to do some upgraded textures I'd promised her.
Oh well.
Hey, that's what patches are for!
Awesome! That was much sooner than I was expecting it, but it's never been so nice to be wrong!
Last edited by Enchantermon; 20th Sep 2006 at 22:39.
For those who haven't seen them in the meantime some screenshots.
Looking forward to this.
I'm sorry, but it had to be done.
OMG OMG OMG the sequels complete? Been eagerly awaiting this since I finished off the last one. Download link please .
Sorry for the short delay...
We already 'pronounced' it yesterday because mostly Jason is sooooo fast with updating
And for us in Germany it was already bedtime... So I thought I better pronounce it before hitting the sack...
Just have a little bit more patience... I'm sure you'll get it soon!
*sigh*... another ship amidst every other. Angelfire thinks it looks like exactly the same as it's predecessor. Did you use the same groups? Geometry is almost identical... lvls security, gargo etc...
Soon I have to show how REAL levels are made. Whit an interesting plot and all... instead of VOn BRain and ddd etc...
Angelfire: Drugs are bad m'kay
Thirded, with a big 'make your own mission THEN criticise' cherry on top.
Fourth'd, with a huge diamante-encrusted penis spraying lethal neurotoxins over said cherry.
Great, so whens the next one coming out?
How about doing one from the point of view of a Shodan Avatar!
spoiler:like the girl at the end of SS2
You could try and stop goggles from spoiling Shodans plans....
Fifth-ed. till you can put your money where your mouth is nobody will respect your oppinion where mission creation is concerned. Too many people make grand announcements then are never heard from again, or release something that's absolutly piss poor and tries passing it off as the best thing since sliced bread.
try, by all means please try. I'd love to be wowed by your skill, but till we see something, please don't knock christine's work.
Damn, I didn't expect it so quickly, I look forward to play it.
What would we do without Christine's fast FM making?
I hope you'll like it, have fun:
Thanks to Jason for hosting it
Downloading at 150 KBps, I'm sure it will be the same great experience as Ponterbee Station was.