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Thread: Upcoming & Abandoned FMs List

  1. #1101
    Registered: Nov 2009
    Location: Ultima Thule
    Does anyone know if Catman is still around? I love his Five Tigers missions. Replayed them this week. It'd be great to know if he's still working on the rest of those FT missions. I couldn't find any info about him in either the upcoming or the abandoned list....

  2. #1102
    Master Builder 2018
    Registered: Jul 2008
    His forum profile shows that he visited the forum about a week ago or so. So I guess he's still around, but I have no idea if he still works on missions.

  3. #1103
    Registered: Nov 2009
    Location: Ultima Thule
    Quote Originally Posted by Tannar View Post
    His forum profile shows that he visited the forum about a week ago or so. So I guess he's still around, but I have no idea if he still works on missions.
    Thanks, Tannar I certainly hope so. His missions are great, big and complex, just the way I like them.

  4. #1104
    The Necromancer
    Registered: Aug 2009
    Just discovered this masterpiece, Through Garrett's Story - A Jump In The Past. Googled it, no info whatsoever

  5. #1105
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    That would be the latest project by our old "friend" Spiderman92/Iron Eagle/HawkFlyAway, over on moddb. Supposedly it's being released on Aug 10th, but he hasn't updated the page in 3 months so there's no telling. As for your description of it as a "masterpiece", given his history I will definitely reserve judgment on that.

  6. #1106
    The Necromancer
    Registered: Aug 2009
    The shots look really good, hence my reaction, but will have to check his previous missions, lol

  7. #1107
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    I guess from your comment that you don't know his whole sordid history here.

  8. #1108
    The Necromancer
    Registered: Aug 2009
    Location: I don't. The one I heard about was a TDM author (shadow something maybe?), who made one of my favourite missions, but got himself banned for being unpleasant to everyone. I assume it was the case here too?...

  9. #1109
    The Necromancer
    Registered: Aug 2009
    Shadow hide

  10. #1110
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    Something like that, yeah. If you're curious, just search for posts from a few years ago by any of the three names I mentioned above.

  11. #1111
    Registered: Apr 2000
    Location: Not France
    For the record, Shadowhide has nothing to do with this. Check this post, it should explain everything.

  12. #1112
    The Necromancer
    Registered: Aug 2009
    Oh I remember now, it was the guy who made that crappy spiteful FM against some other member. Anyway...still hope this project sees the light of day, it looks good

  13. #1113
    Registered: Apr 2000
    Location: Not France
    If it's anything like his other projects, looks can be deceiving.

  14. #1114
    The Necromancer
    Registered: Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Brethren View Post
    If it's anything like his other projects, looks can be deceiving.
    Yeah, you're probably right, I checked a few of the old threads, that did not look good at all.
    Saw his posts on another forum too...pure insanity

    What I'm looking forward to is the remaining Ruins of Originia missions. A couple years back YcatX said he was able to salvage a few and would repair and release them, but I've heard nothing since

  15. #1115

    Work in progress

    Ok, time to add my campaign. I haven't worked on it much the last year, maybe more. Because of personal problems with divorce and what all that implying. But i'm almost at the top and myself again
    Enough of that.

    Name: Mortuos Liber Campaign (Not sure if it´s the final name)
    Single or Campaign: I´m aiming for a 4 mission campaign.
    Game: Thief 2
    Earlier missions
    Lord Beltzer’s Mansion
    Mistress Guennean’s Castle
    The Reunification
    The Abandoned Castle
    The Favour
    Mortuos Liber
    Status: In progress
    Currently completed: The hardest question. The two first is complete (including Mortuos Liber). The third, maybe 25%. So in total, maybe around 50%.

  16. #1116
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: France (Lille)
    Welcome back Beltzer, i´m really sorry to hear about the divorce, but i´m glad you didn't give up on your current project for Thief 2, i´m looking forward to play it.

  17. #1117
    Thank you Cardia
    No i never give up if i have spent so much time with it. I worked with the first mission to. I have eliminated all the bugs, i hope. This time i gonna make sure everybody can finish the mission.

  18. #1118
    Registered: Jul 2016

    Well, figured I'd throw my hat in the ring:

    Name: Just a Test
    Single or Campaign: Perpetually dateless... I mean Single!
    Game: Thief 2 (w/ latest NewDark, obvs)
    Past missions: None
    Status: In progress
    Percentage Completed: City area about 75%, main mansion 10%. Total, I'd say about 40% all together. Aiming for release by the end of fall 2016.
    Synopsis: An eccentric rich person hires you to rob his own mansion. Pft, you've been down that road before! You only take the job to figure out what he's up to... plus, the pay is decent.

    I may post a screenshot or two when I get back on my PC (on mobile atm)

  19. #1119
    Registered: Dec 2013
    Location: Somewhere in a city of iron
    Oh hey, I might as well add my part to this! Also, I like the sound of that synopsis Steele, are we going to get yet another paganish misadventure ? Can't wait for something similar to Mortuos Liber too!

    Name : The Rotten Sun (it might change in the future)
    S/C : Single mission
    Game : Thief 2 (newdark 1.23)
    Prequel : Iron Heart - Thief 2 (newdark 1.23)
    Status : Not far from being done with alpha, I'm tackling AIs, patrol routes, lighting, several tweaks and conversations! Might take a lot more time if I choose to make a map of the area though
    Percentage completed : What? I don't know. How does 70% sound?
    Comment ?: Ok, I get it! No more hard platforming puzzles I guess
    Contributors this far : Awesome voice actors! Azaran, AntiMatter_16, bjack
    Last edited by FrenchDecay; 28th Aug 2016 at 12:10.

  20. #1120
    New Member
    Registered: Aug 2016


    This is awesome!

  21. #1121
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: USA
    Has anyone heard from ThePhantom lately? My latest mission Love Story V Part 2 has been released already, and would it be a good idea to edit or delete Lady Rowena's impending release?

  22. #1122
    Master Builder 2018
    Registered: Jul 2008
    I've removed your mission, John, as well as Lady Rowena's. I also added entries for Beltzer, Steele and FrenchDecay.

  23. #1123
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    I see Random_Taffer still has MM3 listed - that needs to be removed and his 4-mission swamp campaign (still not officially named) added. I'd say it's 90-95% complete overall.

  24. #1124
    Master Builder 2018
    Registered: Jul 2008

  25. #1125
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: USA
    Thanks Mike.

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