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Thread: T2 FM: Ghost Town by P Forth (Oct 30 06)

  1. #1
    Registered: Apr 2002
    Location: Praga, capvt regni

    T2 FM: Ghost Town by P Forth (Oct 30 06)

    Come and get it.

    It's, as the title suggests, a little Halloween style FM. Should provide some 15 minutes of linear fun.

    There seems to be a bug, though - the apparitions and treebeasts are invisible (or is this intentional?), at least for me.

  2. #2
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    Sounds like missing mesh models... was the mission tested? Something like that would have been caught. (Assuming it wasn't intentional, maybe it was.)

  3. #3
    Registered: Sep 2003
    Location: Frederikssund, Denmark
    Nice little mission.
    The invisible creatures scared the s... out af me. Think they are full intentional.
    Thanx P Forht!

  4. #4
    Registered: May 2003
    Location: West Seattle
    how do I complete the objective in the sewers?

  5. #5
    Registered: Jul 2003
    Location: United Kingdom
    This was a nice surprise, Mr. Forth! You kept this one quiet!

    I shall play this soon. I haven't played the last few FM's yet, because my PC has been playing up! (It seems OK now though) It didn't want to boot up and the damn thing kept freezing before!

    I think i better install Thief 2 ready for them! \o/

    Edit: When i can find disc 2, that is! Someone's taffed it!

    Hey, this is pretty good. I like it!
    Last edited by sluggs; 31st Oct 2006 at 22:20.

  6. #6
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    Hahaha! 'Twas me, ye taffer!

  7. #7
    Registered: Jul 2003
    Location: United Kingdom
    Hahaha, i wouldn't put it past ye!

  8. #8
    Registered: Jul 2005
    Location: Inside at last
    Excuse me gentlemen. Sorry to interupt.
    But will you two just taff off. .

  9. #9
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Great. Now I can't get back in
    Anyone find keys for : -
    - building just past the ghosts (1 doll inside),
    - sewer grate (facing north, I think).
    - the church
    A hint for any one would be great.

  10. #10
    Registered: Apr 2002
    Location: Franconia, Germany
    The keys:
    1st locked house look through the broken window to the right
    house near church in a grave near the church
    church you can find it in the locked house nearby
    sewer no keys, just walk on and turn left

  11. #11
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Great. Now I can't get back in
    Thanx, Ulib.
    Actually, I had the key for the house across from the chuch & can't think why I didn't see -
    the upper doorway

    Maybe still dazzled by my first playing of T7C...

  12. #12
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: here in the USA


    Been all over and can't find her......

  13. #13
    Registered: May 2000
    Location: Thunder Bay, On., Canada
    bobber Have you got the church key? The Dewdrop Doll called Susan is in the room where you found it. If you haven't got it yet, it's in a room off of the first big park. Reach in through the broken window do find the door key to get inside.

  14. #14
    Registered: Jul 2003
    Location: some things never change
    Nice, creepy mission! Thank you

  15. #15
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: here in the USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Nightwalker View Post
    bobber Have you got the church key? The Dewdrop Doll called Susan is in the room where you found it. If you haven't got it yet, it's in a room off of the first big park. Reach in through the broken window do find the door key to get inside.
    Hmm. I did get that one but she still shows up as unchecked in my objectives. A bug maybe?

  16. #16
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: The Netherlands
    Thanks P.Forth for the surprise you promised me

    Gloria Creep
    There're angels who playThief and angels who don't ........ both go to heaven ............
    Dare to join .............

  17. #17
    Registered: May 2005
    Location: in some basement in West Yorks
    Hey P Forth!
    I just started playing this nice little mission! Is it me or do the dolls appear to be named after certain members in this community? Linda, Gloria, Susan (my name!), etc or wasn't that intentional?
    Keep up the good work!

    sluggs- have u checked your graphics card fan for dust or is your power source that is going on your computer? There is nothing worse than computer woes! I know full well I'd cry if my computer died.

  18. #18
    Registered: Jul 2003
    Location: United Kingdom
    I always keep my PC dust free. From time to time, i go over it with a small paint brush and the hoover!

    It was the motherboard. I think it was faulty. I updated the Bios and everything, but still had problems! I've just put my previous one back in, and it's working perfectly now.

  19. #19
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Münster
    How did you manage the church. When I enter, there is a flash and all of the invisibles throwing their skulls after me I need 180 loot
    But so far a great mission
    Last edited by UglyEd; 2nd Nov 2006 at 18:26.

  20. #20
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: The Netherlands
    Quote Originally Posted by suewan View Post
    Hey P Forth!
    I just started playing this nice little mission! Is it me or do the dolls appear to be named after certain members in this community? Linda, Gloria, Susan (my name!), etc or wasn't that intentional?
    Keep up the good work!

    I know my name is!!! It's a present PForth gave to me! and I thank him again for this one!!!

    Gloria creep
    There're angels who playThief and angels who don't ........ both go to heaven ............
    Dare to join .............

  21. #21
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: San Antonio, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by UglyEd View Post
    How did you manage the church. When I enter, there is a flash and all of the invisibles throwing their skulls after me I need 180 loot
    But so far a great mission
    I am curious about that also. I manage to run in, grab loot from 3 different places, but die before I can make it back out. I don't think 1 health potion is enough.

  22. #22
    Registered: Jul 2003
    Location: United Kingdom
    I just alerted them all, then waited at the doorway for them. Then i just hid to the side of the door and kept swinging my sword through the wall until all was dead!

  23. #23
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: San Antonio, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by sluggs View Post
    I just alerted them all, then waited at the doorway for them. Then i just hid to the side of the door and kept swinging my sword through the wall until all was dead!
    Thanks Sluggs. I don't know why I did not do that. It is the easiest way to pick off ghosts.I guess there are only 5 of them in there.
    Now I am only one Gloria Doll short of finishing on Expert. Missing about 40 loot for max, but just need the last doll.

  24. #24
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: The Netherlands
    Albert, I found the Gloria doll first!!! I dont' brag here: it's just the truth!!! better go back to the start again and find the doll! ............and then bring it back to me, since she's MINE!!!

    Gloria Creep
    There're angels who playThief and angels who don't ........ both go to heaven ............
    Dare to join .............

  25. #25
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Texas
    Okay I am stuck! I just made it through the sewers but cannot get the gate to open. I have looked everywhere for a key and nothing. Any help appreciated!


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