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Thread: T2 FM (12.26.06): Some Shopping

  1. #1
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Siberia, Russia

    T2 FM (12.26.06): Some Shopping

    That's nice! A new one again! Downloading

    Thank you, T. Nagy Levente!

  2. #2

    playing at work over xmas

    Morning taffers...

    Unlike most I have work the next 3 days... :-/ SO ive brought in my lil Dell D400 which amazingly plays T2 :-)

    Anyhew Im loving this lil FM, lots of nooks and cranies to hide, as I cant BJ oany of the watch (damn those long skirt helmets)

    merry bloody xmas blah!


  3. #3
    New Member
    Registered: Nov 2004


    Merry xmas!

    Its a very difficult fm! Not easy play!
    Guard are not knockable, have many nice
    difficult objectives! Sorry!

  4. #4
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Copenhagen.
    I´m having problems with this mission. During install GarrettLoader tries and tries but nothing happens. Anyone else with this problem?

    Maybe I should download it again and see what happens.
    It's so easy, but I can't do it.
    So risky - but I gotta chance it.
    It's so funny, there's nothing to laugh about

  5. #5
    Works fine in DarkLoader for me. So far this seems to be a pretty tough mission. I've explored quite a few areas but haven't really accomplished much. This looks to be a good one for the ghosters.

  6. #6
    Registered: Dec 2001
    Location: Southern Tier NY, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by SirFreddieM View Post
    I´m having problems with this mission. During install GarrettLoader tries and tries but nothing happens. Anyone else with this problem?

    Maybe I should download it again and see what happens.
    I had the same problem so I quit via ctrl+alt+del then I restarted garrett loader and got some crap about stuff to do because garrettloader may be out of sync...blaaa...I just skipped all that crap and told gar-loader to install origional T2 missions and went and got Darkloader v4.3. Then the mission loaded and playes fine. Good ole dependable Garrett Loader, gotta love it !
    Now Im off to do some shopping

  7. #7
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Siberia, Russia
    Its a hard mission
    tnl2, possible, good use in your mission Fixed 'SherrifsNoKO' by R Soul.

  8. #8
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Great. Now I can't get back in
    Stuck on several things:-
    - Keys to the building with the cog sign, the Cheap Inn, & the gate above & to the west of the Watch Station.
    - No idea for the objectives about the Engine, the Piston or the Navigation Globe. My guess is Capt Willworth's is beyond the above-mentioned gate.

    Really good, interesting city layout, but with all the enforced killing I miss using my beloved BJ!
    Any hints on any of the above much appreciated.
    Last edited by Sticky Fingers; 28th Dec 2006 at 08:58.

  9. #9
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Great. Now I can't get back in
    Ok, figured out 2 things : -
    you don't need a key for that gate (Jeez, I must be getting tired), & the special engine is beyond it, not Capt Willworth.

    south of the building with the cog sign, just near some kind of horn you can operate (if you have the key ) there's a water-valve-type switch - what does it open?

    Any hints still appreciated.

  10. #10
    Wow, it took me just over 4.5 hours in-game time on expert but I've finally completed it. It got a little bit easier after I arranged some unfortunate "accidents" for all the street level guards.

    Sticky Fingers:
    The key for the "horn" is very close by. Just inside a very small window. I never did find out what the valve is for. I never found a key for the Cheap Inn; I just bashed the door in once I had the guards thinned out enough.

    I played some JIS missions a long time ago and this mission kind of reminded me of them; at least what I remember of them.

  11. #11
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Great. Now I can't get back in
    Thanx heaps, JACKofTrades - you really do have to get in the Cheap Inn.
    Polished off a couple more objectives
    AND actually saw the switch to open the storage warehouse after walking straight past it about 8 times : My God, I think I'm going blind!!
    But I still can't find a way into the building with the cog sign, where I should think my last objective (the Piston) is. Got 7 keys & none of them work...

    Guess I'll keep trying...

  12. #12
    Did you find:
    A key lying on the ground? I know I found one on the ground at some point but don't ask me where or what it was for.

  13. #13
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Great. Now I can't get back in
    Quote Originally Posted by JACKofTrades View Post
    Did you find:
    A key lying on the ground? I know I found one on the ground at some point but don't ask me where or what it was for.
    Good Grief !! - you're right. And it's the key I was looking for.
    This mission's been very frustrating at times, but to leave a vital key lying randomly on the ground somewhere is just going too far
    I'll try to describe the location :
    Southern area, roughly central :- there's pipes overhead by which you can get into the window of a small church where (for some reason) there's some weapons lying around. The key's near a sign for, I think, a restaurant.

    Jeez !!!

  14. #14
    I'm kind of surprised at the lack of posts on this mission. It is a really good mission, albeit a pretty difficult one at least on expert difficulty. I'm usually turned off by an exceedingly difficult FM but this one somehow sucked me in and I just had to finish it. Not the "I had to finish just because I had already invested some much time in it" but because I was really having fun. The puzzles were constructed from just the basic dark engine AI; overlapping patrol routes, rooftop routes, figuring out how to get the drop on the guard watching the entrance, etc. a lot like Uncadonego's Chain of Events (one of my favorites) where the placement and patrol routes of the AI are the puzzle.

    You really should try this one. It will give you several hours of entertainment. Well done tnl2 and I look foward to your future releases!

  15. #15
    New Member
    Registered: Nov 2004

    key place

    Key for inn found in the street on the ground near the table
    , streetlamp. The table found left from torch lighted arched entrace
    and gold wine

    Key the machinenist found in ground, near the mission begin.

  16. #16
    Registered: Sep 2005
    Location: Uppingham, Rutland, UK

    Grimley's thieving paper - problem

    I agree with those who rate this as a very good mission.

    I'm playing on Expert, and I've completed all objectives except to take the paper giving evidence of Grimley's thieving.

    On the top floor of what I assume is a prison, there is a room I can see into but cannot reach because both of the doors that lead into it are unfrobbable. There is a guard walking around in the room, and I can see a paper on the desk. Is this the paper I need and, if so, how do I get into this room please?

  17. #17
    Registered: Dec 2001
    Location: Southern Tier NY, USA
    There is a guardstation by the
    Taffers Sack
    and I have gotten inside but on the top floor there is an area I cant get into There is a guard patrolling it. There is 2 doors that are unfrobable. One in an office with 2 desks and the other at the top of the stairs leading up here. I have looked up in the ceeling rafters and found no way in there either. Right outside there is a pipe leading over to a room and a gate that I have no key to. I have a feeling the key is in the area I cant get into. I would apreciate any help.


  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Marbrien View Post
    On the top floor of what I assume is a prison, there is a room I can see into but cannot reach because both of the doors that lead into it are unfrobbable. There is a guard walking around in the room, and I can see a paper on the desk. Is this the paper I need and, if so, how do I get into this room please?
    Yes, that's the paper you need. I have no idea what triggers those doors to open but they do open. Those doors were closed on my first visit to the watch station but were open when I returned later. Maybe just alert the guard inside and he opens them?

  19. #19
    Registered: Sep 2003
    Location: Bavaria/Germany
    Doors in cop shop upper floor:
    In one of the cells on the lowest level there's a corpse with a hand-of-glory thingy next to it. When I grabbed it there was a chuff and the next time I went to look what had happened, the doors were open.
    Still I'm not sure if it really was the trigger.
    Btw. did anyone manage to go down the ladder to the cells without taking some damage?

  20. #20
    Registered: Dec 2001
    Location: Southern Tier NY, USA
    Yea I did. I used a rope arrow then grabbed it on my way back up.

    Does the first wharehouse door open ?

    And yes
    the hand is the trigger
    Last edited by Lightningline; 30th Dec 2006 at 11:00.

  21. #21
    Registered: Dec 2001
    Location: Southern Tier NY, USA
    I read the posts but I still cant find the key for the metal door with the cog sign over it uphill from the horn. Help !

  22. #22
    Registered: Mar 2005
    Location: Maw Of Chaos
    Quote Originally Posted by SirFreddieM View Post
    I´m having problems with this mission. During install GarrettLoader tries and tries but nothing happens. Anyone else with this problem?

    Maybe I should download it again and see what happens.
    Same problem for me too.
    Does this mean I must install DarkLoader to get this mission to work? There is nothing I can do with GarretLoader instead?

    Any help appreciated, thank you.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Lightningline View Post
    I read the posts but I still cant find the key for the metal door with the cog sign over it uphill from the horn. Help !
    It's on the ground less than ten paces from where you start, underneath a shop sign.

    Quote Originally Posted by dirtyoldman View Post
    Btw. did anyone manage to go down the ladder to the cells without taking some damage?
    Yes, I did but I had to set the option "Attach to ladders: Jump" and even then it took several tries. I could never do it with it set on "touch"

    I just replayed this mission and it still took me 2.5 hours to finish. Alas, I'm still 15 short of the max loot so it looks like I missed the same thing as the first go around.
    Last edited by JACKofTrades; 30th Dec 2006 at 13:35.

  24. #24
    Registered: Dec 2001
    Location: Southern Tier NY, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by thiefessa View Post
    Same problem for me too.
    Does this mean I must install DarkLoader to get this mission to work? There is nothing I can do with GarretLoader instead?

    Any help appreciated, thank you.
    Read my post on this page about 6 posts down from the start of this thread.

    Just make sure you install origional T2 game in Gar Loader before messing with Darkloader.

  25. #25
    Registered: Dec 2001
    Location: Southern Tier NY, USA
    Does anyone know whare the globe is? Also across Capt Willworths door in the wharehouse there is a lever in a room witha machine of some kind, I here a gate opening but dont know what it is opening.

    OK I got the lever thing but I still need that globe. Also I am in the captins store room in the warehouse but the objective never checks off.
    Last edited by Lightningline; 30th Dec 2006 at 22:42.

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