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Thread: Cult of Rapture

  1. #51
    Registered: Jun 2005
    The Deus Ex comment is hilarious.

    But equally disturbing is the comment that "The content for both the PC and the 360 will be exactly the same." This means that during playtesting situations that are too easy on the PC (or too hard on the Xbox) are going to be edited down to the lowest common denominator. It also implies that the PC and Xbox HUDs and menus will be identical.

    Bad news, but int eh grand scheme of things kind of funny when you consider all the anticipation and hope that Bioshock will be the next REAL FPS for the PC.

  2. #52
    Registered: Sep 2004
    Location: U of I, Urbana-Champaign
    Nobody say anything negative about Bioshock turning out like Invisible War! You've just got to believe it won't and then it won't, like how clapping and believing fairies exist keep Tinkerbell alive.

  3. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by mothra View Post
    in the last Crysis-trailers you can see yourself picking weapons and stuff up with your own hand -
    looks gorgeous. i wanna have that in bioshock as well. not point, click -> added to inventory.
    i wanna see myself reach out for it.
    Having your hand viewable to the context actions would rule, and add another layer of immersion to the game

    If we are to go by the CGI trailer, it may be possible . . . .

  4. #54
    Registered: Jun 2006
    I am disappointed by that call. I can only hope that it's not as bad as it sounds.

  5. #55
    Registered: Dec 2000
    Location: Finland
    I really hope we see the player injecting plasmids. I was rather disappointed to see the gameplay video (saw it after the cgi trailer, not sure which came first) and the plasmid use appeared to be just like the protagonist was making a magic trick. It won't ruin my gameplay experience if it isn't in, but it would help in the immersion.

  6. #56
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Vienna, Austria
    agreed. i don't like those fantasy glow magic animations.
    i think that the fact that activating an plasmid and having to wait
    for the animation to end to being able to use it could add much
    tension to the gameplay.
    maybe it would maybe encourage more to step
    back and seek cover during fights and therefore the fights would be less
    frenetic but I, the player would certainly get my adrenalin pumpin.

    PS: in some comments after the gameplayvid ken levine said
    that all of the animations are still being worked on, just like on the HUD.
    in the last mini-trailer you could see actual gameplay where all of the HUD
    was disabled, no crosshair, but you didn't get to see any plasmid-inject/activation-animation,
    only it's use like telekinesis and flames.
    Last edited by mothra; 20th Jan 2007 at 15:12.

  7. #57
    Registered: Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by TheGreatGodPan View Post
    Nobody say anything negative about Bioshock turning out like Invisible War! You've just got to believe it won't and then it won't, like how clapping and believing fairies exist keep Tinkerbell alive.
    Now close your eyes and repeat after me, "there's no game like Halo, theres no game like Halo"

    To clarify, I don't necessarily think this has to make Bioshock a bad game, but regardless of the turnout its tremendously ironic - assuming it is in fact true.

  8. #58
    Registered: Feb 2005
    Location: Spain
    Are there any lessons from Deus Ex 2 that the team has learned and is using when making BioShock?
    Many development teams have learned important lessons from previous attempts to bring PC games to the console, though Deus Ex 2 is an infamous example. One of the main things we are doing differently is that we are leading our development efforts with the 360. Therefore all decisions on HUD and gameplay situations are made on the 360 and brought over to the PC to avoid the situations you are thinking about.
    What situations?. So, the lessons you learned about Deus Ex 2 is to make the same errors?.

    I see what's the developer "dogma". "If you are going to develop a multiplatform game, dumb it down, young man, dumb it down."

    What a terrible deception.

    And of course, no multiplayer because a "great history" and such of things. I'm sure that you remember a game called System Shock 2. It had a great history and single player exprience... and a superb Cooperative mode. Do you remember?

    I still hope that BioShock be a great game, but now I'm sure that it's not the spiritual sucesor of SS2. It will be a console game ported to PC.


  9. #59
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Vienna, Austria
    well, you can't know that before you did not try the game out for yourself.
    It's much too early and there is not enough information at the moment
    to claim that. I hope (and think) that you will be proven utterly wrong.

  10. #60
    Registered: Sep 2006
    Location: Ebbw vale, wales
    deus ex 2 wasnt a bad game at all, maybe if it had also looked like a mod for unreal tournamnet you would have liked it better?, its interface was award winning (on PC!! BAFTA nominated for its interface )
    There is almost no divide left between console and pc FPS games, im sure alot of the choices are made with the level of immersion in mind not the platform.
    Last edited by dylan barry; 21st Jan 2007 at 14:41.

  11. #61
    Registered: Dec 2000
    Location: Finland
    Quote Originally Posted by Slamelov View Post
    And of course, no multiplayer because a "great history" and such of things. I'm sure that you remember a game called System Shock 2. It had a great history and single player exprience... and a superb Cooperative mode. Do you remember?
    Making a multiplayer for a game is not just about adding a multiplayer feature to the game. You need to make the code, put it in and then do a lot of testing to make sure it works and then you also have to make sure that the code doesn't break any other piece of code in the game.

  12. #62
    Irrational Games
    Registered: May 2006
    Location: Boston, MA
    Quote Originally Posted by Slamelov View Post

    Are there any lessons from Deus Ex 2 that the team has learned and is using when making BioShock?
    Many development teams have learned important lessons from previous attempts to bring PC games to the console, though Deus Ex 2 is an infamous example. One of the main things we are doing differently is that we are leading our development efforts with the 360. Therefore all decisions on HUD and gameplay situations are made on the 360 and brought over to the PC to avoid the situations you are thinking about.
    What situations?. So, the lessons you learned about Deus Ex 2 is to make the same errors?.
    It will be a console game ported to PC.
    That FAQ entry is not accurate. According to Ken Levine, it was written by our new community development liaison who is coming to Boston this week to get fully briefed on our development process.

    - Chris Kline, Lead Programmer

  13. #63
    Registered: Jun 1999
    Location: Procrastination, Australia
    When I first read that Deus Ex : IW question I was quite expecting the response to be:
    "We didn't make Invisible War! That was those other guys. (the ones who get all the credit for stuff System Shock 2 did first)"
    or something along those lines (more chummy, less combative)

  14. #64
    Registered: Sep 2006
    Location: Novato, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by ckline View Post
    That FAQ entry is not accurate. According to Ken Levine, it was written by our new community development liaison who is coming to Boston this week to get fully briefed on our development process.

    - Chris Kline, Lead Programmer
    Awesome, thanks for letting us know. Irrational developers are the best.

  15. #65
    Registered: Feb 2005
    Location: Spain
    Quote Originally Posted by ckline View Post
    That FAQ entry is not accurate. According to Ken Levine, it was written by our new community development liaison who is coming to Boston this week to get fully briefed on our development process.

    - Chris Kline, Lead Programmer

    Glad to hear that, I was really worried about that answer. Let's wait for more precise news, then.


    Quote Originally Posted by mothra View Post
    well, you can't know that before you did not try the game out for yourself.
    It's much too early and there is not enough information at the moment
    to claim that. I hope (and think) that you will be proven utterly wrong.
    And I hope so
    deus ex 2 wasnt a bad game at all, maybe if it had also looked like a mod for unreal tournamnet you would have liked it better?, its interface was award winning (on PC!! BAFTA nominated for its interface )
    There is almost no divide left between console and pc FPS games, im sure alot of the choices are made with the level of immersion in mind not the platform.
    Only compare Deus Ex 1 with Deus Ex 2, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about

    Making a multiplayer for a game is not just about adding a multiplayer feature to the game. You need to make the code, put it in and then do a lot of testing to make sure it works and then you also have to make sure that the code doesn't break any other piece of code in the game.
    I know, and?. Yes, to make a videogame is not easy, so, what's the point? No more multiplayer in videogames because is difficult?. I repeat, SS2 had a great story and a great coop, so, if BioShock will not have coop, I prefer to hear "hey, we can't afford that" that the same excuse that Legend used for Unreal 2 or Troika with Vampire Bloodlines.

    As you can see, Ckline says that those faqs were not accurate.

    Last edited by Slamelov; 21st Jan 2007 at 17:23.

  16. #66
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: Scotland
    Quote Originally Posted by ckline View Post
    According to Ken Levine, it was written by our new community development liaison who is coming to Boston this week to get fully briefed on our development process.
    Is that a developers' euphemism for beating seven bells out of someone?

  17. #67
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Vienna, Austria
    Quote Originally Posted by Slamelov View Post
    Only compare Deus Ex 1 with Deus Ex 2, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about
    same opinion here. DeusEx2 wasn't a bad game but for me as well, in comparison to DeusEx1 it was a disappointment and inferior.
    Just compare the first mission on liberty island with that funny tutorial basket ball court shit in DeusEx2.
    And i hated its interface, BAFTA or not.
    Still played thru it and had a few enjoyable moments. but not DeusEx level.

  18. #68
    New Member
    Registered: Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Qooper View Post
    This has been repeated several times, so you'll hear it from me too: Ken's not a fool, and he does pull the rope on this project. Bioshock is going to be a marvellous PC game with an authentic PC-style HUD. It will also come in console flavour for 360 owners. G'nite I'm going to bed ->
    Not to imply anything, but this is the same guy who 'pulled the ropes' on Tribes: Vengeance and so thoroughly both put the last nail in the coffin for that franchise, is it not?

    I'm a tremendous Tribes fan so excuse me if I feel more then a little wary of both Irrational AND Ken Levine working on another sequel (spiritual or not) of an old game I loved.

    Quote Originally Posted by dylan barry View Post
    There is almost no divide left between console and pc FPS games, im sure alot of the choices are made with the level of immersion in mind not the platform.
    *Ahem* Excuse me, but when was the last time you saw console players complain that a game was 'dumbed down' because of PCs? I don't know why (but I have some very nebulous theories) but PC Gamers typically seem to be a mental caliber higher then console players. Ever since the Xbox, gaming has been in a recession of quality and yet we also see more and more games being released for both PC and a console at the same time. Coincidence?

    There isn't any way to waste words on this. I know as well as you that games are becoming more and more similar with action-oriented, shallow learning curves, and a heavier emphasis on pretty graphics over storytelling. Counter-Strike popularized using twitch reflexes over your brain, and now everyone wants a piece of the pie. As someone pointed out, you compare DX1 with DX2 and there are so many negative changes and sacrifices made for the 'Xbox crowd' it's embarrassing.

    And if you really want proof, go play Oblivion, the poster child of why PC gamers are so jaded to console development being hand-in-hand nowadays.
    Last edited by Uranium - 235; 21st Jan 2007 at 18:29.

  19. #69
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Vienna, Austria
    well, welcome uranium-235.

    hihi, i know him from the dystopia-forum.
    you will all be very happy with him, he's more the critical type

    Last edited by mothra; 21st Jan 2007 at 18:22.

  20. #70
    Registered: Mar 2005
    Location: Ontario, Canada
    Well, I knew that answer had to have been a mistake. Glad to hear it confirmed. However . . .
    Quote Originally Posted by ckline View Post
    According to Ken Levine, it was written by our new community development liaison who is coming to Boston this week to get fully briefed on our development process.
    Why is someone being allowed to answer questions, before they know the full scoop on the game?

    I'm still amazed by the unprecedented openness of Irrational and 2K Games on Bioshock, and also grateful. But I do hope that care is taken from this point forward, not to make further mistakes like this.

    Thanks again for setting the record straight.

  21. #71
    Registered: Sep 2006
    Location: Ebbw vale, wales
    New games like jade empire, splintercell, halo, kotor, g.r.a.w., deadrising, rainbow six vegas(judging from the ending this is a new franchise) even bioshock have no chance against the might of "the sims" so maybe its for the best its on a new system as well. It may get the recognition it deserves and a fresh audience that invested into this whole new hollywood thing, along with the production values expected in these high profile block buster games.
    We will keep your games alive basicly.

    Starsiege:tribes is what it is and is one of my top 10 games of all time, tribes:vengence has alot of cool things going for it, both are highly enjoyable, vengence is just alot more solid and it would be welcomed with open arms(and minds) on the 360,
    Last edited by dylan barry; 21st Jan 2007 at 19:00.

  22. #72
    Registered: May 2003
    Location: Sweden
    Quote Originally Posted by Uranium - 235 View Post
    Not to imply anything, but this is the same guy who 'pulled the ropes' on Tribes: Vengeance and so thoroughly both put the last nail in the coffin for that franchise, is it not?

    I'm a tremendous Tribes fan so excuse me if I feel more then a little wary of both Irrational AND Ken Levine working on another sequel (spiritual or not) of an old game I loved.
    You are aware that, unlike tribes, Irrational (and Ken) actually made the predecessor for bioshock (system shock 2, which you say you loved)?

    Also if I'm not mistaken, Irrational Australia had the major role in tribes while Irrational Boston, thus Ken, mainly worked on swat4 (and bioshock?). According to the credits (swat4 / tribes) at least, his involvment in tribes was writing, while he was exec producer for swat.

    ps. not that I'm dissing irrational australia, haven't played tribes so I have no opinion

  23. #73
    Registered: Sep 2004
    Location: Maritime Provinces (Canada)
    I just want to offer my thanks to ckline for taking to time to clear this up; it is very much appreciated.

  24. #74
    Registered: Jun 2002
    Location: New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by ckline View Post
    That FAQ entry is not accurate. According to Ken Levine, it was written by our new community development liaison who is coming to Boston this week to get fully briefed on our development process.

    - Chris Kline, Lead Programmer
    This is good to hear. Unfortunately, given the reaction I've seen in several places and the fact I've seen little from the PC version (everything I've seen has been on the Xbox version IIRC) I was disappointed, but originally not surprised to read that. It's good to know it's not the case though, because that was the exact mistake that Ion Storm made when making Deus Ex. They made a console game first and forgot to bother making an actual PC version.

  25. #75
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ckline View Post
    That FAQ entry is not accurate. According to Ken Levine, it was written by our new community development liaison who is coming to Boston this week to get fully briefed on our development process.

    - Chris Kline, Lead Programmer
    Thanks! After thinking that quote over I had figured there was some sort of misunderstanding, but I'm glad you cleared that up. Well, no damage done I guess, I still appreciate the attention given to this community even if there are brief problems like the DX: IW answer.
    Last edited by MultiVaC; 21st Jan 2007 at 22:21. Reason: made last sentence more specifc

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