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Thread: Dance With The Dead [T2] (03.02.07)

  1. #1
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum

    Dance With The Dead [T2] (03.02.07)

    Well this took a bit longer than I had planned! I intended this to be a speed build mission to show what could be done quickly in Dromed, but the testers thought it was boring with no story, loot or secrets so I spent a few months making it into a "real" mission.

    First, I'd like to thank the testers who as always did a phenomenal job:
    Nightwalker, FreddyFox, Moghedian, Peter Smith, Dafydd, TheNightTerror, Griffin, Sliptip and Azrarhn.
    Also, huge thanks to SlyFoxx for narrating the briefing movie.
    And also as always, thanks to Jason and Thiefmissions for hosting.

    For more details about the mission, including screenshots and readme, check out the Preview Thread.

    There are two flavours, with and without briefing movie, although the no-briefing version at 37MB is not very dialup-friendly, and I apologize for that.

    • Full version (55.6MB)
    • No Briefing (37.1MB)
    • For those who choose NoB but would still like to see the movie (without AVI compression artifacts), you can grab it alone in WMV format here (11.9MB)
    • Thanks to FreddyFox, we already have a complete lootlist here. It's also included in the mission ZIP

    • Please read the readme carefully to get the story if you choose not to watch the briefing.
    • I hope that the three play modes mixed with the three difficulties will provide you some replay value. I find playing Duke Nukem on Nightmare and running about blowing skellies up without trying to be stealthy very therapeutic after a long day!
    • This mission was originally called Realm of the Bone King but changed during Beta because I never liked that title very much.
    Last edited by Yandros; 2nd Mar 2007 at 12:43.

  2. #2
    Registered: Jul 2005
    Location: Aachen (Germany)
    Holy S**t!!!


    Time to play Thief II again!

  3. #3
    Registered: Jul 2003
    Location: United Kingdom
    It's time to kick ass and chew gum, only I'm all outta gum, or something like that!

  4. #4
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    Yep, you'll hear yourself say that if you play Duke Nukem mode!

  5. #5
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Siberia, Russia
    Thank you, Yandros!!!!!!!!!! Downloading now!!!

  6. #6
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: Toronto
    Congrats Yandros!!!

  7. #7
    Registered: Jun 2004
    Yepe skippy 30% downloaded so far.

    Thank for this great gift, after such a rough month as Feb.

    EDIT: 88% now

    Edit2: finished for me, open my way, open the it darkloader
    Last edited by Iceblade; 2nd Mar 2007 at 14:09.

  8. #8
    Registered: Oct 2002
    Location: UK
    Well done Yandros. This should be good. Downloading. Bigger than I expected. A two session download for me but 'twill be worth it I'm sure.

    While I'm waiting, does it cover a wide area, random access or sequential - I mean, if some areas are so similar should I sharpen my pencil ready to map as I go along? I get lost easy. Or is there an in-game map?

    Hope it's got that dirty hazy dusty look of Agamemnon. Oh, wait a minute. Must clean my monitor screen now and again.

  9. #9
    Registered: Jul 2003
    Location: United Kingdom
    Yeah, piece of cake!

    *Damn, I'm goood!

  10. #10
    Registered: Oct 2002
    Location: UK
    Now try Nightmare in Suicidal ghosting mode!

  11. #11
    Registered: May 2000
    Location: Thunder Bay, On., Canada
    Fidcal You start with a map and can find another. This mission is excellent fun, no matter what kind of mood you're in. You can sneak it or go in and kill everything in site. Great job, Yandros!
    Last edited by Nightwalker; 2nd Mar 2007 at 15:50. Reason: corrected an error. Thanks, Yandros!

  12. #12
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    Thanks, everyone! Fidcal - slight correction to NW's post - you start with one map and have to find the other.

    Also, contrary to what you might think, the most difficult ghosting experience is likely Nightmare Garrett (assuming you really ghost and use no gear). As stated in the readme, ghosting Nightmare Duke is probably impossible (although if anyone can do it, Dafydd and Peter can!)

  13. #13
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Museum of the Ancients
    Excellent Yandros
    I'm sure it was worth the wait.

    "Look at the size of that thing.."

  14. #14
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Northbay, Ont. Canada
    hi all, this is a great mission. But my problem is that when I wanted to do a save game it says not enough disk space. Do no know what it means. Hardrive space plenty, memory plenty, so i dont know how to rectify this. help please and thank you.
    Silent Warrior

  15. #15
    Registered: Jul 2003
    Location: United Kingdom
    Yandros, Duke Nukem mode was fun. I shall replay it as Fidcal suggested later on.

    Edit: Or even "Nightmare Duke" for a good challenge!

    IMO, it looks better without the fog though. The architecture is very nice and all, (I feel that you could do even better though), but it's all rather samey, because of which, it is very easy to get lost as so much looks the same.

    The first two Talismans I got OK, but couldn't figure out what to do with the others. (I bashed them again, changing thier design, each one to one of the others I didn't have already, then checked around, but found nothing different. (I guess I should have checked that scroll for clues, but I like to try and do stuff by myself)

    The area where the special thingy is, was rather choppy on my PC.

    Athlon 64 3000+
    Geforce 6600GT
    2 GB DDR 400

    Some parts reminded of NV's water contest mission...
    Bits of falling rocks and bits and pieces scattered around after bashing those stones above the Sarcophagus's

    The music made the game stutter slightly when changing, but that is a minor complaint!

    You have put alot of thought into your FM's lately, and for that, I admire you. It makes me feel like pausing my FM and starting something similar, but alas, if I do that, nothing will get bloody done! Besides, once the one I'm already working on is done, I'm off to another engine!

    Last edited by Sluggs; 2nd Mar 2007 at 15:27.

  16. #16
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    Quote Originally Posted by Sluggs View Post
    IMO, it looks better without the fog though. The architecture is very nice and all, (I feel that you could do even better though), but it's all rather samey, because of which, it is very easy to get lost as so much looks the same.
    I'm guessing you didn't get this far in the readme then:

    Quote Originally Posted by ReadMe
    A Design Note
    This mission was originally built from modules in an attempt to speed-build a mission to show it could be done. The entire main part of the mission (not including any secret areas) was built in 3 weeks, including AI, objectives, ambients and the three play modes. This is why the architecture is extremely repetitive throughout most of the main areas of the mission; I’d never have been so repetitive otherwise. When my testers complained that it was kind of boring and some loot and hidden secrets would add a little spice to the mission, I sort of abandoned the whole speed-build idea and went overboard, spending over 2 months doing the secrets. To dress up the main areas a little, I went back through and added some ‘colour’ so as not to be too boring and make it easier to keep your bearings.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sluggs View Post
    The first two Talismans I got OK, but couldn't figure out what to do with the others. (I bashed them again, changing thier design, each one to one of the others I didn't have already, then checked around, but found nothing different. (I guess I should have checked that scroll for clues, but I like to try and do stuff by myself)
    Those on the lower level that you bash and they change aren't related to the elemental talismans themselves - you'll learn what they are later once you have found the other two elemental talismans. Look at the upper level map for a clue as to the locations of the other two.

  17. #17
    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: Ireland
    The intro cutscene doesn't play when I start this.
    I had to watch it manually.

    I have properly registered and the standard videos (credits, intro) still play.

    Oh well, on to the mission...

    Also, the fog looks quite bad on an ATI card.
    I decided to open the save up in DromEd and manually tweak it to 16, 16, 32, which is a lot more bearable..
    Last edited by Nameless Voice; 2nd Mar 2007 at 16:08.

  18. #18
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    Odd, it was done with the Indeo codec and none of the testers mentioned that problem...

  19. #19
    Registered: Jul 2003
    Location: United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by Yandros View Post
    I'm guessing you didn't get this far in the readme then:
    My bad! I read all the important parts though for the game. (I always check the readme's before playing)

  20. #20
    Registered: Oct 2002
    Location: UK
    Silent Warrior : Sounds like that old T2 glitch you sometimes get when installing T2? If it is I think there is a config fix but a quick fix is to ADD a few megabytes of files to the drive (copy a folder temporarily or something.) Repeat if it doesn't work first time. That pushes if over a boundary as I recall. Someone will know how to explain it better. I never heard of it with a game save though.

    One more hour to go......

  21. #21
    Registered: Jul 2005
    Location: Aachen (Germany)
    I tried to run through the mission first, because I had an appointment... And I did it! It only took me less than 25 minutes, including
    killing the bone king.

    But then the big shock at the stats screen:
    0 of over 6000 loot and 0 of 6 secrets.

    I missed so many stuff!
    Now its time to play the mission in the real thief style.

  22. #22
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Northbay, Ont. Canada
    hi, I had no problems with other missions before. So, I still dont know how to rectify this. Im trying to save a mission in the save area, it says not enough disk space, please can someone help me.
    thank you
    Silent Warrior

  23. #23
    Registered: Sep 2003
    Location: Cambridgeshire UK
    Quote Originally Posted by SethAC View Post
    But then the big shock at the stats screen:
    Don't feel too bad about it. Others have trod the same path. Luckily it's much easier now.

  24. #24
    Registered: Dec 2001
    Location: Southern Tier NY, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Silent _Warrior View Post
    hi, I had no problems with other missions before. So, I still dont know how to rectify this. Im trying to save a mission in the save area, it says not enough disk space, please can someone help me.
    thank you
    Silent Warrior
    Free up some space on your HD...or add a program. 50MB either way should do the trick.

  25. #25
    Registered: Jan 2007
    Oh! The name fooled me at first, downloading the mission now.

    "Come get some!"

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