Thank you!!!![]()
I am pleased to announce the completion and release of The Chain Project, an FM for Thief 2. Demagogue explains;
I took a peek at it myself before making this news entry, and I must say that it's a very odd and interesting bit of work. I especially appreciated that everyone's area is labeled once you enter it, and there seems to be no one, nor two (or even three) clear paths through the insanity. It's nice to see something started in 2005 get finished. Thanks guys, and congratulations!Authors: John Denison, Vlad Midnight (Lead), demagogue (Lead), Shadowspawn, Random_Taffer, OttoJ55, SlyFoxx, The_Dude, Flecha das Sombras, Thiefsie Fool (TF), Speesh, d0om, Zaccheus, nicked
This mission is the combined work of all the authors above, all linked together. The idea was that one person would independently build an area and then pass it on to the next person in queue to do the same, and so on ... So don't expect to find much continuity! But *do* expect a wild and fun ride! The areas are linked in that often an item you find in one area will help you get into further areas. There are a few objectives, if not exactly a Shakespearean epic story.
There is a old and long thread on this topic in the editor's forum, for anyone interested in its history or authors.
Last edited by Nightwalker; 24th Aug 2012 at 11:18. Reason: updated download link
Thank you!!!![]()
I'm not finished yet, but I had to say it as soon as possible:
spoiler:The zombie motions are absolutely incredible! Finally a more realistic way to stand up.![]()
It's about bloody time this was released!Hoorah! \o/
Special thanks to demagogue for getting this released. It needed a push.![]()
I'm having a lot of fun with this one. Must have been a ton of work to pull it all together, so thanks for that.![]()
I'm stuck in the watch towers. Where is the key to what I assume is the exit?
spoiler:One of those "Zombies" below has it.
Wow ... it's almost surreal to see that it's actually out there and people are playing it now.![]()
I just read the old thread Digi linked to again for kicks. What a drama! Almost finished by April 2005, then almost finished by April 2006, but not really finished until about April 2007. Incredible.
And still it's strange to be able to let it go after all that. I was almost stunned the day (well, yesterday, in fact) I looked at it and neither I nor Vlad could really think of anything else that needed fixing. It works! And lots of people deserve credit for that. Vlad, in particular, stuck with it from start to finish.
But best of all, after everything, it's still fun, and funny! Enjoy folks.
Last edited by demagogue; 31st Mar 2007 at 14:14.
You guys are making me jealous!![]()
I'm getting a runtime error with this mission (and only this mission)...![]()
"Run-time error '-2147217833(80040e57)'
The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add.
Try inserting or pasting less data."
Can anyone help?
I'm not technical-minded, by the way.![]()
Is there any way you can post this mission elseware? I am only getting 2byts
per second at the circle...yes 2 byts...not Kb. And that is on coax cable broadband which should get 100kb sec min on a slow server
Last edited by Lightningline; 31st Mar 2007 at 15:16.
That should help for a bit. It's a pain trying to find a good file sharing site that doesn't throw up too many crappy advertisements. in an ED2K/Emule link.
Last edited by Bardic; 31st Mar 2007 at 16:20.
Ditto, here!!You guys are making me jealous!
I'm getting a runtime error with this mission (and only this mission)...
"Run-time error '-2147217833(80040e57)'
The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add.
Try inserting or pasting less data."
Can anyone help?
I'm not technical-minded, by the way.
Same problem here.![]()
Here's another download link!![]()
It crashed on me in Random_Taffer's area.![]()
spoiler:When I picked up either of the two archer thieves above the round room with blue flame, the "carrybody" image was missing and caused the crash.
Just got the same crash as John. Also, to everyone getting the other error (upon startup), try playing with Darkloader. Worked fine for me.
I'm also stuck in that area. I see the blue flame and a large portculis, but don't know what to do now.
I use DL too, no such problems for me!
John, You need to find a lever
John, well first you need to find a key.
Wow, I can't believe this is actually out. It seems like so long ago you all had the idea. I'm very interested to see how it all turned out.
Haha my contribution was pretty bad looking back on it. I would have updated it/added more, but I haven't been around here lately. Price I have to pay for lurking so long.![]()
So as not to cause too much confusion, I'm going to move discussion about the 80040E57 error that thiefessa first mentioned (this error) to The Editor's Guild (here).
If you want to know how to avoid this error, the fail-safe option is to make sure you play through DarkLoader, and then you can play without error. It's only a problem with GarrettLoader. That's the simplest solution.
If you insist on playing through GarrettLoader or that's the only system you have installed or whatever, then see this link.
Sorry for the trouble.
Last edited by demagogue; 1st Apr 2007 at 02:29.
I cant find a kay to your area, demagogue.
Otherwise, fun mission, lotsa combat.
The key to my area is
Hint: in Vlad's area.
Answer: on the guard you kill patrolling around the fountain.
so, ah, where is the ring?