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Thread: T2 MISSION "Temple of Death" May 5/2007

  1. #1
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: France (Lille)

    Temple of death updated to new dark -23-08-14

    "Temple of Death" updated to V 1.5:

    Note: You can find the thread for the New Dark updated version here.

    NOTE BEFORE PLAYING!!!: YOU need to disable the EP, simply rename it epbak.crf, then remove the bak bit afterwards.

    Grab it now while its hot
    Last edited by Cardia; 9th Nov 2019 at 05:05. Reason: updated mission

  2. #2
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Copenhagen.
    Yeah, a new mission. Great news!!!!
    It's so easy, but I can't do it.
    So risky - but I gotta chance it.
    It's so funny, there's nothing to laugh about

  3. #3
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Siberia, Russia
    Cool! Thanks, cardia1
    Some screenshots.
    Last edited by clearing; 5th May 2007 at 11:29.

  4. #4
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: France (Lille)

    Quote Originally Posted by clearing View Post
    Cool! Thanks, cardia1
    Some screenshots.
    Thanks for the screenshots Clearing

  5. #5
    Registered: Mar 2007
    Location: Spain

    Downloading now... thanx you sneaksie!!

  6. #6
    Registered: Jul 2005
    Location: Aachen (Germany)
    Unfortunately, I don't really like this mission. From the beginning to the end you have the feeling to be in a shooter, not in Thief II.

    But I made the best of it an played it like a shooter. I opended DromEd, put some more equipment in my bag and started to slay the undead.

  7. #7
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: North Carolina


    You made it thru already? I haven't been able to make it out of the first room yet, after several tries. Hope if I ever do, there will a lot more weapons of some sort.

  8. #8
    Registered: Aug 2003
    Location: Deep in the Heart of Texas!

    Can't download

    I get this message when I tried to download.The person who sent you this file has exceeded their download limit. Are there any mirror sites yet???

  9. #9
    Registered: Jul 2003
    Could someone get both files up on thecircle? thanks.

  10. #10
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Copenhagen.
    Getting inside was such a pain. But it can be done.

    But after that all I can say is thank godness for bad eyesight from these boneguards. What I really do not like is that these fellowes run faster than me and no matter what they find me.

    This mission will have to be put on hold for a while. It annoys me.

  11. #11
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Siberia, Russia
    Yes. Very difficult FM
    Quake 3 Arena
    Last edited by clearing; 5th May 2007 at 14:47.

  12. #12
    Registered: Mar 2006
    Location: Germany
    Alternate download location for the moment:

  13. #13
    Registered: Jul 2003
    Location: United Kingdom

    This is a very nice FM. The architecture is fantastic, but it's a tough one alright! It amazes and annoys you, both at the same time!

    It's the temple of death alright!
    Last edited by Sluggs; 5th May 2007 at 15:16.

  14. #14
    Registered: Jul 2003
    I was thinking cardia1 could have called it 'Temple of Doom' instead.

    Tough going but i completed it! Like Han Solo once said, "bring it on! i prefer that to all this sneaking around!" Architecture is nice as well.

    Even though my 'auto search bodies' was turned ON, i noticed it didn't work sometimes. And is it me or does Garrett not run as fast as he usually does?

  15. #15
    Registered: Jul 2003
    Location: United Kingdom
    He was running a bit too fast for me!

    This is the first time I've installed T2 since upgrading my PC and it's running a bit fast! (Yes, I know what I gotta do to fix that)

  16. #16
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: France (Lille)

    i canīt believe it

    i canīt believe that you taffers canīt fight with what i defeat with my eyes closed, Jesus Christ!!! Itīs so easy to defeat them, and just thinking that i wanted to make this fm more harder, you people are needing some trainning on quake3 in "nightmare" difficult ,there you will see what is real chanllenge this is nothing compared to "hurt me plenty" difficult in Quake 3.

  17. #17
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: France (Lille)
    Quote Originally Posted by SethAC View Post
    Unfortunately, I don't really like this mission. From the beginning to the end you have the feeling to be in a shooter, not in Thief II.

    But I made the best of it an played it like a shooter. I opended DromEd, put some more equipment in my bag and started to slay the undead.
    i hope you have enjoyed something in my mission

  18. #18
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: France (Lille)

    some tips...

    Quote Originally Posted by LeBaron View Post
    You made it thru already? I haven't been able to make it out of the first room yet, after several tries. Hope if I ever do, there will a lot more weapons of some sort.
    Baron let yourself stay in next to the entrance hall in the shadow, and toss some mines 1 per 1 till all skeletons die, if you see one of them getting close to you shoot an noise arrow to his opposite side so he may go after the noise and so you may have the chance to toss a mine into his direction.

    Technique my friends, patient, skills of warrior, haste, if you all dominate all these techinques youīll finish this mission with a hand in the back.

  19. #19
    Registered: May 2003
    Location: Indiana USA


    The note in inventory said get in the rafters....what rafters, I keep going down many stairs, not up...HELP

  20. #20
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: France (Lille)
    Quote Originally Posted by shadows View Post
    I was thinking cardia1 could have called it 'Temple of Doom' instead.

    Tough going but i completed it! Like Han Solo once said, "bring it on! i prefer that to all this sneaking around!" Architecture is nice as well.

    Even though my 'auto search bodies' was turned ON, i noticed it didn't work sometimes. And is it me or does Garrett not run as fast as he usually does?
    Thanks Shadows, it could be Temple of Doom if it wasnīt so full of lights, anyway no AI in this mission can run faster than you, unless you donīt have your up arrow key set to run.

  21. #21
    Registered: Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by cardia1 View Post
    Thanks Shadows, it could be Temple of Doom if it wasnīt so full of lights, anyway no AI in this mission can run faster than you, unless you donīt have your up arrow key set to run.
    eh? But my up key is set to run and the skeletons and bosses can still keep up with me, so much so that if i even pause i get a few slashes in my back! It doesn't really matter anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by cardia1
    Baron let yourself stay in next to the entrance hall in the shadow, and toss some mines 1 per 1 till all skeletons die, if you see one of them getting close to you shoot an noise arrow to his opposite side so he may go after the noise and so you may have the chance to toss a mine into his direction.
    If you're good with the sword you don't need mines. I picked off the archer and then used my sword on the other two guys

    Quote Originally Posted by cardia1
    i canīt believe that you taffers canīt fight with what i defeat with my eyes closed, Jesus Christ!!! Itīs so easy to defeat them, and just thinking that i wanted to make this fm more harder, you people are needing some trainning on quake3 in "nightmare" difficult ,there you will see what is real chanllenge this is nothing compared to "hurt me plenty" difficult in Quake 3.
    Now just a minute. I defeated this mission using only my sword, a handful of arrows and 2 health potions. Didn't use any other equipment. And i killed every AI in the mission!

  22. #22
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: France (Lille)


    Now just a minute. I defeated this mission using only my sword, a handful of arrows and 2 health potions. Didn't use any other equipment. And i killed every AI in the mission! [/QUOTE]

    Now thatīs what i like to hear, you have proved that you are a great warrior and you saved Garretīs life as well, so people as you can see iīm not the only one here who wins this mission easly There are many great fighters among us taffers, we have the skill to avoid conflits, to hide in the shadows, to do many things unoticed, but weīve also got the skill of fighting, of facing the enemy face to face, we are brave , we have the courage to face any king of situation, we are FEARLESS!!!...ok thatīs enough i think iīve drunk to much beer this night...hip!

  23. #23
    Registered: Apr 2000
    Location: Not France
    FYI, just transferred this FM to southquarter for an additional download source.

  24. #24
    Registered: Jul 2005
    Location: Aachen (Germany)
    Quote Originally Posted by cardia1 View Post
    i hope you have enjoyed something in my mission
    Well, yes! One hour after finishing the mission, I played it again. But this time only with my sword (removed the other things). Only the archers are very annoying when you only have your sword.

    At least the mission is nicer than I said before. It is some different stuff, and that's what I love now!

    When I want to play Thief, but also don't want to sneak, this mission is a nice alternative. ^^

  25. #25
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: France (Lille)
    Quote Originally Posted by SethAC View Post
    Well, yes! One hour after finishing the mission, I played it again. But this time only with my sword (removed the other things). Only the archers are very annoying when you only have your sword.

    At least the mission is nicer than I said before. It is some different stuff, and that's what I love now!

    When I want to play Thief, but also don't want to sneak, this mission is a nice alternative. ^^
    There is a good way to defeat the archers, when you see that they are coming to you hide yourself behind a wall or a columm, if you see that they get very close to you kill them with your sword, if you see that they have stopped waiting for you lean right or left(Head movement) in order to shoot them when you see them and lean to hide when you see an arrow coming to your direction, there is a technique to fight each ai Creature, at the beginnig i hated the archers at most i had also difficults to kill them. but time and pratice makes you almost invicible

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