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Thread: DromEd Toolkit 1.0

  1. #1
    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: Ireland

    DromEd Toolkit 1.0

    Presenting the DromEd Toolkit 1.0

    TTLG: DromEd Toolkit 1.0.
    Filefront: DromEd Toolkit 1.0

    DromEd Toolkit Toolkit 1.0

    This package contains a version of DromEd with several user-made patches applied, to fix various errors:
    • Error when using objects with TGA textures.
    • MIS corruption when typing "script_load" without a module name.
    • Inability to set quad-lit on an AnimLight. (D2)
    • Crash when editing Bradcast customization on WindowsXP. (D2)
    • Crash when adding a meta-property in the range -7905 to -7920.
    • Random num_rects error when entering game mode.
    • Hyperthreading / multi-core fix
    • Recoloured highlights and multibrushes to make them more visible.

    It also contains a number of user-made tools, utilities and support files:
    • Improved menus and keybindings by Nameless Voice [Makes DromEd easier to use, see separate readme]
    • Bright183 [Texture palettisation program, complete with batch scripts by Nameless Voice to make its use easier]
    • BrightUI [Texture palettisation graphical user interface, for those uncomfortable with batch files. Made by Telliamed]
    • Graphical .3ds -> .bin Conversion Utility, by Nameless Voice [makes the importing of .3ds files into Thief 2 easier]
    • Monolog Viewer [Program to view DromEd's monolog output in a separate window while DromEd is running]
    • DromColours [Program to change DromEd's colour scheme]
    • Font Tool by Telliamed [Allows importing and exporting of Dark Engine fonts]
    • Song Compiler by Telliamed [Allows importing and exporting of Dark songs, used to control music in Thief 2]
    • Motion Editor by Weyoun [Allows for the creation of custom motions]
    • Motion Database Editor by Shadowspawn [Allows for the creation of a new motion database, needed to use new motions]
    • Reconstructed Schemas by Telliamed [Allows the defining of new sound types]
    • Thief 2 Object List [Graphical representation of the object hierarchy to easily see what archetypes look like]
    • Thief Objective Wizard [Program for easily setting up mission objectives]
    • ObjTree [Gamesys editing tool. Can import XML files into a gamesys]
    • ParchEd [Book creation tool]
    • ThiefMapper [Automap creation tools]
    • DromAddOn [Tool]

    Nameless Voice
    Telliamed [
    Shadowspawn [ ]
    Thorin Oakenshield

    Installation instructions:

    Uncompress the package straight into a functional Thief 2 folder. It will NOT work inside a subfolder.
    It is strongly advised to use a separate copy of Thief 2 for editing than the one used for playing the game. There is a guide on how to set up multiple installs efficiently (using least disk space that a full install would require) here:

    Sometimes alt+e doesn't work to get back to the editor once you've installed the DromEd Toolkit. I'mm not sure why this happens to some people (it was also reported in my ShockEd Toolkit), but it's easy enough to fix.
    Open the file User.bnd in your DromEd folder using a decent text editor* and add this line to it:

    bind e+alt edit_mode
    Always make sure to leave one extra blank line at the end of the file.
    * Windows Notepad does not count as a decent text editor, as it may corrupt your binding file. Notepad++ is recommended.
    Last edited by Nameless Voice; 1st Jun 2009 at 17:43. Reason: Updated link

  2. #2
    Registered: Oct 2004
    rather than making a new pointless thread,
    does anyone know why dromed crashes if you go up close (in VIEW mode) to a regular torch? (ironically two minutes after I posted this dromed crashed for this reason, i was just turning around......crap)


    lord hammerarse's manor, The Suffer Catalyst
    The city spreads fever-60%on hold Chasm of the undead-40%on hold The last creak of the gear-2%priority

  3. #3
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    Well done, NV!

  4. #4
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Tatry Mountains, Poland
    WOW! If I had such DromEd few years ago... Mmmm...

  5. #5
    Registered: Jan 2000
    Location: Taylors, SC
    Nice package NV.

    Sniff - it looks like our little Dromed is growing up, becoming a real editor.

    Shadowspawn's Thief Pages
    Darkness is always faster than light. No matter how fast light travels, it always finds the dark waiting for it.

  6. #6
    Registered: Apr 2000
    Location: Not France
    Quote Originally Posted by Asgaroth View Post
    rather than making a new pointless thread,
    does anyone know why dromed crashes if you go up close (in VIEW mode) to a regular torch? (ironically two minutes after I posted this dromed crashed for this reason, i was just turning around......crap)
    How is a new thread pointless? You should make a new one, this has nothing in common with the current topic. By your logic, the entire Editor's Guild would be one big thread.

  7. #7
    Registered: Apr 2000
    Location: Not France
    I know it's not a huge file, but I mirrored the toolkit over on southquarter.

    Dromed Toolkit 1.0

  8. #8
    Registered: Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Brother Renault View Post
    How is a new thread pointless? You should make a new one, this has nothing in common with the current topic. By your logic, the entire Editor's Guild would be one big thread.

    I worded that message wrong! I was supposed to ask if there will be a fix. my apologies!!

  9. #9
    Registered: Aug 2004
    Location: netherlands
    thank you, NV

    just installed another thief (NR 6 ) with your dromed-toolkit

    everything is working great, lots of new menu's .. ( I used Komag's)
    but ... can I find some doc. about those menu's , there are some that doesn't mean anything to me...

  10. #10
    Registered: Oct 2004
    none of the textures will load for me
    well when I try loading any family's it says they're loaded but no new textures...

  11. #11
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: 28245 Cells
    Which families? The originals should load unless there's a mistake in the menus file.
    And of course all they do is invoke the command add_family familyname
    The status bar will lie to you on occasion.

  12. #12
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Siberia, Russia
    Maybe else by Datoyminaytah?
    Last edited by clearing; 2nd Jun 2007 at 07:12.

  13. #13
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: The Crippled Burrick
    Things like this are what keeps this place chugging along. Thanks NV.

  14. #14
    Registered: Sep 2003
    Location: Cambridgeshire UK
    I like this. One question -in Game Mode there seems to be a lot more contrast (any gamma) than in other versions. Can contrast be tweaked?

  15. #15
    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: Ireland
    Are you referring to the fact that the startup script automatically turns on light_bright and lit_obj_toggle?
    You can toggle those with ctrl+shift+o and ctrl+o, respectively.

  16. #16
    Registered: Sep 2003
    Location: Cambridgeshire UK
    That's it, I didn't know about lit_obj_toggle <:-(

    Many thanks.

  17. #17
    Registered: Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by R Soul View Post
    Which families? The originals should load unless there's a mistake in the menus file.
    And of course all they do is invoke the command add_family familyname
    The status bar will lie to you on occasion.
    all of:
    won't open

    I already had dedex installed so those textures are all working!
    lord hammerarse's manor, The Suffer Catalyst
    The city spreads fever-60%on hold Chasm of the undead-40%on hold The last creak of the gear-2%priority

  18. #18
    Registered: Apr 2000
    Location: Not France
    Quote Originally Posted by Asgaroth View Post
    I already had dedex installed so those textures are all working!
    You have to download the various textures families separately. They are not included with the toolkit.

  19. #19
    Registered: Jun 1999
    Location: Houston, TX
    Wow - this pack is great and thx muchas for it - it fixed the hyperthreading crashes I was having.

    One question though - going in game mode works fine (Alt & G), but when I try to go back to Dromed (Alt & E) - it won't take me back & I have to exit Thief. Been a while since I played with Dromed - so maybe I'm being a dufus here - but am I doing something wrong?

  20. #20
    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: Ireland
    I'm not sure why this happens to some people (it was also reported in my ShockEd Toolkit), but it's easy enough to fix.
    Open the file User.bnd in your DromEd folder and add this line to it:

    bind e+alt edit_mode
    Always make sure to leave one extra blank line at the end of the file.

  21. #21
    Registered: Jun 1999
    Location: Houston, TX
    Thanks Nameless - but I didn't make 2 full installations (since I found your mod after all the installs and patches) for game/editor since I never had problems before.

    When I change the file to add that line - none of the the controls work (mouse, esc ,and ect) after and I have to alt&tab out and nuke it in task manager. If I add the previous file in - it works again - except for the alt&e issue.

    Does it matter where I add the file (I tried adding in middle where other binds are and also at end) and leaving one last blank line means just hitting return at end of commands and then saving?

    Thx again - sheesh this has been an all day thing trying to get my lil HT puter to install/run this game and the editor...but thanks muchas for the help!

    edit: tried it in the Dark.bnd file just in case that would fix it, but didn't....
    Last edited by Garrettwannabe; 9th Jun 2007 at 19:10.

  22. #22
    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: Ireland
    Make sure whatever editor you used didn't corrupt the file.
    I'm not 100% sure, but I think that Windows Notepad will destroy the file by taking out all the newlines. Try using a decent text editor such as NotePad++

  23. #23
    Registered: Jun 1999
    Location: Houston, TX
    Dude - you rock - it's working great & thx again. I never would have figured that out..haha

    edit: plus now I know about a better utility to use for editing....way cool.

    edit2: plus if you remember - I was having problems with my work laptop (CPU use 100% in Legacy Tech forums) that you answered and that laptop didn't run Thief/Editor very well - so now I can use my fast desktop which is muchas better.

  24. #24
    Registered: Apr 2004
    Location: Trolling the British.
    How about some love for ShockEd? :P

  25. #25
    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: Ireland
    But... the ShockEd Toolkit was first.

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