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Thread: Polish Bioshock preview

  1. #1
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Tatry Mountains, Poland

    Polish Bioshock preview

    Polish site GRY OnLine has published Bioshock preview.

    Its seems that the journalist has been playing Xbox version of the game for three hours. Short summary (at the end of every following opinion I should put an annotation: "according to the preview's author"):

    1) The beginning. Crash. The hero regains consciouness in ice cold water. He sees some strange tower. He climbs stone stairs leading up the tower. He enters strange dome of glass. It appears to be some kind of an elevator. He takes it down and enters Rapture. Some ugly creature tries to attack him while he remains inside the elevator.
    2) Bioshock is more like Doom 3 than System Shock 2.
    3) There's no player developement system (a la SS2). No skills, no abilities, no points... E.g. the player can hack electronic devices from the very beginning. It's all about exterminating enemies in many interesting ways. Yet Bioshock is not another brainless shooter.
    4) In order to increase health bar (become stronger) one has to collect "syringes". It's the same "developement system" that can be found in F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon.
    5) Hacking is the worst element in the whole game. It's some kind of mini-game a la Pipe Mania: the player has to connect pipes so that the water may flow through newly constructed pipeline. Pipes are "invisible". The player has to click on the pipe in order to see if it matches the one he/she needs. If it does not, another one has to be found. You have to find proper pieces in time, therefore this mini-game becomes "click as much as fast as you can". It's "lame".
    6) In the beginning section of the game the plasmids are useful mostly for killing the enemies, but one can also use them to get inside closed sections/decks (fire plasmid makes removing ice obstacles possible) and reach some objects (e.g. use telekinesis to reach the key through the open window).
    7) One can use only specific number of plasmids at the same time.
    8) If you're lost, you can turn some "tracking system" on (huge arrow on the screen) in order to find your way. It's optional. You can also use your map.
    9) If you kill Big Daddy, you may approach Little Sister, and pop-up menu appears (you can decide whether you want to kill Little Sister or let her live). She behaves very realistic. You really do feel like making some moral choice. If you kill Little Sister, you'll get more Adam.
    10) There are different types of ammo for different enemies.
    11) The graphics are nice, but the sound is incredible (voices, ambient, music)!
    12) SS2 hardcore fans will be disappointed.
    13) Overall, Bioshock is an interesting shooter. It plays great. The only complaint was about hacking system.

  2. #2
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: The Netherlands
    3 and 12 make me cry

  3. #3
    Registered: Jun 2005
    Once again, they've probably only played the 1st 1 or 2 levels. And I'll believe 5 when I play it, its very likely that the hacking system was misinterpreted (imagine if you showed someone SS2's hacking system without explaining the skill system behind it)

  4. #4
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Tatry Mountains, Poland
    BTW, reviewer also stated that AI is not very impressive (e.g. doctors that do not react to player re-throwing granades at them). Supposedly, FEAR had better AI.

  5. #5
    Registered: Feb 2004
    Similar "hacking system" was implemented in System Shock, so i don't really care. #2 & 3 also make me cry.

    Ps. you've forgot to ad non-breakable weapons and non-spawning enemies.

  6. #6
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: The Netherlands
    Quote Originally Posted by Xuio View Post
    non-spawning enemies.


  7. #7
    Irrational Games
    Registered: Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by bukary View Post
    Polish site GRY OnLine has published Bioshock preview.

    Its seems that the journalist has been playing Xbox version of the game for three hours. Short summary (at the end of every following opinion I should put an annotation: "according to the preview's author"):

    1) The beginning. Crash. The hero regains consciouness in ice cold water. He sees some strange tower. He climbs stone stairs leading up the tower. He enters strange dome of glass. It appears to be some kind of an elevator. He takes it down and enters Rapture. Some ugly creature tries to attack him while he remains inside the elevator.
    2) Bioshock is more like Doom 3 than System Shock 2.
    3) There's no player developement system (a la SS2). No skills, no abilities, no points... E.g. the player can hack electronic devices from the very beginning. It's all about exterminating enemies in many interesting ways. Yet Bioshock is not another brainless shooter.
    4) In order to increase health bar (become stronger) one has to collect "syringes". It's the same "developement system" that can be found in F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon.
    5) Hacking is the worst element in the whole game. It's some kind of mini-game a la Pipe Mania: the player has to connect pipes so that the water may flow through newly constructed pipeline. Pipes are "invisible". The player has to click on the pipe in order to see if it matches the one he/she needs. If it does not, another one has to be found. You have to find proper pieces in time, therefore this mini-game becomes "click as much as fast as you can". It's "lame".
    6) In the beginning section of the game the plasmids are useful mostly for killing the enemies, but one can also use them to get inside closed sections/decks (fire plasmid makes removing ice obstacles possible) and reach some objects (e.g. use telekinesis to reach the key through the open window).
    7) One can use only specific number of plasmids at the same time.
    8) If you're lost, you can turn some "tracking system" on (huge arrow on the screen) in order to find your way. It's optional. You can also use your map.
    9) If you kill Big Daddy, you may approach Little Sister, and pop-up menu appears (you can decide whether you want to kill Little Sister or let her live). She behaves very realistic. You really do feel like making some moral choice. If you kill Little Sister, you'll get more Adam.
    10) There are different types of ammo for different enemies.
    11) The graphics are nice, but the sound is incredible (voices, ambient, music)!
    12) SS2 hardcore fans will be disappointed.
    13) Overall, Bioshock is an interesting shooter. It plays great. The only complaint was about hacking system.

    3, I can tell you is patently untrue. The system gets fully introduced in the end of 1/beginning of 2.

    I posted somewhere else about the skills and abilities today, but I'm way too tired to find it.

  8. #8
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Irrationallevine View Post
    3, I can tell you is patently untrue. The system gets fully introduced in the end of 1/beginning of 2.

    I posted somewhere else about the skills and abilities today, but I'm way too tired to find it.
    I don't know if I'm out of my element asking this question, but is there any chance we'll get solid details on these gameplay systems soon? I realize it's crunch time and you guys are extremely busy getting this thing finished, but surely that means those systems are complete and ready to be unveiled?

  9. #9
    Irrational Games
    Registered: Oct 2004
    i'm sure there's some pr secret plan to reveal this stuff. i'll look into it.

  10. #10
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2005
    Awesome, thanks.

  11. #11
    Irrational Games
    Registered: Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.WaeseL View Post
    i'm not sure what "non-spawning enemies" means, but the AI placement system in bioshock is very similar to shock 2

  12. #12
    Registered: Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Irrationallevine View Post
    i'm not sure what "non-spawning enemies" means, but the AI placement system in bioshock is very similar to shock 2
    Yeah, my english is bad. Should i say "no respawning monsters"?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by bukary View Post
    BTW, reviewer also stated that AI is not very impressive (e.g. doctors that do not react to player re-throwing granades at them). Supposedly, FEAR had better AI.
    FEAR has better AI than everything, so that's not saying much

  14. #14
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: Sweden
    Quote Originally Posted by Irrationallevine View Post
    3, I can tell you is patently untrue. The system gets fully introduced in the end of 1/beginning of 2
    That's a relief

    "2" made me very sad, but i doubt its true.. The atmosphere and level design seems awesome, fighting seems inspirational = totaly unlike the POS game Doom3.

  15. #15
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: The Netherlands
    I'm still kinda bummed there are no stats, though. That was my favorite part of SS2.

  16. #16
    Registered: Sep 2006
    Polish previews and reviews SUCKS. And yeah, I'm from Poland, so I know something about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.WaeseL View Post
    I'm still kinda bummed there are no stats, though. That was my favorite part of SS2.
    Here's what Ken said at 2K forums:

    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Levine
    There are 50 gene tonics which affect your "stats" and abilities (examples: things that give you more time to hack things, things that let you search containers more than once. things that change how much damage you take from cold or hot or electrical impulses, etc.)

    In addition, you can add to your health and Eve bars. Plus you can increase your "Carrying capcity" of gene tonics and plasmids, you can have more installed at once. Plus the active plasmids (electro bolt, etc.).

    I've said it before on this forum, just because we're not leading with that stuff in interviews doesn't mean it isn't there.

  17. #17
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: The Netherlands
    That's a relief

    But, 'things that let you search containers more than once'? Huh?

  18. #18
    Registered: Sep 2006
    the loot content is probably randomised and dynamic, I recall reading that it varies depending on how much ammo you have etc. Another go probably means you check another drawer and get some extra ammo etc.

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