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Thread: Best of E3 2007 Awards

  1. #1
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: The Doldrums

    Best of E3 2007 Awards

    It might be a little early for sites to start posting their favourite games of the show, and indeed the Games Critics Awards will be announcing their picks at the end of the month, but BioShock did great with GameSpy so I thought I might as well start putting up the links.

    Best 360 Game
    Best PC Game
    Best of Show

    I'm sure some of the other sites will also pick the game so I'll post the links as they come.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Vienna, Austria
    G4TV - BIOSHOCK best PC game of show
    (COD4 won BestofShow)

  4. #4
    Registered: Jul 2004
    Location: Reykjavík, Iceland
    Quote Originally Posted by Necros View Post
    We knew that before E3 even started.

  5. #5
    Registered: Mar 2003

  6. #6
    Registered: Oct 2004
    I think all these game journalists don't want BioShock to suffer the same fate as SS2, so they're doing all they can.

  7. #7
    Registered: Jul 2004
    Location: Reykjavík, Iceland
    Yeah, SS2 deserved so much more attention than it got. It would be lovely if shooter 2.0 became the new standard, instead of the endless stream of 1.0s like FEAR, HalfLife, Quake, you get the idea.

  8. #8
    Registered: Jun 1999
    Location: Procrastination, Australia
    It would work better if you used more examples that were retreads instead of the founders of the genre, btw

    Anyhow, CHUD didn't give it best in show, but gave it the Sure Thing award, preferring to talk about other games not as close to release.

  9. #9
    Registered: Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Bjossi View Post
    Yeah, SS2 deserved so much more attention than it got. It would be lovely if shooter 2.0 became the new standard, instead of the endless stream of 1.0s like FEAR, HalfLife, Quake, you get the idea.
    FEAR was overrated big time in my opinion..i'd like to see more deus ex.

  10. #10

  11. #11
    Registered: Jul 2004
    Location: Reykjavík, Iceland
    Quote Originally Posted by bighead View Post
    FEAR was overrated big time in my opinion..i'd like to see more deus ex.
    I started playing Deus Ex yesterday, and bloody hell; the graphics haven't aged well. But the game is addicting, feels a lot like SS2 gameplay.

  12. #12
    Registered: Jul 2007
    Location: free koki
    Quote Originally Posted by Bjossi View Post
    I started playing Deus Ex yesterday, and bloody hell; the graphics haven't aged well. But the game is addicting, feels a lot like SS2 gameplay.
    Addicting is probably a pretty good term. I've played it through three times so far, over the years, and started it a fourth time a few days ago.

  13. #13
    Registered: Jul 2004
    Location: Reykjavík, Iceland
    One thing that I don't really like are some of the sound effects, the pistol firing and the footsteps are good examples.

  14. #14

  15. #15
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Bjossi View Post
    Yeah, SS2 deserved so much more attention than it got. It would be lovely if shooter 2.0 became the new standard, instead of the endless stream of 1.0s like FEAR, HalfLife, Quake, you get the idea.
    Ooh, thas aw'fey close to bad mouthing Half Life...

    Remember Half Life defined shooter 1.0.
    And Half Life 2 was definitely shooter 1.5.3 rc2

    The coast road was just, wow...


  16. #16
    I'm sorry J1M, but as far as shooters go, there is nothing more regressive than Half-Life 2.
    If Half-life 1 was shooter 1.0, Half-life 2 was shooter 1.0 with better graphics. I'm not saying half-life 2 was a bad game (as far as ultra-linear, ultra-scripted shooters go, it doesn't get much better than HL2), but it certainly didn't advance the genre.

  17. #17
    Registered: Jul 2004
    Location: Reykjavík, Iceland
    Quote Originally Posted by RoboJ1M View Post
    Ooh, thas aw'fey close to bad mouthing Half Life...
    Since when is the shooter 1.0 title a bad thing? I love all those FPS1.0 games, especially Unreal 1 and HalfLife.

  18. #18
    Registered: Jun 2004
    Location: France
    Most of the recent shooters 1.0 are 0.9 for me, as they lack some features older FPSes had :
    - Original weapons (tripwires in Duke3D)
    - Enemies fighting themselves if collateral damaged (Doom feature)
    - Mirrors are quite rare nowadays, but were more frequent (Unreal, Duke3D)
    - Ground material impacting stealthness (Thief)
    - Leaning slowly becomes standard now, but none have front leaning (System Shock, Thief)
    - Climbing (Thief, System Shock)

  19. #19
    Registered: Jul 2004
    Location: Reykjavík, Iceland
    In defense of developers, it gets harder and harder to think up brand new weapon concepts.

  20. #20
    Registered: Oct 2002
    Location: London / London / London
    You do know that all this 'is it 1.0, no it's 2.0 no it's not it's less than that' makes you look like wankers, don't you?

  21. #21

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