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Thread: Welcome to the BioShock Hints and Spoilers Forum

  1. #1
    Registered: Dec 1999
    Location: Black Squadron

    Welcome to the BioShock Hints and Spoilers Forum

    Welcome to the BioShock Hints and Spoilers forum.

    Please make sure that your thread titles do not give away plot points for those who have not played the game.

  2. #2
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Vienna, Austria
    2nd !

    well, how should we label them then correctly ?
    i think since this is a hints/SPOILERS subforum we should not take care that much ?
    if I post a walkthrough/special items list for a certain level, wouldn't be the name of the level as spoiler in itself ?

    I'll try keeping that in mind. so please, anyone give us an XBOX360 demo walkthrough, floorplan and triggermap.

  3. #3
    Registered: Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by mothra View Post
    2nd !

    well, how should we label them then correctly ?
    i think since this is a hints/SPOILERS subforum we should not take care that much ?
    if I post a walkthrough/special items list for a certain level, wouldn't be the name of the level as spoiler in itself ?

    I'll try keeping that in mind. so please, anyone give us an XBOX360 demo walkthrough, floorplan and triggermap.
    It's kinda obvious.

    If someone needs help they can go here and ask; and I don't think wanna know the whole plot by just looking if theres someone else having the same problem.

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