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View Poll Results: Your favorite class type?

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  • a mage

    0 0%
  • a thief

    5 29.41%
  • a warrior

    1 5.88%
  • a mage/thief

    3 17.65%
  • a mage/warrior

    2 11.76%
  • a thief/warrior

    5 29.41%
  • an all around hybrid

    1 5.88%
Results 1 to 9 of 9

Thread: The best character type?

  1. #1
    Registered: Jun 2000
    Location: Funland

    The best character type?

    Just bought the game, and Steam decided to download a big update for it. So I got time to kill by asking what you think is the most fun character that allows to experience the most out of the game?

    In the demo it seemed to me the assasin seemed the weakes and most limited to me. Warrior was fun, but could get beat pretty bad. Mage was powerful, but dependant on mana potions due slow mana regen (O, mana, how I hate thee). Is it the same in the full game? Anyway, I'm thinking somekind of hybrid of warrior and mage...

  2. #2
    New Member
    Registered: Aug 2007
    Oh that's easy,Thief pwns all.

  3. #3
    Registered: May 2003
    Location: Minecraft
    I found the Thief path to be the most rewarding one, but if I'm playing on Hardcore I tend to put a little into magic so I can cast Invincibility.

    That said, you should try going through all he paths at some point, the gameplay changes dramatically depending on your approach to situations.

  4. #4
    Aren't some parts totally inappropriate for anything but a hardcore warrior? The fight with the orc chieftain for example. Or that mad (but awesome!) scrap with the mages and the vampire nights when you finally get into the pit. I must have played that 50 times before I cleared it, I swear. And I was pretty warriored up.

  5. #5
    Registered: May 2003
    Location: Minecraft
    Subjective Effect: The orc chieftan is a somewhat easier opponent if you've using staves, knock him flat on his back and you can power attack the bugger at will. As a thief, the speed of your daggers (You should have lightning daggers which will do double damage to orcs) means you can get in, slash and get out without him having a chance to strike.

    Later on battles become easy for the mage as you gain the invincibility spell, so you can smite at will. With the thief it is a touch more difficult in areas where ther's no shadow (City of Flame, for example) but you can usually find ways to avoid enemies, or places where you can snipe them with a bow without fear of attack.

  6. #6
    Registered: Jun 2006
    Speaking as an avid fan of the thief series, I can't stand the stealth in Dark Messiah. I guess it just seems to me like the game's incredible for its graphics, and its combat system. Its graphics you can get any which way, but there's just something unsatisfying about avoiding all the intense battles you get as a warrior.

  7. #7
    Registered: Jun 2005
    Location: Vantaa, Finland
    As a mage/warrior, anybody that tries to off you suffer a painful death.

  8. #8
    Registered: Apr 2006
    As a mage/assassin you can pretty much 'charm' your way through the whole game.

  9. #9
    £10 note
    Registered: Oct 2003
    Location: Tripping out in the exec lift.
    Quote Originally Posted by Subjective Effect View Post
    Aren't some parts totally inappropriate for anything but a hardcore warrior? The fight with the orc chieftain for example. Or that mad (but awesome!) scrap with the mages and the vampire nights when you finally get into the pit. I must have played that 50 times before I cleared it, I swear. And I was pretty warriored up.
    Thieves rape the necropolis thanks to all those dark dark shadows and the ridiculous ease of hiding when you max stealth and get the garrett garb.

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