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Thread: What about A "New Releases" Sticky Thread?

  1. #1
    New Member
    Registered: Feb 2007

    What about A "New Releases" Sticky Thread?

    Sorry if this has been suggested or tried before.

    What about creating a sticky where Authors can announce the release of their new missions.

    Keeping the thread to a simple format - something like as follows: -

    "FM Name"
    Thief 1 / Gold / 2 / 3

    Date released

    Link to FM Download.
    Link to FM discussion thread.

    This way we can all keep up to date with every mission released and not miss out on any.
    We should also suggest that noone else post messages so that it keeps the thread clean and we can find the latest missions easily by date searching.

    What do you think?

  2. #2
    Distant Quasar
    Registered: Mar 2002
    Location: New Phlan


    I am all for it. There are few things more disheartening than spending months building a mission, releasing it, then watching the discussion thread get buried by "What's your favorite xxx?" threads, ensuring that many players will miss the mission entirely. This sort of effort was unnecessary while Cheap Thief Missions was up, but now that it is sadly gone, I think it is an excellent idea.

    By the way, is it "ethical" to BUMP! your mission thread to keep it from getting buried, or is that a selfish thing to do???

    There's a website called Dark Fate...I think it's from Russia (with love). It is updated very often, much like the Circle used to be. I go there often to see what's new. Everything is in Russian, but the titles lead me to the promised land...but I digress...

    - eep!

  3. #3
    Registered: Feb 2005
    Location: In The DK Dungeons.
    I think the sticky thread List of Upcoming Fanmissions (screens, release dates, author's looking for help...) createde and maintende by The Phantom more or less dos this!, IF YOU as an FM author PM or Email´s him with any progress(or lack off) on your mission(s)

  4. #4
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: Minneapolis, MN, USA
    I to like to visit the Dark fate, which belongs to clearing. I use the google language tools to translate the page back to English. It's understandable.
    What makes The Dark Fate unique is the large number of screenshots that clearing adds quickly as soon as a new mission is released.

    Three cheers for Clearing!!!


  5. #5
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: 24463 Cells
    In the first post of the upcoming FMs thread there is a list of things that have been removed because they have been released. You could suggest to The Phantom that he puts that list at the beginning of the post.

  6. #6
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Museum of the Ancients
    The list of recently removed fm's at the top of the upcoming missions thread only shows those released missions that were mentioned in the list. Some slip through because they were not reported or announced by the author.

    Unless every author reports their upcoming missions to me, such a thread would be a good idea. At least until Jason returns to update Thiefmissions.

  7. #7
    Registered: Feb 2003
    Now I am trying to find all new missions since September and play some in this nice Friday evening.
    So, I really would like to see such thread. I think that Phantom's thread is perfect, but for different purpose as its title says "Upcoming Fanmissions" and it is quite big already... It will be not easy to find something there.

    Quote Originally Posted by eepcat View Post
    I am all for it. There are few things more disheartening than spending months building a mission, releasing it, then watching the discussion thread get buried by "What's your favorite xxx?" threads, ensuring that many players will miss the mission entirely.
    I agree with eepcat 100%, because if I have more time for forum and I read all posts - then I just remember what missions were released and when I have time to play I search by user name or mission title.
    And this exactly happened with eepcat's mission "Mystery at the St. Anne Inn" - I read thread and now I know how to find it. But I am sure I missed a lot of FMs since then.

    Maybe it can look unimportant or lazy, but sometimes all you can handle is list of newiest FMs and not the search function. Especially after hard week...

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