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Thread: T2 FM, THORK Oct. 15/07

  1. #1
    Registered: Oct 2003
    Location: Eagle, Idaho

    T2 FM, THORK Oct. 15/07

    After almost a year, Thork is ready for download. Enjoy. I spent so much time working and testing this thing, my wife is ready to divorce me.

    You can grab it here.


  2. #2
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: North Carolina, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Ricebug View Post
    After almost a year, Thork is ready for download. Enjoy. I spent so much time working and testing this thing, my wife is ready to divorce me.

    You can grab it here.

    Sometimes you have to go with your passions. Those who love you should understand.

    Thank you for your efforts!

  3. #3
    Registered: Nov 2006
    Location: Melbourne
    Wow Ricebug, I'm 10 seconds into it and love it already. Damn but that is one good looking landing.

  4. #4
    Registered: Jun 1999
    Location: Belgium
    Downloading now, thanks very much for this FM, i was starting having serious withdrawal symptons.

  5. #5
    Registered: Jan 2005
    Location: in here
    Quote Originally Posted by Ricebug View Post
    After almost a year, Thork is ready for download. Enjoy. I spent so much time working and testing this thing, my wife is ready to divorce me.

    You can grab it here.

    Hope you are jocking right?

    Anyway thanks alot for the mission!

  6. #6
    Registered: Nov 2004
    Location: Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by canetoad View Post
    Wow Ricebug, I'm 10 seconds into it and love it already. Damn but that is one good looking landing.
    As a beta tester this fm is something different to other fm's in terms of gameplay

  7. #7
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Siberia, Russia
    WOW, a really big mission! Thanks, Ricebug

  8. #8
    Registered: Sep 2007
    Location: Leipzig (Germany)


    Hello Ricebug,

    for so long time I've waited to play a new FM. And now: the show goes on!!!
    Thank you 50 times! And thanks to your wife and for her symphatize!!

    I'm flying

    kind regards to the two of you

  9. #9
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: Ostrava City
    WOW !!! I'm over "one hour deep" in this huge cave system. Great work, Ricebug.

    I'm at the end of mission (all objectives ticked), but how to get to
    the mine behind locked gate in lava area ? I'm not able to get there from "other side" - mine with black hammer...

    Oops !!! I have found it...

    Do you know where leads the ladder from cottage room behind grate (with warning about others objectives) ???
    Last edited by Aspirin; 15th Oct 2007 at 11:03.

  10. #10
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Great. Now I can't get back in
    I figure there must be rope arrows somewhere, but really can't find any. Help?

  11. #11
    Registered: Jan 2005
    Location: in here
    Ok from the begining of the mission i got lost. Very complex (good thing).

    I got the reservoir key in the mechanist area but where is the reservoir gate?

  12. #12
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: Ostrava City
    Sticky Fingers: I think it is in
    the mines

    Kin: continue to explore whole area. You will find reservoir...

  13. #13
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Great. Now I can't get back in
    Kin :
    enter the Dome Room, turn left, climb down & head north

    EDIT: Thanx, Aspirin, got 'em.
    Last edited by Sticky Fingers; 15th Oct 2007 at 12:25.

  14. #14
    Registered: Apr 2002
    Location: Franconia, Germany

    Awesome mission so far, but i have a problem.
    Entered the cathedral-area with the lift by jumping over the fence above, and after exploring that area, i want to leave but there still is this locked gate in front of the lift. Is there a key for it in this area ? (Hope so, cause i only have one quicksave )

  15. #15
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Great. Now I can't get back in
    Thanx for this mission, Ricebug, really entertaining,
    with a bit of everything!

    However, missed a fair chunk of loot -
    was there any in the "cellar"; wandered around the maze for a while, but I don't think I ever found that room.

    Anyway, nice to see Zork hasn't been forgotton.
    Think I'll have another poke around tomorrow...
    Last edited by Sticky Fingers; 15th Oct 2007 at 12:53.

  16. #16
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: Ostrava City
    ULiB: I'm afraid
    there is no key to return back
    ... I didn't find any in cathedral area.

    Sticky Fingers:
    Yes, there are at least 4 pcs of loot in maze I think.
    Last edited by Aspirin; 15th Oct 2007 at 13:08.

  17. #17
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Great. Now I can't get back in
    Ulib, there is a key for that gate -
    but not there, I'm afraid - check the walls of the Dome Room.

  18. #18
    Registered: Aug 2004
    Location: well hidden From Truart!!!!!!!
    Thanks kind Sir for your hard work.

  19. #19
    Registered: Apr 2002
    Location: Franconia, Germany
    Thanks, StickyFingers and Aspirin.
    I´m going to restart and will hopefully remember to make a normal save more often...

    Edit: Typo
    Last edited by UliB; 15th Oct 2007 at 13:33.

  20. #20
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Great. Now I can't get back in
    Er...that's "Sticky"...

  21. #21
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: Ostrava City
    Quote Originally Posted by Sticky Fingers View Post
    Er...that's "Sticky"...
    Nice mistake... . Sticky Fingers could really be a little bit "Sicky" after reading...

  22. #22
    Registered: Dec 2001
    Location: Southern Tier NY, USA
    I just played for a few moments and I said to my self "look at this place" as a happy yet evil grin appeared on my face. I suddenly lost the ambition to do anything else. That "Rock a bye Baby" song gave me the chills. Nice job! If the rest of this mission is any reflection of what I have seen so far, I'm a happy taffer.

  23. #23
    Registered: Dec 2003
    Location: Meran/South Tyrol/Italy
    Thanks for the mission. Just played a few seconds, looking forward to to do whole job on weekend!

  24. #24
    Registered: Oct 2003
    Location: Eagle, Idaho

    Loot List

    For those who need it, you can view the loot list for Thork here.

    Thanks for all the positive comments. And watch out...there be Grues in those caves!


  25. #25
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: here in the USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Sticky Fingers View Post
    Ulib, there is a key for that gate -
    but not there, I'm afraid - check the walls of the Dome Room.
    I can't find it either and looked all over but still no luck. Can you give me a better idea where to find it?
    Fun mission. Thanks for making it.

    edit: Got it. I missed something in my haste to run out!
    Last edited by bobber; 15th Oct 2007 at 17:24.

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