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Thread: Thief I + II Sound effects enhancement pack

  1. #101
    New Member
    Registered: Jul 2009
    Location: Baghdad
    Thanx for providing mirrors
    his Thief ost was amazing .. i will surely try those packs

  2. #102
    Registered: Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Yandros View Post
    The page-turning noise, as well as all the menu sounds/music and the book-reading music, are metasounds described in dark.cfg, which consequently means they are not associated with any schemas, and thus LGS had no ability to alter their volume in game; their volume is entirely dependent on the level of the WAV file itself. That means that all those sounds should carefully be edited to maintain the same volume levels as the originals. I imagine in some cases (pageturn based on ffox's comment) your audio optimization lead to an increase in volume.
    it's easily fixed by decreasing the volume of the sound in the file itself.

    I took

    and decreased the volume by 15 dB in audacity

    everything sounds perfect now
    (original backup included)
    your snd is most likely not a folder, but a snd.crf file, extract it and rename old snd.crf to anything else and place the file in the folder, overwriting the old one.
    if you want it to be a crf again, make the snd folder into a zip file (not rar) and rename it from .zip to .crf

  3. #103
    New Member
    Registered: Jan 2010

    Thief I + II Sound effects enhancement pack

    You can go to the control panel on your computer and click sounds, there you can change some settings. I don't know what sound card you're using, but sometimes the manufacturer has software available to change settings, check the site of your sound card manufacturer for more information.

    Sound Effects

  4. #104
    Registered: Mar 2007
    Location: Krull Island, in the pub

    I play Burrick's Head Inn with the sound enhancement pack installed. Weird thing is that when I steal loot the game plays GET ITEM sound instead of the GET LOOT sound.

  5. #105
    Registered: Oct 2007
    Location: Angelwatch
    That is strange. Is it Thief 1 or Thief 2?

  6. #106
    Registered: Mar 2007
    Location: Krull Island, in the pub
    Quote Originally Posted by Child Of Karras View Post
    That is strange. Is it Thief 1 or Thief 2?
    Thief 2 fan mission by Yandros, Burrick's Head In v2.0

  7. #107
    Registered: Oct 2007
    Location: Angelwatch
    It's propably not the fault of my sound pack, since I never had these problem although I'm using the same installer. So I guess it's FM inside. Whatever it is.

  8. #108
    Registered: Oct 2007
    Location: Angelwatch
    Updated links once again, after having moved to the new server. You can now use and share the links in the start post.

  9. #109

    Quote Originally Posted by Child Of Karras View Post
    So I took various tools from my computer and edited the soundfiles. This includes resampling, equalizing, noise reduction, complete sample replacement (e.g. from Thief 3 or Apple Garage Band) or brilliance enhancement.
    - CoK
    Sounds brilliant. I'd like to ask if you could perhaps post what exact methods you used to enhance the old files (where you did not replace them by Thief3 sounds for example), like EQ settings, what noise filters / upscaled format or even the software you used so we could enhance the dialog voice files (of the various language versions) as well.

    I'm willing to edit the dialog files of Thief Gold (English) and upload them somewhere.
    Thanks in advance

  10. #110

    Thank you!

    These are REALLY nice Must've taken ages to process. I definitely see why you wanted to do it - the original audio isn't exactly high fidelity

    Thank you very much!

  11. #111
    Registered: Oct 2007
    Location: Angelwatch
    Quote Originally Posted by Timiditas View Post
    Sounds brilliant. I'd like to ask if you could perhaps post what exact methods you used to enhance the old files (where you did not replace them by Thief3 sounds for example), like EQ settings, what noise filters / upscaled format or even the software you used so we could enhance the dialog voice files (of the various language versions) as well.

    I'm willing to edit the dialog files of Thief Gold (English) and upload them somewhere.
    Thanks in advance
    Thanks. Well, depending on the files I usually started by converting them to 16 bit PCM (independent of samplerate) and at the same time apply fft noise reduction; noise print was an empty 8-bit Dither A noise for 8-bit sounds - on ADPCM sounds I jused standard hiss reduction. All of this is done in Adobe Audition (1.5). If it was non-tonal sounds I resampled them with BeSweet (first to 31 kHz, then to 44 kHz. Resampling twice gives a more complex overtone structure). Tonal sounds were directly loaded into Magix Cleaning Lab and applied with the brilliance enhancer. The EQ afterwards formed a high-cut at 15 kHz to reduce all very high unwanted frequencies and gain frequencies that were lower due to all the resampling so I had a balanced frequency image.

    But honestly: I wouldn't resample the voice files. Speech doesn't contain useful frequencies above 11 kHz so 22 kHz is enough. Noise reduction and format conversion can be done though.

  12. #112
    No, speech files are fine as they are.

  13. #113
    Too late.

  14. #114
    For some reason the installer dosent work -

    HTML Code:
    D:\Games\Thief\T2\SoundUpdate>copy RES\snd.crf RES\snd.bak
    The system cannot find the file specified.
    D:\Games\Thief\T2\SoundUpdate>ren RES\snd.crf
    The system cannot find the file specified.
    D:\Games\Thief\T2\SoundUpdate>mkdir RES\SFX
    A subdirectory or file RES\SFX already exists.
    D:\Games\Thief\T2\SoundUpdate>mkdir RES\FEET
    A subdirectory or file RES\FEET already exists.
    D:\Games\Thief\T2\SoundUpdate>mkdir RES\DOORS
    A subdirectory or file RES\DOORS already exists.
    D:\Games\Thief\T2\SoundUpdate>SoundUpdate\Rar x SoundUpdate\NewT2SFX.rar *.* RES
    The system cannot find the path specified.
    D:\Games\Thief\T2\SoundUpdate>cd RES
    D:\Games\Thief\T2\SoundUpdate\RES>..\SoundUpdate\7za u SFX\*.*
    The system cannot find the path specified.
    D:\Games\Thief\T2\SoundUpdate\RES>..\SoundUpdate\7za u FEET\*.*
    The system cannot find the path specified.
    D:\Games\Thief\T2\SoundUpdate\RES>..\SoundUpdate\7za u DOORS\*.*
    The system cannot find the path specified.
    D:\Games\Thief\T2\SoundUpdate\RES>cd ..
    D:\Games\Thief\T2\SoundUpdate>ren RES\ snd.crf
    The system cannot find the file specified.
    D:\Games\Thief\T2\SoundUpdate>del RES\sfx\*.wav
    Could Not Find D:\Games\Thief\T2\SoundUpdate\RES\sfx\*.wav
    D:\Games\Thief\T2\SoundUpdate>del RES\feet\*.wav
    Could Not Find D:\Games\Thief\T2\SoundUpdate\RES\feet\*.wav
    D:\Games\Thief\T2\SoundUpdate>del RES\doors\*.wav
    Could Not Find D:\Games\Thief\T2\SoundUpdate\RES\doors\*.wav
    D:\Games\Thief\T2\SoundUpdate>del SoundUpdate\*.exe
    The system cannot find the file specified.
    D:\Games\Thief\T2\SoundUpdate>del SoundUpdate\*.rar
    The system cannot find the file specified.
    Where are the installation instructions.
    Last edited by bikerdude; 27th Jan 2012 at 19:47.

  15. #115
    I've noticed that your sounds for "walking on wood" have been borrowed from T3. Could you instead process the original T1/T2 footsteps-on-wood sounds through the filter and post that?

  16. #116
    Registered: Oct 2007
    Location: Angelwatch
    Update Version 1.5 (2012-12-27):
    - New installation routine that checks the existence of snd.crf in both RES and CRFS folder before continuing
    - many Thief 3 sounds (doors, foot steps etc.) exchanged with restored Thief 1/2 sounds
    - various sound fixes (e.g. tension1.wav for Thief 1)

    BTW: Could anyone move this to "Thief General Discussion"?
    Last edited by Child Of Karras; 27th Dec 2012 at 18:40.

  17. #117
    Registered: May 2010
    I don't understand.. why so quiet this thread, even though new update?
    btw, restored Thief 1/2 sounds are much proper than TDS sounds! nice work!

  18. #118
    Registered: Oct 2007
    Location: up the hill
    hey, thanks for the changes. i wasn't too big on the T3 sounds, but this is very nice. using it now.

  19. #119
    Quote Originally Posted by kokobollo View Post
    I don't understand.. why so quiet this thread, even though new update?
    btw, restored Thief 1/2 sounds are much proper than TDS sounds! nice work!
    Because it's not that important to, I'm guessing, most taffers who know about it, while I'm certain a great deal of taffers don't even know about it, and others aren't interested in messing anymore with their installs than they have to to just get it running on their systems, while others are just not confident about making changes that they feel aren't important enough. And all of that has little to do with how appreciative of the work itself they are. For my own purposes, I like my Thief as-is, but I'll turn off the HUD for screenshots. Someday I might slap on a bunch of fan-patches.
    Last edited by jtr7; 5th Jan 2013 at 03:27.

  20. #120
    Registered: Oct 2007
    Location: Angelwatch
    After all, the improvements that this pack brings aren't as apparent as e.g. with new objects and textures. The group of users who don't only care for a great graphics performance but are also audiophile is rather small, I think, so that most people won't notice noise reductions and harmonics restortion at all.

  21. #121
    Registered: May 2010
    well, I expected at least mirrors.
    but there were no mirrors, so...



  22. #122

  23. #123
    Maybe something wrong with my audio settings, but I'm not hearing Garrett's hurt sounds.

    But everything else sounds pretty good... Provided I've truly got it working and am not sound-quality blind with Thief.

  24. #124
    Registered: Oct 2007
    Location: Angelwatch
    Gotta check that ASAP, but actually the Garrett sounds haven't been touched.

  25. #125
    Registered: Oct 2007
    Location: Angelwatch
    Do normal voices work? Idle talk of the watchmen and all?

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