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Thread: The Great Bargain Deals Thread

  1. #26
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Vienna, Austria

    and TheWitcher for 15 pounds.
    Buy it now, register online and get the extended edition updates FOR FREE in september

  2. #27
    Registered: Nov 2005
    JoWood will open a new online download shop on 31st of July. First 111 Users downloading games like for exemple Gothic 3 or Spellforce 2 will get 50% off the original price. You just have to enter RABATT in the corresponding token field.

    Link to JooWood download shop.

    Don´t know if you will be able to get international versions of their games though.

  3. #28
    PC Gamering Smartey Man
    I <3 consoles and gamepads

    Registered: Aug 2007
    Location: New Zealand
    Thanks Hersche.

    TBH though, the service's activation terms don't sound too thrilling, even if realistically most people wouldn't have a game installed on more than four systems at a time.

  4. #29
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Land that youth forgot
    Location: Cornwall, UK (Bude)
    Shop: Red Cross (Charity shop)
    Item: System Shock 2
    Price: £3

    (Didn't have the cash dammit)

  5. #30
    Registered: Feb 2001
    AudioSurf has been reduced to $5/£2.50 this (bank holiday) weekend.

  6. #31
    Previously Important
    Registered: Nov 1999
    Location: Caer Weasel, Uelekevu
    Same goes for Beyond Good & Evil on Steam.


    Edit: Only for Yanks

  7. #32
    is Best Pony
    Registered: Nov 2002
    Location: The magical land of Equestria
    Quote Originally Posted by Gingerbread Man View Post
    Same goes for Beyond Good & Evil on Steam.

    Only for Yanks though.

  8. #33
    Any Big Lots chain store (US):

    Found so far for $6.00:

    Thief 2
    Painkiller Gold
    Universe at War
    Brothers in arms

    All new and shrinkwrapped

  9. #34
    Registered: May 2000
    Location: East Achewood, CA
    If you haven't played Sid Meier's Pirates! yet, they're selling it at Wal-Mart for $10 US, likely other big-box stores as well.

    Location: CA, US, but likely everywhere else there's a Wal-Mart, too
    Shop: Wally World
    Item: Sid Meier's Pirates!
    Price: $10

    Note: The game is strangely unpatched, guess they stuck with the original master disc? At any rate, patch it here. Protected with SecuROM 4.8, which does not appear to monkey with your system like current versions do, and is easily circumvented via the usual methods. Just don't run the game before applying such an 'unofficial patch.'

  10. #35
    Registered: Dec 2007
    Location: Finger paintings of the insane
    Quote Originally Posted by sergeantgiggles View Post
    Any Big Lots chain store (US):

    Found so far for $6.00:

    Thief 2
    Painkiller Gold
    Universe at War
    Brothers in arms

    All new and shrinkwrapped
    Nice find, I have one a few blocks away. I'll check tonight.

  11. #36
    is Best Pony
    Registered: Nov 2002
    Location: The magical land of Equestria
    Location: United Kingdom
    Item: The Witcher
    Price: £12.79 with free delivery (RRP £34.99)

  12. #37
    is Best Pony
    Registered: Nov 2002
    Location: The magical land of Equestria
    Location: United Kingdom
    Item: Space Siege
    Price: £15.49 with free delivery (RRP £34.99)

  13. #38
    june gloom
    iD software games are all 50% off on Steam this weekend only.

    Good deal if you're having trouble finding rare shit like the Q2 expansions.

    Not sure if it's Yanks-only, it didn't say. I suppose we'll find out soon enough.

  14. #39
    is Best Pony
    Registered: Nov 2002
    Location: The magical land of Equestria
    Shamelessly copied from Savygamer:

    Location: United Kingdom
    Item: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - S.H.A.D.O.W. O.F. C.H.E.R.N.O.B.Y.L.
    Price: £5.99 with free delivery (RRP £17.99)

  15. #40
    PC Gamering Smartey Man
    I <3 consoles and gamepads

    Registered: Aug 2007
    Location: New Zealand
    Stubbs the Zombie - $4.99 USD on Steam (75%), this weekend only.

    Unreal Tournament 3 - $19.99 USD on Steam, permanent price drop.

    There may not be much point in buying UT3 now, but once some worthwhile SP mods start rolling out, it'll be a must buy.

  16. #41
    Registered: Apr 2002
    Location: Landahn
    Location: uh, ... online?
    Item: Mass Effect PC
    Price: £9.99 with free delivery

    Plenty of other games (& CDs & DVDs & etc.) on sale as well.

  17. #42
    is Best Pony
    Registered: Nov 2002
    Location: The magical land of Equestria
    Location: UK
    Shop: PC World
    Item: lots of PC, DS, PS2, PSP and Wii games
    Price: from 97p

    PC World marks down a whole load of games all at once at various points during the year, the latest of which has just happened. Games like Metroid Prime: Hunters for a fiver!

  18. #43
    Registered: Dec 2007
    Location: Finger paintings of the insane
    What?-Fallout 3
    Where?-Circuit City (USA-not sure about other countries)
    The Deal?-Fallout 3 for $59.99 and you get a free $10 Circuit City gift card + free Fallout 3 Strategy Guide.
    When?-This week.

  19. #44
    Registered: Mar 2000
    Location: Coca Cola, Sometimes a war!
    The ever charming and quite enjoyable Overlord can be had for 9.99 on STEAM this weekend. (Nov 15/16) Sadly sans expansion though.

  20. #45
    Gone, but not forgotten
    Registered: Dec 1999
    Location: Everywhere
    Location: U.S.
    Item: Apparently Nothing.

  21. #46
    june gloom
    Nobody seemed to notice this before, but:

    Valve Complete Pack, $99

    Quite possibly the best deal I've ever seen. You get Valve's entire back catalogue- all Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, and Miscellanea- for $135 less than you would if you bought them all individually.

    I recognize that to someone like me who already has most of these games this is useless (I think the only ones I don't have are L4D and HL Source)- it's like the Opeth boxed set, if you're an Opeth fan you're going to have all the albums already! But to someone who's never played a Valve game before, or like only bought Half-Life 1 to play Counterstrike, or if you're one of my friends who thinks their 3-year-old PC can't run a game from ten years ago (I have more of those than you'd think), or if you only own like the 360 version of the Orange Box and was looking to graduate to PC, this is a damned good deal.

  22. #47
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Quicksave.sav
    It's been mentioned in another thread but deserves to be listed here as it's an incredible bargain:

    Location: Steam
    Shop: Ummmm... Steam
    Item: Half-Life
    Price: $0.98

    So for a dollar you can buy HL and still contribute your 2 cents to the 10 Years Later thread for some warm n' fuzzy nostalgia! Result!

  23. #48
    june gloom
    Location: Cincinnati, possibly elsewhere
    Store: Micro Center
    Game: Deus Ex, Deathtrap Dungeon, Daikatana, several other games that aren't exactly budget titles
    Price: around $2

    I'm thinking I should go back and buy a shrinkwrapped boxed copy of Deus Ex; I lost my box ages ago due to being a slob

  24. #49
    Registered: Apr 2004
    Location: Netherlands
    Rez HD temporarily costs only 500 points on Xbox Live. If you live in the US, that is.
    Even its normal 800 point cost is well worth it, in my opinion.

  25. #50
    Registered: Dec 1999
    Location: Black Squadron
    Location: United Kingdom
    Shop: HMV (in store)
    Item: Fallout 3 (XBox 360, PS3), Mirror's Edge (XBox 360, PS3)
    Price: £27.99 / £29.99

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