Beyond Good & Evil + Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Together for US$10, or $7 each.
The promotion ends on Monday, August 24 at 11:59 p.m. EDT
Steam Weekend Deal
66% off the entire Half-Life series or 10% off the Valve Complete Pack
Beyond Good & Evil + Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Together for US$10, or $7 each.
The promotion ends on Monday, August 24 at 11:59 p.m. EDT
Even better value - Thief Collection now £7.99 on in free P&P!
For all Thief Gold, Thief 2, Thief 3
Good Old Games Birthday Anniversary:
Buy one Interplay game, get one free.
Sacred 2 - $20 USD
Sins of a Solar Empire + expansion - $20 USD
Anno 1404 - $25 USD
Demigod - $20 USD
50% off the Strategy First catalogue
Jagged Alliance 2 Gold
Disciples 2 Gold
Sacred Gold
Darkstar One
Port Royale 2
Perimeter 2
Alien Shooter: Vengeance
Trine - $26.96 USD - 25% off
50% off "World of Goo" at Impulse:
If you were just waiting for a price drop, now would seem a sensible time to grab this piece of indie awesomeness.
it's actually mentioned in the freebies-thread but I would say, this has a place here as well:
yeah, that's right: FOR FREE
worked for me without any problems......speedball2 worked as well.
gotta love the polish
Jedi Knight Collection now up on Steam (£ 14.99)
Steam Weekend Deal
Monkey Island 1 remake - $5 USD
Location: Fremont, CA
Shop: Fry's Electronics
Stuff: B and C-list Nintendo DS Games ~$10-$20
Stuff: Jagged Alliance DS ~$8
Stuff: Advance Wars: Days of Ruin ~$10
Console games, particularly Nintendo games, tend to hold tightly onto their retail prices, even at Fry's. However, I've been surprised lately at some halfway decent games going at lower prices. The two above are turn-based strategy war games. I took a chance at Jagged Alliance.
As with all Fry's, YMMV, widely.
$2 off painkiller @ GoG "Hidden Gem of the Week" discount.
Prolly mentioned elsewhere but worth mentioning again:
Direct2Drive turns 5 sale
All games on that list (including NWN2, Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, Titan's Quest) are just 5 bucks. And they are releasing new $5 games every Monday Autumn Sale (I don't think they ship outside of Europe)
XBOX360-titles of note:
Alone in the Dark, 6.50€
Mirror's Edge, 10.50€
Far Cry 2, 13€
Prince of Persia (the new one), 13€ (also for PS3)
Bionic Commando, 17€ (also for PS3)
Haven't played any of em personally (cept for M.E.) but they look rather price-worthy. coupon - get 20% off anything costing $8.00 or more.
Expires November 1st.
Empire: Total War 50% off on Steam, till Oct 12.
Location: Internet
Time: This weekend
Item: All of the DotEmu games - Crystals of Arborea, Ishar: Legends of the Fortress, Ishar 2: Messengers of Doom, Ishar 3: The Seven Gates to Infinity, Robinson's Requiem and Deus
Price: US$5.98 for all six
For the next six days, World of Goo is available for any price you name, be it 20 dollars or 20 cents.
Location: Internet
Shop: Direct2Drive
Time: Until Sunday 18th October
Item: East India Company via download
Price: £5, and $5 if you are in the US
I paid £17 about a fortnight ago
Yeah, I was really ticked that that sale started happening right AFTER I left the USA. It seemed pretty silly that I suddenly had to pay more for the exact same game just because I took a plane flight across the pond. And the selection was smaller, to boot. Stupid Direct2Drive
Batman Arkham Asylum at for £19.99 now.
2D Boy says:
"The birthday sale has been a huge success so far, and because of that, we are extending our little experiment/celebration until sunday, October 25."
Steam is offering up Stalker for $5 until November 2nd. Five motherfucking dollars. Do it now.
The Witcher "Enhanced Edition - Director's Cut" is $20 USD on Steam and Impulse at the moment.
Valve has gone insane for the next few hours: now until 2:00pm PDT, Team Fortress will be available on Steam for the horrifyingly (to our accountants) low price of $2.49! What else can you buy for that price? That's not a rhetorical question, we're interested in all the things we can buy once those $2.49s start rolling in.
Robin "Twofortyninenaire" Walker
Get Team Fortress 2 for yourself or treat a friend.
Last edited by Vraptor7; 29th Oct 2009 at 15:38.
Ghostbusters: The Video Game - $9.95 click
Halloween Special click
Dead Space - $19.95
Vampire Bloodlines - $4.95
Damnation - $9.95
Bioshock - $9.95
Far Cry 2: Fortune Edition - $9.95
The Path - $4.95
Stubbs The Zombie - $4.95
Cold Fear - $4.95
Downfall - $4.95
The Witcher - $19.95
United States, Canada & Mexico only.
Capcom Store
Street Fighter IV - $19.95, 50% off normal price. click
All Regions.
Street Fighter IV - $19.95
Painkiller - $6.95
etc. etc. etc.
Special offers, to many to list. click
PopCap Games
Plants vs. Zombies - $9.95, 50% off normal price until Nov 1st. click
Plants vs. Zombies - Limited Flash Browser Version, free to play. click
East India Company - $11.99, 60% off normal price until Nov 2nd. click
Last edited by Ladron De La Noche; 31st Oct 2009 at 06:22.