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Thread: Available voice actors

  1. #1
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Museum of the Ancients

    Available voice actors

    Here is a list of people who are available for voice acting jobs for fm's




    General information

    Locating this thread
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    Information for those looking for voice actors

    Finding the right voice actor
    There are two different approaches to find the voice actor you need.

    - One way is to post a request in this thread, describing the criteria and details of the job, and let voice actors respond or get in touch with you. While being faster than the other approach, it's uncertain who and how many voice actors will respond.

    - Another way is to actively approach voice actors yourself. By clicking 'view information' behind each name, you can determine (by reading about voice type and listen to any shared recordings) who is appropriate to record the lines for the character in your FM. Depending of a preferred way of contact the person might have shared, you can then access the person's TTLG profile and get in touch. While being more time consuming, it might help finding a voice actor who is the most suited for the character you have in mind.

    Using the list as starting point
    When browsing through this thread you may come across posts with info made by forum members who once reported for voice acting but are currently no longer active. Therefore it's recommended to always check the above list to make sure a certain voice actor is still active these days, in case you like to contact a voice actor directly. The list will be updated every time there's a mutation.

    Final stages of development
    It's recommended to wait until your mission is in the final stages of development, before asking voice actors to record conversations. It happend too often that voice work was done for a mission that never made it to release.

    Absence of voice actors
    At some point you may notice an (Absent) mention behind the name of one or more voice actors in the list. This means he or she is difficult to reach and that it's uncertain wether or not they're still available for requests.

    Information for (potential) voice actors

    Post with information
    When you sign up for participation and create a post in this thread as announcement, a link to that post will be added behind your name in the list above. You can use your announcement post to include relevant information about you as voice actor/actress. For example:

    1: Type of voice (the kind of voice you have, what would be a convincing in-game character to voice, your gender, and any links to voice samples you like to share);
    2: Experience (any fan missions or other projects you lend your voice to);
    3: Status/contact (preferred way of getting in touch, response time to requests, specification of your availabilty, f.e. "Quite busy atm, requests may take 2 months")

    You can also look into the posts other participants created earlier, to see what they share and how they display their info.

    Updating your post
    It's recommended to update your announcement post with info each time, rather than posting a reply with updated info. This way information is kept in one place and FM designers can easily find all the info they need by clicking the links above. Of course you can always post a reply in this thread to say something has changed in your original post and refer to it (by including a hyperlink).

    At some point you may receive a private message or email to check wether or not you're still available for voice acting requests. When there's no reply or your post with information is not updated, an (Absent) mention will be placed behind your name in the above list. Once you respond or update your post and indicate you're still up for requests, the mention will be removed. In case the absence endures for 3 months your name will ultimately be deleted from the list. This is done to ensure a clean, up-to-date overview of voice actors who are currently available.

    Let me know (by personal contact or reply in this thread) when:
    - you want to be mentioned (again) in the voice acting list, or
    - you want to see your name removed from the list for whatever reason,
    and the necessary changes will be made as soon as possible.

    Recommended settings
    The following settings are recommended to either get notified about personal requests (or messages in general) sent by private messaging on TTLG, or about voice acting requests posted in this thread.

    E-mail notifications
    Fill in a working email address under Edit Email & Password and activate the option Receive Email Notification of New Private Messages under Forum Settings. This way you should instantly get informed about private messages (PMs) concerning voice acting requests or other contents.
    Thread subscribtion
    Subscribe to this thread to get informed by email when someone posts a voice-acting request in this thread. Subscribing is done by clicking Thread Tools in the upper right corner of this thread (only visible once logged in). It has the benefit it makes these and other threads easy to locate once they drop off the first page of a forum. You can simply click on Quick links > Subscribed Threads at the top of the forum page after logging in to view the threads you subscribed to.

    Hoping for participation and feedback

    - Looking for a translator for your FM? See this thread.
    - Go to the Resources Thread -
    Last edited by Al_B; 14th Jan 2023 at 07:01. Reason: Updated list per request

  2. #2
    Registered: May 2006
    Location: Russia
    This thread looks extremely useful. Is it possible to stick it?

  3. #3
    she/her ⚧
    Registered: Dec 1998
    Location: Lyon
    I haven't managed to get a response out of Wynne for over two years now.

    Also, Ibsen's Ghost. He doesn't post much, but does reply to emails.

    Wasn't there a young girl who posted not long ago offering voice acting? She claimed to be able to do a good victoria.

    There's another actress who I've been trying to convince to offer her services. Maybe she will now.

  4. #4
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Museum of the Ancients
    Quote Originally Posted by Digital Nightfall
    Wasn't there a young girl who posted not long ago offering voice acting? She claimed to be able to do a good victoria.
    Ah yes, Silver-ONI.

    Quote Originally Posted by Digital Nightfall
    There's another actress who I've been trying to convince to offer her services. Maybe she will now.
    Hope she does

  5. #5
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: The Crippled Burrick
    Instead of another sticky perhaps this info could be merged with the resources sticky.

    Let's see I've voiced Garrett for the most part but I've also played Hammerites, Keepers, City Watch Officer, Benny, various guards, a demonic entity, a suicidal idiot, a sales frog, a mage or two, Listus, Kevel, a guardian of the ages, a fence, L'Arsene, a noble, a head servant and a ruthless lawyer. Most recently I voiced three characters for CoSaS Mission X...Lord Raputo, Mr. Cloud and Agent Steel.

    Best place to start is where I did...frobber's "A Keeper of the Prophecies" campaign. That mission pack has a good variety of voices from me.

    I'm usually available and turn work around in 1-30 days. Contact me at any time during your development process with requests and information about what you need. However I strongly request that you be at the beta testing stage before you actually put me to work. People get lofty ideas, request stuff and then fail to deliver and that has constituted quite a bit or work on my part that was wasted.

    I prefer to be contacted via PM here at taffer central. EDIT Jan 2021. I am not around as much these days so if you want to get my attention quickly try my ancient e-mail addy. murkman at hotmail dot com.
    Last edited by SlyFoxx; 5th Jan 2021 at 11:40.

  6. #6
    she/her ⚧
    Registered: Dec 1998
    Location: Lyon
    How could I forget; Shadow Creepr!

  7. #7
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: USA
    Did Ms. Ledd ever do any voice acting? I very vaguely think I remember her being credited in the past.

  8. #8
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: The Crippled Burrick
    She narrated T7Crystal. Plus she's featured in the yet to be released CoSaS mission. Her voice is so sexy it makes a guy want to swoon.

  9. #9
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: USA
    Ah, yes, I remember both of those... Well one anyway.

  10. #10
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    Recent Credits
    Keeper of Infinity 2: Various guards
    A Job Well Done: A thief and a fence
    System Shock Inifinite: Captain Diego
    The Drymian Codex: Veteran sewer worker
    Cell 6: Benny, the Warden, various prisoners and guards
    And many, many others...

    I do gruff guard voices well including Benny, or high-timbred servants or nobles, and am American but can manage a passable British accent as well. Pretty much any male part I'll give a good shot.

    I have an AT-2020 cardioid condenser mic and a PreSonus AudioBox, so I can record directly to digital 16-bit, with virtually no noise.

    I prefer contact by email rather than PMs. I have time for small projects but will consider larger ones as well.
    Last edited by Yandros; 16th Apr 2016 at 23:20. Reason: Updating info

  11. #11
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Museum of the Ancients
    Quote Originally Posted by john9818a View Post
    Did Ms. Ledd ever do any voice acting? I very vaguely think I remember her being credited in the past.
    Her name is up too. Maybe someone can tell wether or not she's still available?

  12. #12
    Registered: Dec 2001
    Location: OldDark Detox Clinic
    Karras' Diary-New Mech 1 and 2, Keeper Agent
    Secret Weapon-Hammer 1 and Hammer 2. Mech scientist 1 and 2
    Mixed Messages-Fighting cop 1 and 2, Benny and gate cop, Karras, Apebeast 1 and 2, Garrett
    Just Take A Look-Mech priest and mech novice
    The Time That Has Passed-drunk singer, mech priest, Karras, undercover cop, sting patsy.
    The Power of Suggestion-guard 1 and 2, husband and wife, cop and thief, whore lecturer
    Thieves' Highway-drunk benny and drunk guard
    Gerrard's Temple-Garrett
    Saints And Thieves-one of the mugs and I think one other maybe.
    Masque Of The Red Death-Prospero and the Red Death
    there's lots more, but I can't remember anymore, some voices for the Originia series, stuff...
    full schemas of voices for Hammerite Imperium and other people as well

    I've recently done some more voices, but the only one I remember off hand is some stuff for Cardia.

    Update: I recently purchased a better quality Neewer condenser microphone with a tripod and sound shield stand, so my recordings should be better and have less background noise.
    Last edited by uncadonego; 6th Jan 2021 at 04:45.

  13. #13
    Registered: Jun 1999
    Location: Construct of the Dark Engine.
    I've voiced for the FMs Shadows of Eidolon, the upcoming Shadows of Eidolon 2, and Stormrunner, as well as a handful of abandoned projects.

    My ideal voice types are Guards, Thieves, Civilians, Pagans, and Undead. I can do a wide range of accents as needed.

    I'm currently available to have lines done within a day.

    Demo Lines

    Guard 1

    Guard 1 (2) (New)

    Noble / City Warden


    Last edited by masterthief3; 15th Aug 2008 at 23:57. Reason: Added Demo Links

  14. #14
    Hi Taffers

    Ive done a bunch of voicing for T2, T3, TDM and some SS2 missions.

    My kit is as follows:

    * Blue Yeti USB mic
    * Windows 7
    * Audacity

    The FM's that I have done:

    • The horror contest' - the entry set in winter, where I did the cook and some of the hammers.
    • DrK's The Rocksbourg series - ive done a few of the guards. In Rockbourg 3 you will be greeted by a character at the beginning of the FM who will have my voice and then through-out the mission other various characters (some of the Souls).
    • The Hammerite imperium - the gold team.

    • Voice of average jack Ai & other idle and misc sounds.
    • The Sarget in Sotha's "the package".
    • Average Jack Ai lines and a bunch of the Ai noises.
    • Custom Average Jack Ai lines, for various TDM mission.

    • The voice of Lord mercer in The Cabal campaign (T3).
    • DinkSmallwood & Christine's SS2 missions, which I think were the last few to be made.

    Im sure ove more, but cant remember

    Type of voice:

    I've done/do, Hammers, Mechanists, Guards, Thieves, Undead, Upper classes. That said Im not afraid to try other voices.
    I have done untold amounts of misc noises - farts, coughs, snoring, sleeping, spitting, laughing, humming, fighting, killing, dying, (replacements for the none verbal noises). And I'm open to try and do any noise that we can think needs replacing.


    NB: Phantom, you should PM Quincy Jones Wannabe and his mate Karl as they were amazing in Rocksbourg 3, They are as good as our own Slyfoxx :-)
    Last edited by bikerdude; 19th May 2009 at 11:40.

  15. #15
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: LM's Dungeon
    I've worked with:

    YcatX - mission not released yet.
    And a voice for Alien Swarm, not a part of TTLG, close though.

    And god knows who else I am forgetting.

    [edit as of 11/12/2010]

    Working on something for darthsLair right now. Working with gaetane on some lines, that are completed, and need to still do the briefing. I just finished some major work for the Dark Mod. I'm one of the female characters in the game. Lots and lots of line were recorded A noblewoman, with a bit of an english accent.

    I've got a very distinct voice, mainly strong, can sound like a mech female guard. I've learned to soften the edges as they say a bit, with a bit higher pitch when needed.
    Last edited by BrokenArts; 15th Nov 2010 at 09:30.

  16. #16
    Registered: May 2005
    Location: France
    I've lent my voice to several missions, I don't think I can remember them all, excluding my biggest ones.


    Breaking the Stone by HipBreaker - Algernon the crazy pagan alchemist
    Cell 6 by Team YanRanTan - Shylock's Father, Prisoners, Kevel
    The Drymian Codex - The Ghost, Sewer Worker Rookie
    The Night Watch by Fidcal - Jack Midcoat
    Beneath the Sands by nicked - Mummies
    Shadows Of Eidolon by Masterthief3 - Metras
    The Seven Sisters by Lady Rowena - Basso
    The Telltale Heart by Darthslair - Basso
    Memento Mori by myself - Darren
    Deceptive Perceptions 2 by William The Taffer & Yandros - The Shadow Keepers

    Type of voice

    I can do young male voices and I also seem to have a bit of a knack for doing crazy voices. Check out the prisoner 8 voiceset I did for Cell 6 and you'll get an idea.

    I also do a passable guard2 (from T1).


    Play any of the missions I listed for a sample.


    Last edited by Random_Taffer; 2nd Jun 2020 at 00:31.

  17. #17
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: England
    Quote Originally Posted by Digital Nightfall View Post
    How could I forget; Shadow Creepr!
    Thanks for the mention.

    Finished FMs:

    The Hunt, Part 1: Search (TDPAC) by Grandmauden - Female Servant
    Making a Profit (TDPAC) by vfig - Lady di Rupo
    Les Paolis by cardia - Lady Sandra
    Love Story V Part 2 by john9818a - Bride
    Religious Conflict by cardia1 - Revolted Woman
    Tell Tale Heart by DarthsLair - Jenivere and Female Angel (Main Crypt)
    A Dire Return by intruder - Sarah
    Pestis Cruento by Haplo - Mother of child
    CoSaS 2: Mission X by Digital Nightfall and team - Julie-Front Desk Girl
    Torner Island by Harald (Haman) Lootze - Ghost
    Relic - Left for Dead by Schwaa - Pegan Girl

    The Minstrel SS2 FM by The Pixie. Updated/Re-released by voodoo47 - Medical worker-Fen Drayton & Passenger-Annesley Woodhouse

    Voice work also done for missions not released/not completed yet by cardia, DrK, Lady Rowena (RIP), YcatX, Jericho, and Ploso.

    Voice work done for Geep withThe Dark Mod also.

    *Equipment upgraded 2020*

    No longer available/retired

    Please contact me by PM as I don't get to check the forum on a regular basis. Thanks.
    Last edited by Shadow Creepr; 12th Jan 2025 at 13:00. Reason: Update current status for 2025.

  18. #18
    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: Ireland
    This is another good idea from The Phantom. I've thought before that it would be useful to have some kind of a list of available voice actors, and now we do.

  19. #19
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Museum of the Ancients
    Thanks for the compliment

    Perhaps a question about voice acting, with a link to this thread, can be included in the Dromed FAQ?

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Zontik View Post
    This thread looks extremely useful. Is it possible to stick it?
    Datoyminaytah, Gingerbread Man - can you acton the above..?


  21. #21
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Museum of the Ancients
    They're both no longer active on this forum.

    Personally i don't really care if this thread gets stickied or not, as long as fm authors are able to find it.

    It's good to see many voice actors already reported.
    I'll drop those who haven't done so yet a message at a later time.

    When people know of others who've done voice acting in the past, feel free to contact them and ask if they're still interested.

  22. #22
    she/her ⚧
    Registered: Dec 1998
    Location: Lyon
    I didn't see mention of this thread in your custom resources guide, Phantom. I was going to add it myself but then I saw that's your post, so I figured you'd be better off editing it yourself.

    I'm not going to sticky this because there's already a stickied thread which should be a parent thread to this.

  23. #23
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Museum of the Ancients
    Quote Originally Posted by Digital Nightfall View Post
    I didn't see mention of this thread in your custom resources guide, Phantom. I was going to add it myself but then I saw that's your post, so I figured you'd be better off editing it yourself.
    I'll add the link next time i update the resources thread (later this month).

  24. #24
    she/her ⚧
    Registered: Dec 1998
    Location: Lyon
    Ibsen sent me some demo reels:

    Due credit has been given to the 'Hammerite Imperium' project, especially in the first one. My own personal favourite stuff is towards the end of part 2.

  25. #25
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: Pennsylvania
    Thanks for the PM! Of course, I don't check the boards much anymore, but am available via email for anyone in need.

    1: Experience (name the missions you lend your voice to)

    Keeper of the Prophecies series: Alisha, Little Girl; intro to first mission is a good example
    COSAS: Mission X: Agent Stone
    Circulation of Shadows by Yandros: Tivren, Keeper
    Deceptive Perception 2 by Yandros: White Lady
    Rose Cottage: Coroner's voice recording
    Untitled410 by Moghedian and Sluggs: Isabel the bookie, barmaid
    The Folly of Youth by The_Dude: Airplane Announcer

    Other non-Thief credits (some still in production)
    Alien Swarm (for UT2004) by Black Cat Games: Wildcat (Meow!)
    Alien Swarm (stand alone released by Valve) by Black Cat Games: Wildcat
    The Nameless Mod (for Deus Ex): Kylie, Shaina, misc females
    The Lost Spires (for Elder Scrolls IV) by Leo Gura: Sova
    Bloody Ruins (for System Shock 2) by Christine Schneider: Brenda Holt
    Ponterbee Station (for System Shock 2) by Christine Schneider: Elisabeth Archer, Susann Arnold

    I also have done several radio plays and I am a frequent VA for on-line training developed where I work.

    2: Type of voice (sounds best for hammerite guard, thief, nobleman, or pagan etc)

    Um...well, I'm female. That's all most of you want to know.

    Seriously, though, I do a general American or upscale British accent, and if pressed, can do a southern American accent as well. I am best suited for characters that need to sound well-educated, snobby, and/or sarcastic.

    I also am a very experienced vocalist (singer), so if you have the need for any singing, I'm your girl. From a technical standpoint, I'm a light lyric soprano, but I can sing a wide variety of music, from popular tunes to musicals to jazz to classical (including Opera).

    3: Recordings (post any links where examples of your voice can be heard)

    There's one on my Voice123 profile:
    There are also a few more on my personal webpage, which is linked at the bottom of my Voice123 profile.

    4: Status (currently too busy, already occupied, available until summer, that sort of thing)

    I have to find time away from my kids and job to record, so if you need it really quickly, please find someone else. Otherwise, I love to hear from people and would be thrilled to lend my talents to your next mission! Just don't forget to poke and prod me until you get my work.

    5: Other info

    I record w/ an Edirol UA-25 pre-amp, and an Electro-Voice N/D 357AS mic w/ a VERY low-tech pop filter. This setup has produced recordings adequate for the quality standards of every project I've worked on for the past two years. Anything pre-2006 was done on different and lower quality equipment. (Thanks to AS:I for financing a portion of this purchase! )

    I really hate having to do any post-production work with my recordings. I'm frankly not very good at it, and it takes a LOT more time than recording them. If I can send you all the lines in one huge file and you can enhance/cut/whatever them, I will be very happy.

    I prefer to be credited as Liz "Lizanneh" Muirhead, since I am trying to grow my credits outside the fan community as well.
    Last edited by lizanneh; 29th Apr 2011 at 02:52.

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