The Legend of Four Elements [German] (Southquarter)
Here Theker's post.
Download German version:
This is BEAUTIFUL mission
Thanks, Theker!
Last edited by clearing; 23rd Jul 2008 at 02:17.
The Legend of Four Elements [German] (Southquarter)
Some gorgeous & intriguing design in those screenshots (& plenty of light to see it by...)
Will eagerly await an English version.
Downloading now
As you can see in this post in another thread:
Theker is currently looking for someone to translate the mission. I'd do it myself but I'm out of enough free time to do it at the moment.
So, is anyone of the german speaking fraction available? As far as I have seen, this isn't much work (only a few and short readables).
wow the use of wood and stone is awesome
but I may hang out for the english translation
This mission is very pretty (especially the texturing), but as an English-only taffer, I could only get so far, even using Babelfish as a translator. Here's hoping for the English version.
Perhaps two people could work together to do the translation? One native German-speaker to get it into "rough" English, and another native English-speaker to polish it? There's no need for one person to have to be able to do both. If it's only a few texts and the readme and objectives, I'll be happy to do the latter, but I don't know German.
Mirrors here:
Great idea, Yandros! I've done some German to English translation polishing. I am always available to help.
May 28th updated to version 1.1 with English support added:
Last edited by pavlovscat; 29th May 2008 at 10:48. Reason: update released
I also often edit translated texts to polish them up. I'd be happy to help as well.
So far, have placed two elements where they belong but am totally stumped on what to do with shiny round wall thing in room that says something like "no entry".
Take a look at the room with the hammerite guy
Last edited by fibanocci; 22nd May 2008 at 12:50.
This is a great mission. I placed three of the four elements, but got stuck due to not being able to understand any text.
Cant find what goes into the other eye socket near the zombie corpse
Help, how to open the door to horn ? where is the last element (I've got fire, earth and water yet).
Ist es leicht am Deutch zu spielen? oder soll ich am English v. warten um diese fm zu spielen?
Thank you, Fibanocci. Enjoying this mission!!
Deutsch ist leicht, aber das vierte Element ist ein Problem ... fur mich
The Air talisman is in "Studien-zimmer". You must find the crystal eye in Hammerite's room. You have to take the eye to place where "leiche" is in.
My problem is: How can I open the door to horn? Where is a key?
In the middle of the upstairs central room, there's a torch...
Ehm, torch ? I can see a candle only ... I douse it but nothing happens.
OOPS !!! I've found it... Thanks.
Very nice mission. A lot of innovative details...
Last edited by Aspirin; 22nd May 2008 at 17:09.
Clearing - can you ask Theker if he minds that some of us do the English translation for him?
If he's OK with it, can either cardia or Asipirin translate the readme and all *.str files in the ZIP folders to English, and then pass to Nightwalker and pavlovscat? Then whichever one of them has time first can do the polishing, and I'll get the files together in a dual-language package that can be published.