I enjoyed this mission also. Some nice use of the thieves highway with some good challenges.
I just have to say this was a pretty enjoyable mission. That coming from someone afraid of heights. I missed most of the secrets though...
I enjoyed this mission also. Some nice use of the thieves highway with some good challenges.
some real heart in mouth leaps on this one
I really like this mission. However I can only find 880 loot.![]()
I need help with the loot, too--I've got 930 and I've been everywhere at least twice, so I have no idea what I'm missing.
If you are having trouble meeting the loot requirement on Expert in this mission, here are some clues,...
1.Look under the ramp that leeds to the iron port in the first part of town.
2. While on the ramp, try jumping onto the ledge on the building next to it, it's difficult but possible, and look closely on the ledge.
3. In the first room in the warehouse use the ropearrow on the ceiling, climb up and look around.
4. Look closely behind one of the bushes in front of the church.
The architecture as well as the clever use of objects and sound effects help in creating the illusion of you are really exploring a small area in a much larger City. It felt rewarding climbing from rooftop to rooftop and finding something new in each new location. However, the mission's linearity doesn't quite offer the same feeling of free-roaming exploration that Life Of The Party did. The environment is generally very believable, though some of the readables are borderline hilarious. These Hammer priests all sound adorably clueless. It seems none of them really wanted to have the Horn of Shadows in their catacombs, yet instead of acting, all of them kept passing messages around till they met their anticipated and quite avoidable doom. Still, the readables partly create a foreboding sense of dread about what's coming, which I liked. The word "satanic" doesn't fit in with the Thief Universe, since there is no Satan. A lot of fan missions do this admittedly, but this could be swapped with a fitting synonym. Aside from these nitpickings, I applaud this successful tribute to Life Of The Party.
That last secret was difficult to get to because it is right at the start of the mission and ending objective zone goes way up. The secret is on the big texture door frame.
Great mission, although I found it to be too linear.
very nice little city rooftop mission, with a little bit of horror thrown in for good measure![]()
just the way I like it.
After picking up the horn, is there any more thiefly way out than battling every inch of the way? I think of Thief as a first-person sneaker, not a first-person combat arena, like Doom.
I didn't fight anyone on the way out. I hadn't used any flash bombs up until that point, so I used a couple to get past the Haunts, another one on the first archer I encountered on my way back into the city, and I mostly used the Thieves' Highway to backtrack to the starting point (I found ways to knock out several guards along the way, too). It's difficult since all the new AI spawn facing you, usually in an area of light, but it's not impossible, particularly if you've got a few flash bombs.
Er, WhiteFantom, that all counts as "battling" in the ghosting sense!
spoiler:I had to run away from the zombies in the horn room (1 ghost bust); I had to kill the first haunt (in the catacombs) with a couple of flashbombs (2 ghost busts); but then I was able to get out of the church without encountering any other haunts:
1. I got up on the catwalk inside the church on the left side, assuming you are standing with your back to the double-doors; from there, I could plant a rope arrow into the piece of wooden roof that was actually vertical.
2. Then I went down, snuck up to the area above the doors, and planted a number of rope arrows leading to the other one; I "Tarzaned" my way across, collecting each rope arrow behind me; then I climbed up my first arrow outside onto the roof, recollecting that arrow.
3. From there, I was able to lean out far enough to plant a rope arrow on the roof, jump onto it, and climb down without damage.
I bypassed the staring guard on the street with the patrolling archers by crawling along the pipes to the metal ledge, planting a rope arrow into the underside of the turrets across the street, and run-jumping to my rope. Climbing down, I ended up inside the wall where you go to get the key to the warehouse.
The only other place where I had to do something violent was up by the guy with the telescope; I couldn't get out the doorway without being seen by the spawned guard... so I had to lean around and KO him from the dark doorway (3 ghost busts).
Sigh... a nice ghost -- up until I got the horn!
Can you please tell me how to get inside the cathedral? thank you.
Never mind I got it just after I posted. Thank you anyway.
Wow, I'm a nervous wreck playing this one! It is exhausting...in a good way![]()
I like it!![]()
On the way back, when I get to the window ledge with the potted plant of the building where the two woman are in a room, I cannot get from that window ledge back to the balcony along the women's room. Cannot reach rope arrow on balcony enough to grab. Is there another way back other than on the ground past the guards?
Little bit of everything thrown in there... Though I think on expert it was a bit gear heavy.... Though I'm a bit draconian on the use of rope arrows and flash bombs. (I only had one rope arrow I was unable to recover, and I think with some care I could get through losing none)... Also sitting there at the end looking at 40 broadheads going "What the?"
Excellent job of trying to force confrontations BTW. The natural instinct of a thief player is to avoid going toe to toe, and the "trip back" really didn't provide a lot of options in that department.
Now if I can just find that pesky remaining 215 loot and two secrets I apparantly missed.
What a nice mission! Since Life of the Party is my favourite T2 mission, I really like this one.
But I could use your help:
I'm playing the mission now for second time and this time, trying to find all the loot.
I managed to get up that big door right where you start. I got there doing to following things:
1. climbed up that new Hammer tower
2. balancing over the pipe and shooting a rope arrow into that wooden balconie of the house with the two ladies inside
3. climbed down the rope as far as possible and jumped onto the ledge with the two statues on it and got the loot
So my question is:
How do I get down from there without taking damage?
I tried to shoot another rope arrow into one of the wooden "pillars" supporting the balcony of the Ladies house but it is still too far to reach.
I seem to be nothing but a big wuss these days. I've really enjoyed this but I'm about as petrified now as I was in the Cathedral OM - so well done whoever. I think I'll have to wait for daytime to finish it though as I'm dogsitting a dog that will bark, and is barking, at the slightest noise and I'm in a locked compound that no human can get into. Well I'm sure you can imagine that my imagination is running riot particularly as we used to have a dog that refused point blank to cross a path where a body had met a violent death.
I'm impressed.
Nice mission. It was entertaining to first jump on the rooftops and then visit the cathedral. Brought memories back from the old Thief2: Angel Tower and Thief: Cathedral missions.
By the way, who is the author? In GarrettLoader's info screen it just tells anonymous.
This is an entry in the Classic Thief Experience contest. The author won't be revealed until the results of the voting are posted.
All finished now. I'd like to play this again and find the rest of the secrets. I'd also like it if the placing for the final objective was moved down to the street somewhere.
Last edited by nickie; 5th Oct 2008 at 06:03.
I can't find my way into the cathedral. Have I missed a key somewhere?
R Soul, the key is in a pile of bones along the side of the cathedral.