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Thread: T2 Mission: Balfours Secret (2008/09/20)

  1. #1
    Registered: Apr 2002
    Location: Franconia, Germany

    T2 Mission: Balfours Secret (2008/09/20)

    There is a nice new FM made in germany available.

    Balfours Secret by DarkShadow

    German and english language is supported.

    Congrats to DarkShadow for the release and thanks for the good work.
    Last edited by UliB; 17th Apr 2021 at 10:33. Reason: Fixed dead link

  2. #2
    Master Builder 2018
    Registered: Jul 2008
    Wonderful, thanks! Downloading now.

  3. #3
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Siberia, Russia

  4. #4
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Texas
    Got it! Thanks a bunch for the new mission.

  5. #5
    Registered: Nov 2006
    Location: Melbourne
    Thank you for this mission, it is great, however I am stuck.
    I have found Balfour, been into the hole with 2 zombies. Now both ends of the crypt are blocked by metal doors. I figure there must be a switch anywhere but damned if I can find it.

  6. #6
    Registered: Dec 2002
    Hint: Read the scroll next to the zombies

  7. #7
    Registered: Nov 2006
    Location: Melbourne
    Thanks for replying Fibonacci, but there is nothing in the little room apart from 2 zombies and a red button to return to the crypt. There is a scroll near Balfour's body, but I can't see a clue in it.

  8. #8
    Registered: Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by canetoad View Post
    Thanks for replying Fibonacci, but there is nothing in the little room apart from 2 zombies and a red button to return to the crypt.

    In my version, there's a scroll in the little room. It says:
    This cup never arrives into your possession
    a purposeful shot, you wealth gives nevertheless

    guess what it means

  9. #9
    Registered: May 2007
    Location: Croatia
    Quote Originally Posted by canetoad View Post
    Thanks for replying Fibonacci, but there is nothing in the little room apart from 2 zombies and a red button to return to the crypt. There is a scroll near Balfour's body, but I can't see a clue in it.
    Shoot the cup!

  10. #10
    Registered: Nov 2006
    Location: Melbourne
    Thanks folks. Off to try that now.

  11. #11
    Registered: Sep 2005
    Location: Uppingham, Rutland, UK


    The cup

    What does shooting it do? I got into the room with the Hand Of Glory just by walking through the closed doors. Then I shot the cup on top of the grave in the adjacent room and nothing happens. Is that right?
    The grave

    I also don't know which grave to put balfour in. There's an empty one in the crypt, but putting him in there has no effect.

  12. #12
    Registered: May 2007
    Location: Croatia
    Quote Originally Posted by Marbrien View Post
    The cup

    What does shooting it do? I got into the room with the Hand Of Glory just by walking through the closed doors. Then I shot the cup on top of the grave in the adjacent room and nothing happens. Is that right?
    The grave

    I also don't know which grave to put balfour in. There's an empty one in the crypt, but putting him in there has no effect.
    The cup

    I couldn't get through that door until I shot the cup. Apparently something isn't working right in your instance...


    You need to put him into the open grave on the surface (in the graveyard).

  13. #13
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: Wales
    Please could the title of the thread be edited to state what it's for, T1, T2 etc. I know I won't get to this for some time.

  14. #14
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: LM's Dungeon
    This was a fun T2 FM. A few surprises along the way, which is always a good thing. Nice layout of the town, loved the dusk colored nighttime sky. Good job!

  15. #15
    Registered: Jul 2003
    This is a nice little mission, but I am stuck and have suffered one of the bugs mentioned

    I've got the hand of glory but can't get out of this tomb. but i can't get out of the room the hand of glory is in, well i can but i am sure i am not meant to walk through the solid metal door. and even after that miracle i can't open the other metal door to escape. please spoil me.
    Last edited by shadows; 21st Sep 2008 at 17:56.

  16. #16
    Registered: Dec 2002
    You missed a button under the Hand of Glory

  17. #17
    Registered: Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by fibanocci View Post
    You missed a button under the Hand of Glory

  18. #18
    Registered: May 2008
    Location: Berlin, Germany

    Balfour FM

    Wow, i'm surprised that my Fm is already here. I wanna say, thanks for your feedback and sorry for the problem that some of you had ("scroll, which scroll" )


  19. #19
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Great. Now I can't get back in
    Very nicely-constructed mission; really enjoyed it - Thanx, Basso71

    One little thing - the readable in the rooftop room was still in German (at least in my version).

    One question - what's supposed to happen in Tesla's.? All that happened for me was a blue light came on.

  20. #20
    Registered: May 2008
    Location: Berlin, Germany
    Quote Originally Posted by Sticky Fingers View Post
    Very nicely-constructed mission; really enjoyed it - Thanx, Basso71

    One little thing - the readable in the rooftop room was still in German (at least in my version).
    Yeah, thats right, it's a kind of poem from "Constantin" from Thief 1 at the end of the game. I like this because it's so spooky, so i put it in, for no other reason . Well, my english isnt the best, so thats way i have try to translate only the important things for the Gamer.

    One question - what's supposed to happen in Tesla's.? All that happened for me was a blue light came on.
    Only blue light? No sound? Well, actuel, the Zombie should turn around by using the switcher, together with the blue light and the sound(for the ambience), nothing more. The problem was, that the zombie still turn around after using the switcher again(turn off). I've tried some but nothing worked.

    Another thing is, what Garrett says:I took the original Soundfile and cut the end of it. But i think, this only works in the german version. In the original file he says something like that: "Wow, thats amazing, lets see, for what these switches are good?" My Version is only: "Wow, thats amazing"(cut)

    Ok, Bye and thx

  21. #21
    Registered: Dec 2001
    Location: Southern Tier NY, USA
    Balfour a fellow from your guild, is for quite some time swallowed from the ground.

    This is the first goal..what does it mean ?

    Thankyou in advance for any help.

  22. #22
    Master Builder 2018
    Registered: Jul 2008
    Iirc, it means you need to find him and you need to search underground.

  23. #23
    Registered: Jun 2004
    That fire blast trap in the hand of glory room makes a rather techno style rhythm. Imagine, Zombie Garrett still getting his groove in that room well in the newer ages of the Thief Universe.
    Last edited by Iceblade; 17th Oct 2008 at 01:32.

  24. #24
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Sheffield, UK
    Thank you for this DLing now

  25. #25
    Registered: May 2004
    In one room,I hear a spider behind what looks like a secret door and there is a banner that cannot be slashed...WHERE IS THE BUTTON to open the door? Specifics please!

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