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Thread: Thief 1 FM: Prowler of the Dark (30/12/08)

  1. #1
    Classical Master 2008
    Registered: Jun 2002
    Location: Civitas Quinque Ecclesiae HU

    Thief 1 FM: Prowler of the Dark (30/12/08)

    Hi, Taffers!

    My Christmas speedbuilding exercise concluded, here is the result: Prowler of the Dark, a small mission for Thief: the Dark Project (you don't need Gold to play it: all necessary files are found in the archive). So... get your climbing gear ready, and enjoy!

    The clients who require my services can come up
    with some pretty extravagant demands. Tonight, I am to steal
    some old skull or another - supposedly invested with dark
    enchantment. Whatever, as long as it pays - a fool and his money
    is easily parted, and who am I to lecture folks on their

    Guarding the skull are a coterie of Hammerites - doubtless out
    for an intruder to "teach their tenets". Still, even if they
    guard that mouldy relic with all their care, there is bound to be
    a loophole for a careful thief. There is always one...
    NOTE: the original version of the mission does not work properly if you are using regular Thief: The Dark Project. Please download the fixed version from one of the mirrors below, or apply the Gold patch to your installation. If you have Thief Gold, you should not encounter problems either way.

    Download LINK: (fixed & updated version)
    Southquarter mirror
    Darklurker mirror (fixed & updated version)

    [edit] Added Italian language support and fixed a lesser bug.

    Series information:
    All of my missions except Unbidden Guest (TMA) take place in a common setting and involve the same protagonist, although under different aliases - Talbot, Messer Johannes, Philby and others. None of them require previous knowledge of previous FMs, but there are common elements and a degree of continuity. The missions, in current order, are:
    1. Prowler of the Dark (TDP/Gold) (S): liberate a skull of paganic enchantment from an abandoned church, which is kept sealed and guarded by the Builders. (You are here!)
    2. Return to the City (The Dark Mod) (M): plunder the other side of the Builder complex to steal a pack of explosives. Patrols have been heightened because of the recent break-in. (This mission connects to the previous along the North/South axis - too bad I didn't have the time to let you revisit some old areas)
    3. Fiasco at Fauchard Street (The Dark Mod) (M): steal a collection of opals from the house of a wealthy usurer.
    4. Bad Debts (TMA) (XL): fallen on hard times, you take a job from a diminutive snitch to steal his letter of debt from Markus, a pawnshop owner/usurer (looks like a common theme). Rooftop extravaganza.
    5. Disorientation (TMA) (XL): following the events in the previous mission, you attract the unwanted attentions of Lady Azamlarg, district warden and judge, and have to break into her palace to deter her from further assassination attempts. More rooftops and conspiracies.
    Last edited by Melan; 2nd May 2011 at 06:54. Reason: added series information
    Oh well. It's quiet enough now.

  2. #2
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Siberia, Russia
    Thanks, Melan

  3. #3
    Registered: Apr 2000
    Location: Not France
    Congrats on the release - put it up on my site as well:

    Prowler of the Dark (updated version) (Southquarter)
    Last edited by Renault; 30th Dec 2008 at 15:05.

  4. #4
    Registered: Dec 2002

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Registered: Aug 2008
    Location: behind your second eyelids
    I'm suprised you could make such a mission in 5 days and i feel i haven't seen the half of it yet! I really like climbing and this mission offers it nearly full-scale. And although it has no background music, i still love the wind sometimes (is it?) and makes the atmosphere nice. Gonna play it further and further rob every coin in this mission hah.

  7. #7
    Registered: Jul 2007
    Location: nrthmptn, uk
    nice mssion melan! loved the secret christmas room hehe! and the dead body in the inn....creepy! good job.

    edit: oh and is there a specific use for the explosive device?
    Last edited by ASHASSIN; 30th Dec 2008 at 14:06.

  8. #8
    Classical Master 2008
    Registered: Jun 2002
    Location: Civitas Quinque Ecclesiae HU
    Hello, folks!

    I added an updated version to the FM. It features a bug fix, but also, more importantly, Italian language support by Krenim!

  9. #9
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    Looks like it's finally time to get TG installed and running on my new PC!

  10. #10
    Master Builder 2018
    Registered: Jul 2008
    Excellent! Thank you very much Melan!

  11. #11
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    Awesome, that was a blast, Melan! Can't believe you made that in 5 days!

  12. #12
    Registered: Feb 2007
    Location: South Coast,England uk
    I noticedA large area over a red roof and under a small arch...with further walkways and potted plants on windowsills etc...are we able to get over that roof?...I can get between the roof and the arch,near where a patrolling rooftop archer is, and a large buzzing lamp..... but wont let me quite go over and I just wondered if it was possible?

    Lovely mission by the way!

    Hettie xx

  13. #13
    Classical Master 2008
    Registered: Jun 2002
    Location: Civitas Quinque Ecclesiae HU
    Quote Originally Posted by JonesCrusher View Post
    Blue stuff
    Just for show.

  14. #14
    Registered: Feb 2007
    Location: South Coast,England uk
    awww... ok...I am sure someone will get doubt

  15. #15
    Registered: Aug 2007
    Location: LosAngeles: Between Amusements
    Quote Originally Posted by JonesCrusher View Post
    I noticedA large area over a red roof and under a small arch...with further walkways and potted plants on windowsills etc...are we able to get over that roof?...I can get between the roof and the arch,near where a patrolling rooftop archer is, and a large buzzing lamp..... but wont let me quite go over and I just wondered if it was possible?

    Lovely mission by the way!

    Hettie xx
    If where you mean is where I am thinking, then the answer is yes, but you can't get back, so save before you go. Keep climbing after getting the gas arrow.

  16. #16
    Registered: Feb 2007
    Location: South Coast,England uk
    heh...thanks LarryG....just for you know that never puts the hardened Taffers Melan

  17. #17
    d. 30.4.16 Always remembered
    Registered: Apr 2002
    Location: in our hearts
    Aaahhh I got the gas arrow up there!

  18. #18
    Registered: Aug 2008
    Location: behind your second eyelids
    Getting the gas arrow was automatic for me, yeha. I explored as much places as i could get to or the map allowed. Buhaha.
    Yeah, nice little mission, thanks!
    The Pagan skull was kind of easy to steal, though. Just ignore/lean by the lonely undead hammerite (lol, why don't the local coward hammers do anything about it?). I spared only 1 armed one conscious. And i even killed one bitchy bowman on a roof... and ignored the undead. Poor lonely soul, meh.

  19. #19
    Registered: Feb 2007
    Location: South Coast,England uk
    is there a reply yet as to what the explosive charge is for?

  20. #20
    Classical Master 2008
    Registered: Jun 2002
    Location: Civitas Quinque Ecclesiae HU
    Quote Originally Posted by JonesCrusher View Post
    is there a reply yet as to what the explosive charge is for?
    Mayhem and killin'.

  21. #21
    d. 30.4.16 Always remembered
    Registered: Apr 2002
    Location: in our hearts
    Very nice little mission, I really enjoyed it. Too bad that it was so small. Please next time take more time and make it larger.

    PS - How the hell did you manage to skip the haunt? I had to kill him. But it was my pleasure, of course.

  22. #22
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Thief fan since ca. 1999
    Will download. Congrats on getting a thief 1 mission out.

  23. #23
    Registered: May 2001
    Location: Boston MA


    New T1 mission - yipeeeeeeeee. Downloading.


  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Rowena View Post
    PS - How the hell did you manage to skip the haunt? I had to kill him.
    Odd, I was able to ghost him to get the skull. Tripping the door switch to the tree room made him look around, but once he calmed down he was again easy enough to slip past.

  25. #25
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Great. Now I can't get back in
    Is anybody else unable to get under the shelf with the wine casks in the back room of the pub? No matter what combo of moves I try - nada. Got the main objective, but short of loot.

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