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Thread: What are you reading?

  1. #251
    Registered: Jun 2002
    Location: SC, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Andarthiel View Post
    The Diamon Age by Neal Stephenson. Borrowed it fro a friend as part of my latest obsession with -punk books. It's very interesting and has some intriguing characters. The nanotech is pretty cool and I like the re-emerging cultures they have in it.
    I've been meaning to get that one for awhile now, it'll definitely be on my next Amazon order. I'm currently reading The Knight by Gene Wolfe. He's one of my favorite authors, but some people are put off by the fact that he likes to use unreliable narrators...

  2. #252
    june gloom
    Every time I try to read Stephenson I just end up frothing at the mouth. All his books are these bloated sacks of boring bullshit about completely unrelated details, a bunch of esoteric history, and shitty endings. Snowcrash was a post-modernist trainwreck and it's only been downhill from there.

    I've come to the conclusion that at least 60% of the people who slobber Stephenson's knob have never actually completely read one of his books.

    Fuck Neal Stephenson.

  3. #253
    Registered: Nov 2004
    Location: Mu
    I've read a few Stephenson books and for the most part they were ok, but I gave up on The Diamond Age halfway through because I just wasn't enjoying it at all.

    Gene Wolf is one of my favorite authors, but I can't read his books quickly like I can most others. They require that you think about what's being presented if you don't want to miss important things.

  4. #254
    Registered: Feb 2004
    Location: Israel

    Yeah, Ray Bradbury is pretty much the best. I'm working on translating The Illustrated Man now(another great book, but this one is all science fiction), and it's only when you read his stuff slowly and think about every word that you get how good the guy really is.

  5. #255
    Registered: Mar 2000
    Location: submarine seamounts or islands
    Just started to re-read The Odyssey. I find myself thinking on Homeric language, which is slightly weird.

    I read The Road recently. Jesus CHRIST it sucked

  6. #256
    june gloom
    I loved The Road

    I finished Patient Zero. Not a bad book, though I don't see myself rereading it often.

    Trying to decide on Fahrenheit 451, The Man Who Was Thursday or A Scanner Darkly, all of which I've read before but I have no new books to read.

  7. #257
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: NeoTokyo
    (o") - bai moar buks

  8. #258
    Registered: Nov 2004
    Location: Mu
    The Man Who Was Thursday: James Bond on acid in the early 1900's with Deeper Meanings. And lots of great quotable lines. What's not to love? According to IMDB there's some sort of movie or TV show (no details) of the same name currently in production.

    BTW the only reason that I read it the first time around was because it was quoted several times in Deus Ex.

  9. #259
    june gloom

  10. #260
    Registered: Mar 2000
    Location: tall bikes and tattoos
    Quote Originally Posted by dethtoll View Post
    I loved The Road
    That just means you have excellent taste, The Road is incredible. Ignore Iggles.

    Just finished Robertson's actually pretty great The Testament of Gideon Mack, and am now 100 pages into Murakami's A Wild Sheep Chase.

  11. #261
    Registered: Dec 2000
    Location: maryland
    The Road was a book that I read over the course of one night. I've never been quite sure if that was a positive or a negative. It seemed to me a hugely narrative novel, maybe I missed some over the overtones because I inhaled it...there was nothing challenging about it. Perhaps I'm just a philistine at heart. I can't deny that McCarthy is probably an excellent writer.

    I just finised White Noise by Don DeLillo and I really enjoyed it.

  12. #262
    Registered: May 2006
    Location: Italia
    The Lord Of The Rings

    It's funny when deth.. erm... Smygol eats the raw trout.

  13. #263
    june gloom
    Your fascination with me is getting creepy, Italian mothra.

  14. #264
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: 1, Rotation: 0
    massimogay hurr durr

  15. #265
    Registered: Mar 2000
    Location: submarine seamounts or islands
    Quote Originally Posted by Stitch View Post
    The Road is incredible.
    Out of peaches.

    nm, found some

    Ran out of peaches again

  16. #266
    Registered: May 2006
    Location: Italia
    Quote Originally Posted by hopper View Post
    massimogay hurr durr
    Gay?? Why?? We cannot be sure that dethtoll is a male. Most probably detholl is sexless.

  17. #267
    Registered: Jul 2009
    Location: South Dakota, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by massimilianogoi View Post
    Most probably detholl is sexless.
    Likely, though probably not willingly nor contentedly.

  18. #268
    Registered: May 2006
    Location: Italia
    Quote Originally Posted by scarykitties View Post
    Likely, though probably not willingly nor contentedly.

  19. #269
    june gloom
    God I have some stupid fangirls.

  20. #270
    Registered: Jun 2000
    Location: Right over here, actually.
    Recently realized that I haven't done any real reading in months, so I've pulled out the Farseer Trilogy. If I'm up for something heavier after that, maybe Neuromancer or A Game of Thrones.

  21. #271
    june gloom
    Picked up A Scanner Darkly after all. I'm saving The Man Who Was Thursday for my inevitable Deus Ex playthrough, as I intend to read the book concurrently.

  22. #272
    Registered: Jul 2009
    Location: South Dakota, USA
    I enjoyed Huckleberry Finn. "Everyday Use" was pretty neat, "Young Goodman Brown" was a bit odd, and "To His Coy Mistress" was a bit unnerving.

  23. #273
    Gone, but not forgotten

    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: Seaside, Oregon
    The naval series about Richard Bolitho by Alexander Kent. About 24 volumes, of which I have 18 and in the last two weeks have worked my way through 14 of them.

    They are similar to the Hornblower series, and great reading for history of the English navy between 1765 and 1840.

    If you like the sea and action you should enjoy these.

    Like many series, of which I have many, I am re-reading it for the third or fourth time.

  24. #274
    Registered: Dec 2007
    Location: Finger paintings of the insane
    Stephen Hunter's Dirty White Boys

    Have only just started, it is holding my attention well enough.

  25. #275
    Registered: Jan 2002
    Location: Freeland, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by Andarthiel View Post
    The Diamon Age by Neal Stephenson. Borrowed it fro a friend as part of my latest obsession with -punk books. It's very interesting and has some intriguing characters. The nanotech is pretty cool and I like the re-emerging cultures they have in it.
    I've been meaning to re-read The Diamond Age, and ended up picking up a used hardcover for this purpose. Talked my dad into reading it and somewhat to my surprise he really liked it.

    Quote Originally Posted by dethtoll View Post
    I've come to the conclusion that at least 60% of the people who slobber Stephenson's knob have never actually completely read one of his books.
    Not really sure how you did? It's not like having read Snow Crash is exactly a badge of honor, at least not in my society. And, love it or hate it, it's a relatively easy read. So what makes you think people are praising Stephenson without reading his books?

    For that matter, are you particularly opposed to the manner of Stephenson's storytelling/writing style, or do you just dislike all postmodern fiction?

    On an unrelated note, I am currently reading The Last Unicorn and throughly enjoying it.

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