I figured we should have one of these, so I put something together. It's small, but then again, these are just the questions I figured someone may ask upon hearing of the project for the first time. I'll see about getting Zygo to close and sticky this and remove this little notice when he gets back.
The Citadel Conversion Project FAQ
What is the Citadel Conversion Project?
The Citadel Conversion Project, or CCP, is a community effort focused on rebuilding Looking Glass Studio's 1994 classic, System Shock, in the engine of its successor, System Shock 2.
Additionally, we aim to enhance the original game by using the Dark Engine's technology to enhance Citadel Station in a way the developers were unable to do originally. It will still be Citadel Station, just improved and reimagined.
When will CCP be released?
When it's done.
Right now, our team is small, completely comprised of volunteers, and very low on free time. At least two of us are also in school. These things take time, especially when they can only be worked on in one's spare time. When the project approaches completion, we will announce a release date.
The Dark Engine is outdated! Why aren't you using the Source/Doom 3/Unreal/etc. engine?
Because we're not, and there are no plans to change this. One of the main advantages of the Dark Engine is that the level architecture of System Shock has already been ported into file for use in the Dark Engine. If we used another engine, we'd have to start again from scratch. Plus, all of the team members have experience with the Dark Engine. This cannot be said of any other engines.
The biggest reason, however, is that projects directed towards remaking the games in the System Shock series tend to get shut down rather quickly by Electronic Arts if they use engines from other games and companies. By using the Dark Engine, we are using EA's intellectual property within the confines of its franchise, and at the same time promoting the purchase of System Shock 2 (because you can't play CCP or any SS2 fan campaign without a copy of SS2). So that's that. A move to a different engine would certainly kill the project.
There are only a couple of threads here!
Depending on your forum settings, you may not see all of the threads; make sure you have the forum set to display all threads from the beginning. This can be changed under Thread Display Options near the bottom of the subforum index or under Forum Settings in your Profile Settings.
I want to help! How do I get involved?
Send a PM to Enchantermon here at the forums. Let him know in what way you'd like to help and what experience you have. Also, be prepared to submit some samples of your work.
Last edited by Enchantermon; 19th Feb 2010 at 20:26.
You also run into legal issues.
I was just thinking it might be worth while copying that thread over where you've got little pictures of every object that has yet to be created. It had all the weapons, grenades and enemies in it and might serve as a reference for anyone willing to take the initiative to help out without having to dig around or ask questions.
Silly Q:
Will you guys attempt to recreate the monsters from the original game?
Yes. Mercurius is doing AI models for us (though he hasn't bee around in a while). The aim is to recreate all of the creatures and bots from the original. Creative license may be taken with some (the Hopper, for example).
is this project stopped?